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Who is in Charge of Tagging?

Starter: Tarquin Posted: 15 years ago Views: 7.0K
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Lvl 20
I agree with Tarquin that taggers shouldn't be removing subjective tags other taggers put in place. Only if it's blatantly wrong. Hair color can be very subjective. Most strawberry blonde girls would call themselves blonde while others would call them redheads. I think the 2nd girl posted by Tarquin is a good example of a girl who's hair color is subjective. We have enough untagged pics to worry about without retagging pics other taggers have done already.

@Jsteel: There's not much glory to be had from being a tag mod as you can see most people didn't even know Tarquin was one.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by JSteel

I wish i was a mod and had something to do with this.

Originally posted by Diz-X
PS: we still need "permanent" taggers (Normal members who can set permanent tags).

Send him a PM.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by J-Swiss

I agree with Tarquin that taggers shouldn't be removing subjective tags other taggers put in place. Only if it's blatantly wrong. Hair color can be very subjective. Most strawberry blonde girls would call themselves blonde while others would call them redheads. I think the 2nd girl posted by Tarquin is a good example of a girl who's hair color is subjective. We have enough untagged pics to worry about without retagging pics other taggers have done already.

@Jsteel: There's not much glory to be had from being a tag mod as you can see most people didn't even know Tarquin was one.

Tarquin isn't a tag mod. You have to be a mod to be a mod of something.

And I'm betting that like 90% of the tags are being "removed" automatically by the system for being unverified. "Your tags" are just the tags that you've applied to that pic. You're not going to find them through searching for those particular tags. They are just the ones that you submitted into the queue of tags waiting to be verified. If they weren't verified, they were removed by the system.

And this part is coming from my discussion with Diz:
When you became a tagger, Tarquin, you lost access to the tags that you made previously. Because whatever you tag now is added as a permanent tag, and everything you added before is now in the invisible queue, inaccessible (unmodifiable) to anyone. That issue is gonna be fixed soon, though.
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
Lvl 25
Tarquin can set permanent tags as he is "trusted"
Lvl 20
@Bangles: Diz keeps using the term tag mod which is the only reason I'm using it. I know it's not an official "mod" position but I don't know what else to call it.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by J-Swiss

@Bangles: Diz keeps using the term tag mod which is the only reason I'm using it. I know it's not an official "mod" position but I don't know what else to call it.

Diz has posted twice in this thread, foo'. And neither time has be mentioned "mod."

Stop making things up.
Lvl 20
You are correct, it was Bangledeshica which used the term tag moderator directly above Diz's post so I got the 2 confused. My mistake.

Diz uses the term "trusted" so I will start using that instead.
Lvl 7
Originally posted by J-Swiss

You are correct, it was Bangledeshica which used the term tag moderator directly above Diz's post so I got the 2 confused. My mistake.

Diz uses the term "trusted" so I will start using that instead.

No problem, they look alike.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by Phally

No problem, they look alike.

Lvl 24
Originally posted by Diz-X

Tarquin can set permanent tags as he is "trusted"

ok i was wondering wtf

diz beat me to it, i just checked his profile to add it :P
Lvl 20
Originally posted by Bangledesh
And this part is coming from my discussion with Diz:
When you became a tagger, Tarquin, you lost access to the tags that you made previously. Because whatever you tag now is added as a permanent tag, and everything you added before is now in the invisible queue, inaccessible (unmodifiable) to anyone. That issue is gonna be fixed soon, though.

Right, Bangles. I remember that part, because all my previous tags went away. It made me sad. But I then went through and replaced them and tagged each of my favorites. Then I started running through random pics and other people's favorites.

Many of the tags I am talking about having been removed recently are tags I put back once I got "trusted" status (I like being called a "tagger" better, but whatever). I had tagged each of my favorites and then some shortly after I got trusted status.

THESE are the tags I am talking about having been changed. I know the ones I made prior to being set as trusted were removed. I'm talking about tags I made after the fact.

J-Swiss said it very well, in my opinion:

"I agree with Tarquin that taggers shouldn't be removing subjective tags other taggers put in place. Only if it's blatantly wrong. Hair color can be very subjective. Most strawberry blonde girls would call themselves blonde while others would call them redheads. I think the 2nd girl posted by Tarquin is a good example of a girl who's hair color is subjective. We have enough untagged pics to worry about without retagging pics other taggers have done already."

The first two lines and then that last bolded part are essentially all I am trying to say. Holy crap. Our "bold" isn't very bold. Okay, so the first two lines and the last line are all I'm trying to say.

