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Who is in Charge of Tagging?

Starter: Tarquin Posted: 15 years ago Views: 7.0K
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Lvl 20
Simple enough. Who is in charge of the taggers?

I realize that I haven't done as many tags as some (Eric, get a girlfriend), but I've done my share and I continue to do so. Today I was dupe hunting via the tag system which is one of my favorite sports. Then it occurred to me that a bunch of girls I had tagged and that were in my favorites were coming up in the tag search.

Why it caught my attention is because I went out of my way to tag the damned things, and I tagged them with a different hair color (usually brown). They were coming up in the tag search for "Hair-red" though.

Now in some cases, I can see why someone would say, "Yeah, her hair is a little bit red." But in some it's just not there. Further, in cases where someone felt the hair was "red enough", they - and this is the part that pisses me off - removed my tags.

Now I can see some cases where hair is reddish-brown, so both tags could be on it, but to remove someone else's tags and replace it with red...

Here are some of the pics - and in some of them the hair is clearly brown or in some cases even black or blonde but the tags were removed completely and replaced with "hair-red." - I think her hair is brown. Yeah, it looks a *little* red. So put both tags on it, but she's got brown hair by-and-large. I originally tagged this one, and she has brown hair. Someone took that tag off and replaced it with red. Her hair is most certainly not red. I don't remember if I tagged this one or not. If not, I tagged one a lot like it. Her hair could be red or blonde. Yes, I know we have "reddish-blonde" but if we allow for multiple hair color tags, people can search for "reddish-blonde" by simply searching for both of those colors and telling the search it has to return both tags.

I tagged this one: Her hair is NOT red. I tagged it brown. That tag has been removed. It's been replaced with red. I'm putting my fucking tag back.

Here's another one: Her hair does have a little bit of red in it, but it's probably highlights. Her hair is brown. Someone took my tag off and put "red" on as the only color. I'm putting my fucking tag back.

I didn't tag this one, but "her hair is red, is it?": Sure looks blonde to me. How about if I just deleted that "red" tag and replaced it with blonde like someone did to me, or better yet, replaced it with black since that makes as much sense as some of these other changes.

I didn't tag this one either:, but I don't think that's red hair. I'm wondering if it was changed too.

This sure the fuck ain't red hair:

This girl is blonde, and I remember seeing her tagged before (not by me) so I'm thinking someone else got their tag removed this time:

Someone removed my hair tag and replaced it with red on this picture: Her hair's not red. Whoever's doing this needs to sober the fuck up or get their vision checked. At the very least, LEAVE MY FUCKING TAG ON THERE TOO.

This is red hair?: I don't know if someone got their tag removed on this one or not, but this looks like an Eric tagging to me, and I'm willing to bet Eric doesn't think this girl's hair is red.

Same thing here:

And here:

And here:

And there's a shit-ton more.

My issue isn't with someone who says, "Oh, there's some red in her hair. Let's add that tag too."

My issue is when they TAKE MY FUCKING TAG OFF and change their hair color in the system when their hair is clearly not red (in some cases not at all, and in others it's still not the predominant color).

We need a place on this forum for taggers to talk to each other. We need a tagger place where we can discuss things. I'd really like to know who the fuck it is that's in charge of the taggers so I don't have to post threads like this too.

And for God's sake, leave my fucking tags alone. I don't spend as much time as some on it, but I do spend my share. Don't take my fucking tags off on a whim. Have a reason - and be right.

If her hair is both Brown and red, then go ahead and add a tag, but if both are true (yes, they can both be true at once) then both tags should be there. STOP TAKING MY FUCKING TAGS OFF OR I'LL STOP PUTTING THEM ON IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Use your brains people. Some of us put in a lot of time on this shit.
Lvl 18
Me, I tag all.
Lvl 26
I figured only mods could take tags off. I know I can only take my own tags off, I can't touch anyone else's.
I'm glad you brought this up though because I've noticed something weird with the tagging system as well. Let me start with saying I tag every single one of my pics that I upload and I've been noticing when I go back and look at my pics that have been up for a while and I tagged already, that all my tags are removed and someone else has pretty much replaced my same tags.

I think we have a tag thief out there somewhere
Lvl 20
I think so too, and that's pretty retarded.

It's not so much that I think someone is being malicious, but I do think they're being pretty liberal in their own interpretation of things and don't seem to realize that "because I see a tiny bit of red" doesn't mean her hair is predominantly red.

