Originally posted by britmonkey
ok heres a strange tagging question, which may be connected to JvAs tagger program or may not.
when I view my profile the number of tags Ive placed toggles between 49846 and 49470 whenever I press the refresh button.
Ive prolly done around the difference in numbers (400ish) using JvAs program, any connection?
this has been happening for the last three days. Any ideas anyone.
That's been how it works for a while. Depending on which server or which database is being accessed when you refresh your stats will change often because it hasn't fully updated. That's one reason. There may be others (such as a small bug in the system) but I can't confirm that.
Also, be aware that for someone that has several thousand tags, if one pic is deleted, or if one tag out of all those tags is changed, it might impact your tag count.
I don't think a picture being deleted affects the tag count, but I don't know about removing a tag from a picture that remains in place.
In any case, what you're seeing is normal, whatever the reasons.