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Who is in Charge of Tagging?

Starter: Tarquin Posted: 15 years ago Views: 7.0K
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Lvl 59
BTW, I was hoping that this wasn't necessary, but it appears it is.

I'll be writing up a tagging FAQ over the next week or two, to clarify any questions or concerns with the current list (considering that I likely have tagged the most photos on the site, and therefore know -- more than any other single person -- what the tags are classified as in the event of any discrepancies. I'll post said list here for comment/addition/subtractions, as necessary. (Here as in on WBW, not necessarily inside this thread)
Lvl 20
Originally posted by EricLindros

BTW, I was hoping that this wasn't necessary, but it appears it is.

Thanks for going to the extra work, Eric. I really didn't realize we were as much not all on the same page as it now appears we are. I guess it's better to catch it sooner rather than later though.
Lvl 59
BTW, you guise made me see the light, wrt. "jersey" so it's there now.

(the clothing, not the state. Nobody will ever convince me the state is worthy of a tag. Or my occasional visits, for that matter)
Lvl 16

Last week I began working on a piece of software that will make your lives easier. For a long time I've been extremely tired of the way tagging works on WBW. Why?

1. My routing to this site sucks. Sometimes it loads fast, sometimes not.
2. I can only tag a picture at a time.
3. It's a hassle remembering all tags to add.
4. Only 4% of the approximately 1 million pictures are tagged. WTF!? I don't have patience to look at 100 crappy pictures to find one really good!

If I've understood the WBW ToS and Disclaimer correct, my software complies with the rules. However, I won't release a beta of this software before I've cleared everything with the WBW Crew.

The features:
* Loading of pictures and their respective tags, starting from 1 to infinity. 6 pictures each turn.
* Selecting new tags, and saving them.
* Loading of your favorite pictures
* Clicking on a thumbnail shows the tags.
* Clicking on a thumbnail two times (~double click) displays the large picture.
* The Tagger doesn't save your Username and Password for security reasons. You have to enter them every time you start the software.

Some planned ideas:
* Speed Tag. The idea is that you select 1-5 tags you want to focus on. The Tagger then hides all the other tags, displays a bunch of pictures at a time and let you tag them. This way people can be divided into groups, some only focusing on "tits-large, shaved, ebony", for example. Hopefully, this will speed up tagging by a magnitude.
* Adding pictures to favorites
* Adding some kind of encylopedia explaing what every tag means, like showing picture examples. Hopefully Wikipedia can assist with this.
* Create a local searchable database with the ids and tags of your tagged pictures. No pictures will be saved, just the id as reference.

Want more features? Got some cool ideas? Please send suggestions to

The system requirement is .NET 2.0. In theory the software should run on Mono (Linux / Mac OS X).

Lvl 16
Lvl 20
Originally posted by EricLindros

BTW, you guise made me see the light, wrt. "jersey" so it's there now.

(the clothing, not the state. Nobody will ever convince me the state is worthy of a tag. Or my occasional visits, for that matter)

Dude, the women are awesome. I've never met a girl from Jersey who wasn't a complete freak. You're missing out.

Thanks for the tag update too.
Lvl 20
Um.. Holy shit, JvA... You most certainly do have my attention. Tell more!

Send a note to Diz too... Have them check the software and let's see if we can use this sucker!

What the Hell inspired you to put that much work into it?
Lvl 24
Eventually every photo will be tagged and you will all be able to find your girlfriends in there much easier!
Lvl 16
Originally posted by Tarquin

Um.. Holy shit, JvA... You most certainly do have my attention. Tell more!

Send a note to Diz too... Have them check the software and let's see if we can use this sucker!

What the Hell inspired you to put that much work into it?

Well, I was just really frustrated about the tagging thing, and as time went I got some ideas on how we could improve it, speed things up! Had a fight with my girlfriend last week, so for one week we had our own "cold war". Used that time to code Now things are back to normal though

The plan is to implement all planned features within the near future (1-2 weeks, probably earlier). It all depends on how much time I have in my spare time. What really drives and motivate me is solving problems affecting many users, receiving encouragement and constructive feedback. (...and pink fluffy elephants!)
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
Lvl 26
Great work JvA.
Hopefully this is something that works well for this site.
Lvl 37
Originally posted by *Zulu*

Eventually every photo will be tagged and you will all be able to find your girlfriends in there much easier!

I won't live to see it but there's plenty for you guys to tag after I go to the Great Innernetz in the sky.

That's why I'm tagging only the good looking ones. I'll save the ugly ones for you young youths.
I'd like to see the "Hawaii" tag go away or be replaced by "tropical" or something similar. I mean, how the hell can someone tell the pic was taken in Hawaii vs. Bora Bora unless they're standing in front of a sign that says 'Welcome to Hawaii'?
Lvl 20
Originally posted by ThreadKiller

I won't live to see it but there's plenty for you guys to tag after I go to the Great Innernetz in the sky.

If we get JvA's system thing in place (or something like it) I bet it happens sooner rather than later. That would significantly speed up the process right there.
Lvl 20
Definitely would speed things up but it carries the possibility of a lot of misuse as well.
Lvl 20
Originally posted by J-Swiss

Definitely would speed things up but it carries the possibility of a lot of misuse as well.

If we can't trust the people that are tagging, they shouldn't be taggers.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by scrɘwy

I'd like to see the "Hawaii" tag go away or be replaced by "tropical" or something similar. I mean, how the hell can someone tell the pic was taken in Hawaii vs. Bora Bora unless they're standing in front of a sign that says 'Welcome to Hawaii'?

Good idea.

Originally posted by Tarquin


If we can't trust the people that are tagging, they shouldn't be taggers.

Well, technically, everyone on the site is a tagger, so I see where there could be some possibility of malicious use when you can mass-tag things.
Lvl 20
Originally posted by EricLindros

Well, technically, everyone on the site is a tagger, so I see where there could be some possibility of malicious use when you can mass-tag things.

Hrm... How about if JvA's prog is just limited to the "trusted" people or whatever the Hell they're called?

From all appearances, we'd at least triple our rate of catching up on the tags with that even if it was limited to just those folks. It appears to be a very powerful tagging tool even if only a few people have it.

Maybe we should limit it as a test run anyway just because?

I dunno. I'm just spit-ballin'.
Lvl 16
It's easy to avoid miss use. Just make statistics of people doing tags? If 100 people report a image as hair-blonde it's probably hair blonde.

Besides, the same way the tool can be used for tagging, it can also be used for reviewing tags. Let's say you list 6 pictures of hair-blonde. A reviewer just checks the "no" box if the picture is wrongly checked, then continue with 6 new ones.
Lvl 16
Just so you know:
The work on the Tagger is progressing and Diz-X is helping me out with some nice APIs he'll implement.
Lvl 25
Im hopeing this is the place to ask, as theres one tagging question which has bugged me for ages.
If a couple are in the act, and the guy takes the picture encompassing them both, should it be classed as a self-pick and/or a close-up??

And as a suggestion can i suggest changing the 'cricket' tag to 'sports-other' I never seen a cricket piccy on here, and none have been tagged.
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