Score: 4.52 Votes: 23
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Future of

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 13 years ago Views: 51.9K
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Lvl 28
Sounding good
Lvl 25
My idea is when the new version launches I will be added every month new stuff. So every month the software will be updated.
Lvl 14
As a newbie, I was perplexed by the low ratings, particularly the absence of eights and nines. Initially, feeling out-of-step with what I perceived as the WDW culture, I refrained from rating. Then, I moved to only rating pictures that I believed to be significantly below what could be reasonably be justified. Even here I constrained my scores so as to avoid attention from a moderator.

Now that I understand the ratings (having read all 47 pages), I support the suggestion of changing the reported rating to a modified percentile (see below). Had the ranking reported been relative to other rated pictures, I believe this would have not have had that confusing, negative first impression.

Modified Percentile:

1. Percentile Score divided by 10 = Reported Score
Example: 85th percentile / 10 = 8.5

2. The lowest possible rating that can be given is 1. Thus, in no case should a score be reported below 1.
Example: 5th percentile / 10 = 0.5; Reported score should at a minimum be 1.
* This post has been modified : 12 years ago
Lvl 14
Three suggestions:

1. When an automatic logout is performed, update the page to reflect the changed status.
2. Better yet, before an automatic logout is performed, issue a warning.
3. Don't automatically wipe whatever was in process when performing an automatic logoff. Return the page to the user in the same condition as when the logoff occurred.

I have chosen to not be logged in automatically. As a consequence of that choice, I get logged out after a short period of what the site perceives as inactivity. In the case at hand, I was logged out while composing my first forum comment. I would have thought this sufficient activity to remain logged in, but I can live with conservative approach of logging me out. What I find annoying is that I checked to see if I was still logged in, but lost my initial post because
—the page had not been updated to say I was logged out,
—the Quick Post was blank when I logged back in.
Lvl 28
Since i can't remember every suggestion, here's one that may have been discussed already....

It would be great if a poster's uploads page showed the pic statistics, just like "Top of the Babes".
And if it's real easy, it would be cool to see the same thing in your own "Favorites"
Lvl 10
Is this why the downloads from WBW are so slow? Can't you work faster?
Lvl 28
The star boobs are back! I would just like that the babe gallery didn't make me back up twice to go back when I have voted on a picture. It can be really annoying tbh.
Lvl 15
I been on here for a while now, and i want to know if there is a way you can group pics?..if not..maybe a suggestion to allow us to do that. like if there is more then one pic of the same person. I see a lot of pics that i wish i could put together in a group series.
Lvl 18
Hi all,

i make little userscript for shortcut in showpicture and showcar (like gmail and 9gag)
k - next image
l - next 2 image
j - prev image
h - prev 2 image
space - start slide show (1 sec per image)
esc - stop slide show

it was tested on chrome (native support) and FF (in FF used by with greasemonkey)

it is writen in jQuery and use all from wbw site, no external script etc...

if you want, you can integrate it to wbw.

Lvl 14
Suggestion: Change the presentation of tags from lower case to uppercase to increase legibility on smaller displays — It is rapidly becoming an iPad world.
* This post has been modified : 12 years ago
Please give the option to report on hot or not. I see them often but its time consuming to report when u have to "go to current picture" Also the ability to comment on Hot or Not. without having to go to current pic.
* This post has been modified : 12 years ago
Lvl 27
Originally posted by tallguy1979

I been on here for a while now, and i want to know if there is a way you can group pics?..if not..maybe a suggestion to allow us to do that. like if there is more then one pic of the same person. I see a lot of pics that i wish i could put together in a group series.

Grouped pics are available in the sponsored version (or at least they were - ).
Lvl 6
The best thing about WBW is how simple it is. Its why i visit the site roughly about 3-5 times a day. Like the fact of some of the new features are awesome!
Lvl 13
the emoticons, either new way to put them in, because when i load a new page it always takes awhile to load them all in, so maybe a drop down.

i like the status idea too.

and as to #472 i never did figure out how to upload to the picture series section of the babes.

and maybe an im option, like fb. or a chatbox, for anyone who's on and wants to say a quick hello to everyone else who's on.

maybe a way to change a rating on a picture as well. sometimes i click 8 and im like fuck, that should be a 9 or a 7.

thats all i got, for now.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by cornpop

maybe a way to change a rating on a picture as well. sometimes i click 8 and im like fuck, that should be a 9 or a 7.

Great idea. Me too. Then there's those times that I see the pic days later and think "WTF was i thinking?"
Lvl 62
How about a setting that would allow you to rate babes and cars based on date, catagory, or user in the "hot or not" type viewing style.
Lvl 13
I enjoy the community here. Been a lurker for a long time, but try to buy a subscription when I have some money.
Need any help?
Unix/Oracle/WebSphere admin/support for the last 8 years.
I'm not a web guy but can give some help on the server side.
Not looking for money, just to give back. (I'll sign up for anything reasonable)
Send me a message to my inbox.
Lvl 28
Great offer AEC216. Way to jump on the bandwagon.
Lvl 14
I don't know if this has been mention yet but what about using credits to view "sponsored members only" pictures. There have been some pictures that I wanted to see but can't because I'm not a sponsored member.
Lvl 27
Originally posted by t0ne

I don't know if this has been mention yet but what about using credits to view "sponsored members only" pictures. There have been some pictures that I wanted to see but can't because I'm not a sponsored member.

If I remember correctly that was being considered.
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