I wonder what other tags are getting fucked up. No wonder I can't find some of the dupes I know exist in the tag feature right now, even one's I tagged my damned self.
Lvl 4
wow that is pretty messed up. someone is colorblind....or bored.
Lvl 26
I'm slightly colorblind myself which is why I don't generally tag the hair color unless it is obviously blonde, brown, or black. I can't really tell if there's a hint of red in a chick's hair so unless it's some kind of clown red then I won't even put a hair color down.

I agree with Tarquin though. If it gives you the option to put multiple colors down then why argue about whether a chick's hair color is more red than brown or vice versa when we can all agree that her hair is actually brownish red.
Lvl 11
First, I don't tag pics, but I definitely consider the first 3 girls you linked redheads
and I'm pretty sure I have a series of the 4th girl that shows she is too.

... but yeah, Anja Boberg isn't a redhead, but it does look somewhat red in that one pic.

Obviously, tags are somewhat subjective, (heck the color calibration of a monitor could change the way a person interprets hair color) I guess what I'm getting at is does it really matter if a mod "over-rules" certain member tags? Surely you'll agree that there has to be a way to change or remove erroneous and/or incorrect tags.
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
Lvl 28
From what I remember, only tag moderators can add permanent tags. All members can add temp tags though. For a temp tag to make it as a permanent, 10(can't remember on this number for sure) have to tag that picture with the exact same tag.

Any that you tag will show that tag for you only, not for everyone. this may be the reason that you are seeing some of these tags differently now; cause you had them tagged one way, and a mod tagged it with a permanent tag which was different? Not positive if that would cause the problem.

This is how it used to be, I couldn't tell you for sure if that is still how it goes.

Also, I'm a tag mod too, I just haven't done many lately cause of all the shit I've been busy with. If you had particular pictures you wanted tagged right away, if you link them to me, I will do them. Same thing if you see some of them tagged incorrectly that need to be fixed(if lindros doesn't beat me to them)
Lvl 26
That explains the weird shit I've been noticing. So when I tag a pic, no one else sees it and then they tag and so on and so forth and once it has approximatley 10 of the same tags ie: 10 people say tits-large then it becomes permanent?
Lvl 20
Originally posted by brownell

First, I don't tag pics, but I definitely consider the first 3 girls you linked redheads [ Link ][ Link ][ Link ]
and I'm pretty sure I have a series of the 4th girl that shows she is too.[ Link ]

Fair enough, but I obviously don't consider them to be red heads. We could vote on it I guess, but what I'm getting at is "when in doubt, ESPECIALLY if someone's already tagged, toss the second tag on it but leave the first alone."

Originally posted by brownell
... but yeah, [ Link ] isn't a redhead, but it does look somewhat red in that one pic. [ Link ]

Agreed that it does look somewhat red, in about the same way she looks somewhat male. She has legs, she has arms. She has a head. Yes, there's a slight tinge to her hair on some of it, probably a result of graphics in the file or lighting.

I do agree it's somewhat red in some small areas or ways, but overall, most of us wouldn't bet the house that other people would call her a red head.

Not that you said otherwise, Brownell. I'm just saying.

Originally posted by brownell
Obviously, tags are somewhat subjective, (heck the color calibration of a monitor could change the way a person interprets hair color) I guess what I'm getting at is does it really matter if a mod "over-rules" certain member tags? Surely you'll agree that there has to be a way to change or remove erroneous and/or incorrect tags.

Well, yes, it matters because:

A) I *AM* a tagger. (You called this a "tag mod" - I'm not certain what a tag mod is. My shit doesn't say "mod" anywhere, nor do I want it to).
B) I put a lot of work into it.
C) It makes no sense and confuses the shit out of people.
D) It defeats the purpose of the tagging system if people have said "She has brown hair" and one person goes in and says, "No, she's quite obviously a red head, so let's remove the old tag and put a new one on." The people looking for her that tagged her before won't find her, because she's now been reclassified.

So yeah, it kind of defeats the purpose. That's my point. One of the taggers is undoing the work the other taggers are doing, and it isn't productive. That's why I wanted to know who was in charge and ask them to get the word out to "add a tag if her hair is both brown and red, but don't remove the brown tag."

Originally posted by Punly

From what I remember, only tag moderators can add permanent tags.