PS: Thanks for the "trust."
Lvl 24
its not actually trust, we're just trying to get free labor out of you

keep up the good work
Lvl 20
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum

its not actually trust, we're just trying to get free labor out of you

keep up the good work

Thanks, Fefe!

It's not actually free. I've leeched off this site and community for years. My hope is that it comes out in the wash eventually. I appreciate the kind words. Thanks.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by Tarquin


Right, Bangles. I remember that part, because all my previous tags went away. It made me sad. But I then went through and replaced them and tagged each of my favorites. Then I started running through random pics and other people's favorites.

Eh, well then I've got nothing.

None of the mods that I know, that have tag powers, would randomly delete tags. I mean, they'd remove the weird ones that are like "Bathroom" when it's a bedroom and such. But not so much on the hair color of a chick that is a brownish reddish blonde, with black undertones...
Lvl 20
Originally posted by Bangledesh


Eh, well then I've got nothing.

None of the mods that I know, that have tag powers, would randomly delete tags. I mean, they'd remove the weird ones that are like "Bathroom" when it's a bedroom and such. But not so much on the hair color of a chick that is a brownish reddish blonde, with black undertones...

Nah, I agree with you. I'm not really looking to find out "who" so much either. We're all trying to help, that's why we're working on the tags to begin with. Like I said, I know it's not meant to cause harm.

I don't really care "who did it." They meant well no doubt.

I just wanted to raise awareness and get on the same page. That's all.
Lvl 37
So, no one is in charge?

This is an interesting thread because I had no idea the tags weren't permanent until nine others confirmed the kill. I can certainly see the reasoning behind the safeguard. There are some well meaning members who don't have a sense of proper tagging. There are also members who take great delight in screwing things up on purpose.

The odds are pretty long that nine other members are going to agree or even tag the same pictures. So unless you're a permanent tagger, I get the feeling the rest of us are just pissing in the wind. Gawd knows I've done that a time or two.

Not to worry, I'll keep tagging and hope to get nine other hits.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by ThreadKiller

So, no one is in charge?

This is an interesting thread because I had no idea the tags weren't permanent until nine others confirmed the kill. I can certainly see the reasoning behind the safeguard. There are some well meaning members who don't have a sense of proper tagging. There are also members who take great delight in screwing things up on purpose.

The odds are pretty long that nine other members are going to agree or even tag the same pictures. So unless you're a permanent tagger, I get the feeling the rest of us are just pissing in the wind. Gawd knows I've done that a time or two.

Not to worry, I'll keep tagging and hope to get nine other hits.

You could always ask me for perm tag mod?
Lvl 59
I anoint myself in charge.

And by self-anointed decree, I proclaim that people should pull the stick out of their ass.

The answer to the question "where did my tags go" was likely given by Bangles, for the most part.
The answer to the question as to who is "able" to remove tags, is that it's pretty much anyone who is a "tag moderator" thing, as far as I know.

Finally, to un-disparage my name, I didn't delete your damn "hair-brown" tags, and a number of the pics in the original post I hadn't even seen before - and to say that the tags "look like EL tags" is fallacious and presumptuous.

That is all.

Carry on.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by Diz-X


You could always ask me for perm tag mod?

Eh, Plan B on that?
Lvl 20
Originally posted by EricLindros

Finally, to un-disparage my name, I didn't delete your damn "hair-brown" tags, and a number of the pics in the original post I hadn't even seen before

I neither said you did nor did I think you did. On the contrary, I said I knew it was NOT you. Please don't pick a fight with me where none exists.

Originally posted by EricLindros
- and to say that the tags "look like EL tags" is fallacious and presumptuous.

Mayhaps. And certainly I'd be errant on many of my guesses, but you do tend to tag a specific way. For example:

Usually about 6-8 basic tags, you usually tag pics in numerical series, and you have a lot of tags on older pics (as though you seem to have gone back to beginning of the picture queue and started from the oldest).

Likewise, I bet it's pretty easy to pick out the pictures I've tagged as well. They're almost always "cute girls", I often hunt down multiple pics of the same girl, when I tag you can count on me having at least 30+ tags on it (unless that many aren't possible - Example 1 Example 2), and I don't tag that many but I tag them completely. It's not hard to pick my tagged pics out of the others.

So yeah, it's a generalization, but a generalization that I felt I picked up on too. I dunno. It's kind of like handwriting. One can't actually "analyze" handwriting, but we learn to recognize familiar landmarks if we see the same sample enough.

* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
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