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Who is in Charge of Tagging?

Starter: Tarquin Posted: 15 years ago Views: 7.0K
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Lvl 16
Originally posted by scrɘwy


1. Start the program
2. Open up Settings
3. Enter user+pass
4. Hit New Pictures
5. Clicked on the pic in the lower right
6. Selected Character tab
7. Selected Female checkbox.
8. Hit Save <-- That's when the error pops up

I released a new version that hopefully solves the issue with your username and password. Try it out! It's available on the webpage I posted above.

Any of you others who have issues with the software, want me to change something etc?

How many of you use it?
Originally posted by JvA

I released a new version that hopefully solves the issue with your username and password. Try it out! It's available on the webpage I posted above.

Downloaded the new version and still get the same thing. I even logged off of WBW and back in to make sure I was using the correct password.

Lvl 16
Originally posted by scr&#600;wy


Downloaded the new version and still get the same thing. I even logged off of WBW and back in to make sure I was using the correct password.

[ Image ]

Ok, I'll look into it more carefully and speak to DiZ-X about it
Does it have to do with my moderator status or the backwards "e" in my name?
Lvl 22
I think what you are trying to do is awesome.

Being as internetually challenged as I am, I will wait for the bugs to be worked out.

And I do approve of a user manual.

EDIT: and I did not post just to see the grinches together!
Lvl 16
Originally posted by scr&#600;wy

Does it have to do with my moderator status or the backwards "e" in my name?

Moderator status no.

Your backwards "e", yes, that and/or "weird" non-ASCII characters in your password. So an easy but temporary fix is to create a new account or temporarly change your nickname.
I've been trying to get Diz to give me the abandon 'screwy' account for a couple years now. I really don't like the backwards e because I have to copy and paste it in order to log in. My password is all regular characters.
Lvl 25
ok heres a strange tagging question, which may be connected to JvAs tagger program or may not.
when I view my profile the number of tags Ive placed toggles between 49846 and 49470 whenever I press the refresh button.
Ive prolly done around the difference in numbers (400ish) using JvAs program, any connection?
this has been happening for the last three days. Any ideas anyone.
Lvl 20
Originally posted by britmonkey

ok heres a strange tagging question, which may be connected to JvAs tagger program or may not.
when I view my profile the number of tags Ive placed toggles between 49846 and 49470 whenever I press the refresh button.
Ive prolly done around the difference in numbers (400ish) using JvAs program, any connection?
this has been happening for the last three days. Any ideas anyone.

That's been how it works for a while. Depending on which server or which database is being accessed when you refresh your stats will change often because it hasn't fully updated. That's one reason. There may be others (such as a small bug in the system) but I can't confirm that.

Also, be aware that for someone that has several thousand tags, if one pic is deleted, or if one tag out of all those tags is changed, it might impact your tag count.

I don't think a picture being deleted affects the tag count, but I don't know about removing a tag from a picture that remains in place.

In any case, what you're seeing is normal, whatever the reasons.
Lvl 16
It's nice to see that the program is being used

I've been busy with other stuff in life for some weeks so no new updates yet. But one thing I'll work hard on is speed improvement, so filtering works _much_ faster. Stay tuned
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