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Starter: Diz-X Posted: 13 years ago Views: 51.9K
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Lvl 27
Originally posted by Sugarpie

I prefer #1 - the one with the boxes.

Agreed, it stands out much better, easier to read...
Lvl 25
Anyone else? Else I will tweak the first one more. The idea is that images will be shown as "thumbnail", and these attachments can be unlocked by regular members.
Lvl 7
+1 box number 1

but i like the site eather way never let me down
Lvl 22
Originally posted by Diz-X

Which one is better?

Feck me, I mean honestly? the difference is negligible, almost like pissing about trying to be pedantic, c'mon man Diz, get a grip fella !!

Do what you think is best, you can't rule by committee, it just doesn't work.

Lvl 70
imo, number 1 is better 'cause the bow are easier to read.
Lvl 20
Number 1 by far.

Ask any teacher. The human brain requires visual organization in order to make sense of information. In order to understand what we're looking at, we need visual breaks. The boxes do that. It's the better visual mouse-trap in this case. No doubt about it.
Lvl 11
I've been a part of WBW for a few years. I never got crazy involved but I've paid for a few sponser memberships here and there. Overall I am getting tired of seeing professional stuff being passed off as amateur stuff. I know that your moderators are doing the best job they can, and I know how challenging it can be with professionals making amateur stuff. As far as the design goes, I've loved how far its come since when I started using it a few years back. I'm sure it will only get better.
Lvl 59
I also prefer #1.
Lvl 22
#1 definitely
Lvl 25
Lvl 15
#1 is best for me! Good luck with the new version, maybe the site 'dieing' over the last 2 years is something to do with the recession? personally i have less money to spend these days so no sponser memberships for me these days and i'm now on mobile broadband rather than an unlimited cable set up so i have to watch my limit now and uploading pics is quite a big usage! I've noticed a few other sites getting quieter and quieter but i still think that WBW is 'the best' site out there!! Keep it up, times will change and things will pick up again at some point! Cheers!!
Yeah #1, the boxes make it easier to focus on your selection.
Lvl 70
Originally posted by Diz-X

I have the feeling the site feels faster then before.. but it could be me..

By the way, since you updated, I can confirm that the site runs smoother than before especially when mass tagging
Lvl 25
Omuh: Good to hear mate, thanks for looking out for it.

Here a screenshot of the profile I am working on, only finished left side, don't know what to do with rest yet.
Lvl 70
Looks pretty good for now. But there's two things I notice about this left part :

- First, I like the little country flag to quickly see where someone is from. Adding text for country / town is good but also keeping the country flag would be better

- Then, isn't the red cross to delete a friend a bit too big ? I think it's too much eye catching with these proportions. Maybe reduce it (by half ?).

Ideas for the rest :

- The actual favourites / uploads / posts give a good overview but you could use the extra space you made on top to put the statistics so that the middle is like Statistics then favourites etc. below.

- Explaining the "0 (Q: 0 | W: 0)" in the statistics would be good too (using an acronym tag or something like that) so that new members don't get confused on their meaning like I did. (I still don't know what the "W" stand for in the video line).

- If you keep the same layout, put a "More posts" below the comments / forum posts overview so that we can quickly access to the whole posts page without having to look for and click on the posts count on statistics.

- Add the new achievements / titles on the left side, between the login count and the buddies. But there should be a page dedicated to them so that we can learn more about them and how they work.

- Add the possibility to sort the favourites in folders so that we can organise them. And why not do the same with uploads (for pictures series for example).

That's all I can figure for now.
Returning to my tagging break ^^
Lvl 25
Originally posted by omuh

- Then, isn't the red cross to delete a friend a bit too big ? I think it's too much eye catching with these proportions. Maybe reduce it (by half ?).

The red X should be a buddy icon, not a delete icon
Lvl 10
Another possible idea that I have been thinking about would be allowing users to possibly "cash in" a certain amount of points towards a sponcer membership for a shorter amount of time. Like maybe cashing in 5,000 points for a 3 month membership, etc. Just a thought.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Kinkyfun5477

Another possible idea that I have been thinking about would be allowing users to possibly "cash in" a certain amount of points towards a sponcer membership for a shorter amount of time. Like maybe cashing in 5,000 points for a 3 month membership, etc. Just a thought.

This idea will be in the future release. With your earned credits you can "unlock" individual content, or with a lot more points "upgrade" your membership to sponsor for x time.
Lvl 70
Originally posted by Diz-X


The red X should be a buddy icon, not a delete icon

Ow, woops. My bad then ^^

Any thoughts about the other suggestions ?
Lvl 25
Not really, still working out the basics then going to read thru this topic and start adding the requested stuff... A lot is finished, but still a lot of work still needs to be done. Example: Hot or Not, Top of the Babes/Cars/Movies, Favorites Car/Babe/Movie/Forum, User profile, Forum poll, Frontpage, Frontpage poll, Forum sticky topics, Smilie dialog, Report function, Quoting, Payment stuff, Buddy system, and a lot of small stuff.

We are slowly getting there, but the end seems to come near.
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