That's how I know another tagger had to remove my tags. Mine should be permanent, and there's no way a member can remove a tag regardless is there? But even if that were the case, only another tagger can remove another tagger's tags. Shall we say "tag" a few more times in this paragraph? It's kind of tagging fun, tagger.

Originally posted by Punly
Any that you tag will show that tag for you only, not for everyone. this may be the reason that you are seeing some of these tags differently now; cause you had them tagged one way, and a mod tagged it with a permanent tag which was different? Not positive if that would cause the problem.

I doubt that it's related. I'm a tagger (tag mod?). I dunno, check with Diz. He's the one that set me up. I don't know what I'm called. I've always called myself a tagger. I'm supposed to add tags though.

Originally posted by Punly
If you had particular pictures you wanted tagged right away, if you link them to me, I will do them.

Yeah, I guess I never showed up on the radar before for whatever reason. I can tag the pics just fine. The problem is someone else (with the same tools I have enabled) is undoing the shit I do, and in my opinion, needlessly and with "less than ideal" reasoning.


A lot of us work hard on the tags. It irritates me if I see someone fucking a bunch of them up. I'm also sure it's not intentional, which is why I've wanted a place for us to talk for a while now.
Lvl 20
Again, I'm certain no one is doing it on purpose. I just wanted us all to get on the same page, and to my knowledge there's no forum for us to use, so I made this thread to explain the situation.

I really just want us to stop trampling each other is all.
Eric should get a girlfriend?
Lvl 20
Originally posted by scrɘwy

Eric should get a girlfriend?

Have you seen how many tags he has? Maybe you should check.

There's still that one dude that rated almost 1,000,000 pics on here someplace though.
Lvl 21
I wish i was a mod and had something to do with this.
Lvl 26
Yeah I didn't realize Tarquin worked for the site. I feel kinda dumb for jumping in now.
Lvl 20
Originally posted by Thamuz

Yeah I didn't realize Tarquin worked for the site. I feel kinda dumb for jumping in now.

I... Don't. I'm not a mod.

I just really liked the tags. I think they're cool.
Lvl 6
So, here's the deal.

Any MEMBER can tag pics. For a tag to be instantly made permanent, a Tag Moderator has to tag the pic or video. Tag Moderators are moderators with the ability to permanently tag pics, such as how movie mods are able to moderate movies, pic mods moderate pics, forum mods moderate the forum, etc.

Any tags made by members/non-tag mods have to be repeated 9 more time, after the 10th (I believe) identical tag, it is removed from the invisible temporary tag list (where it sits, waiting to be verified through the tags of other members) and added to the permanent tag list- the one which everyone sees and searches from.

If it doesn't receive the 9 more tags verifying that she does actually have "tits-large" within 30 days (I believe it's 30), the temporary tag is removed.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Bangledeshica

Any MEMBER can tag pics. For a tag to be instantly made permanent, a Tag Moderator has to tag the pic or video. Tag Moderators are moderators with the ability to permanently tag pics, such as how movie mods are able to moderate movies, pic mods moderate pics, forum mods moderate the forum, etc.

There is a status for non-crew members to tag directly permanent tags, this can be given to "trusted" users. this has been added in last release.
Lvl 24
The super fine, and generally correct, member Bangledeshica went and tagged this pic with 4-5 incorrect tags. (Ebony, Weapon, Office, etc)
Bangledeshica's account can see the tags, however they're not visible to anyone else. They're in limbo waiting to be verified by having 9 other people independently think that she is some degree of black, armed, or in an office. These tags cannot be seen, because we don't want to influence other people's tags.

Contrasting this, I (Bangledesh) went and randomly tagged that pic with 3-4 tags, and they were put on the pic instantly. Visible to all, and that's because I'm a Tag Moderator. (I've since removed them because they were incorrect.)
Lvl 6
Originally posted by Diz-X


There is a status for non-crew members to tag directly permanent tags, this can be given to "trusted" users. this has been added in last release.

Originally posted by Bangledeshica

For a tag to be instantly made permanent, a Tag Moderator or a trusted member with enabled tagging power has to tag the pic or video. Tag Moderators are moderators with the ability to permanently tag pics, such as how movie mods are able to moderate movies, pic mods moderate pics, forum mods moderate the forum, etc. Trusted members with tagging power are suckers that want to do the work of a moderator, with none of the glitz, glam, girls, and gold associated with being a moderator.

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