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Pictures of meeee. :) & a video!

Starter: AngelicTease Posted: 14 years ago Views: 111.9K
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Lvl 7
I love the nun pictures, my dick just jumped out of my pants...Please post more, or i can give u my email, and personally reply on evry picture......
Lvl 12
love your new outfit
Lvl 4
Originally posted by AngelicTease

A few more...
[ Link ][ Link ][ Link ]

Want more? ;P

ooo fishnets, tight leather and a cross to give it that blasphemous touch. love it!
Hmm.... you look a cam girl on MFC who kept repeating the 'wordflange' and then banned me for posting this link...
Lvl 7
how did I miss this. I guess I can say wow great pics. Smokin body. And it is nice to see your back even if its late lol
Lvl 6
Originally posted by Mr_Bubbles

Hmm.... you look a cam girl on MFC who kept repeating the 'wordflange' and then banned me for posting this link...[ Link ]

I don't click on links, so I doubt I would have banned you for simply posting a link.
I ban a lot of people on MFC, simply for being twatastic cunts.
So if you was banned, probably because your a bit of a cunt. xxx
Originally posted by AngelicTease


I don't click on links, so I doubt I would have banned you for simply posting a link.
I ban a lot of people on MFC, simply for being twatastic cunts.
So if you was banned, probably because your a bit of a cunt. xxx

I'm never a cunt to anybody, thankyou very much Mrs. You were repeating the word flange over and over, so i posted the link.

I it was the only thing i did, i never said anything else to you. You then kept repeating the words 'Cunty cunt' and muttered something about, i didn't know you were talking about me. You seemed a little inebriated.

I'm not annoyed, i was just confused and bemused especially when exactly the same thing happened with Pandora the next night. banned 2 nights running, never banned before, never banned since; but i've not posted any links since either, learned my lesson there.

Panora only banned me for 1night but i think you've banned me for a year or is it permanently?.... not that it matter
Lvl 6
Hahaha I really don't remember sorry. I ban a lot of people. :P But yeah, usually it is for being a cunt, maybe when you posted the link I thought you were advertising? I don't know!
Hahahaaha flange flangeeeeeeeeeeeeee flangeeeeeeeeeeeeee cuntttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.

At one point I didn't used to talk, and would just type, but one day I was laid there going 'oooo arrrrrrrrrrrrrr' over and over again, and someone came in my room and left. They came back when I started talking, and said I had 'special needs' because I was just laid there saying oo arr and not saying anything else. .

What's your username, I'll unban you next time I go on.
Lvl 6
Just a few crappy webcam pictures.
Lvl 7
like this
Lvl 6
Very sexy!!! From South Africa!!!
Lvl 4
Awesome pics! Whats this mfc thingy you talk about??
Lvl 6
Originally posted by wdragon

Awesome pics! Whats this mfc thingy you talk about??

MyFreeCams :P
I'm super boring on there and just sit on my arse and chat, but lots of girls do naughty things in free. :o
Lvl 13
More Pirctures please!!! we need us what you got!!!
Lvl 6
I've not got anymore. *lazy* Blame MFC, lol.
Lvl 6
I've started taking webcam pictures whilst on MFC, so I still have something to post here and LJ, even if it's just webcam pictures it's better than nothing right?

Marker fun!

Lvl 6
Eeek. Are the pictures THAT bad? Oh deary me. Think it's time for me to hang up my stripey socks and quit this forum.
Lvl 14
Why would you wanna do that I come back everyday to check what youve been up to Keep up the good work
Lvl 3
give people a chance remember the time difference for some folk. Who is UK Paul and why is he the best?
Lvl 6
He's a guy on MFC that tips me lots. I was doing a marker fun show, and no one else was tipping to have their name written on me, so in the end I ended up writing his name everywhere haha, and then I washed it off and did that instead. :P
I'll find the other pictures later maybeeee, if people still like me/want me here.
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