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I've been teasing on the interweb for almost 7 years and I aint stopping anytime soon! Pictures of me yipeee!

Starter: AngelicTease Posted: 13 years ago Views: 39.7K
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Lvl 5
The pics are great! Thanks.
Lvl 6
Eeek sorry, didn't mean to dissapear! I've been super busy with work and stuff, so haven't even taken new pictures recently, so haven't got anything new to post.
Thankies for all the replies and stuff.
Hopefully I'll get time to do some new pictures soooon.
Lvl 8
very nice, adding to watchlist keep em coming hun, would love to see more of you
Great pics- thanks.
Lvl 6
we look forward to you next post
Lvl 6
I got a bit silly on cam tonight and drawed things on me haha:

(that was free cam, don't worry, people didn't pay to see that hahaaha, and no I wont tell you the site name. :P So NER)

Lvl 6
a very unexpected post to be sure but i still very much enjoyed the pussy close up a very much a fav, liked it a lot
Lvl 8
Thanks for the pics, Angel. So you found a use for the waterpaints left from childhood?
Lvl 59
In the words of Thumper, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."
Lvl 6
Haha it looks like I was talking to myself now, I better delete my post. Thankies whoever deleting theirs.

And haha at leftover paints, I got some special washable pens just so I could write on my body with them. Although there not as washable as they say and I still have a lawnmower on my flange, but worse than that, I still have a bloody tash and beard and I have to go out tomorrow!!!! I'm not bothered about the stuff on my body, coz I don't go out naked, but now I wish I didn't put stuff on my face, eeek!
Lvl 6
Yipee I'm baccckk! Did you miss me?
I got a new laptop and forgot this password, and the email address I signed up with I can't remember that password either, and it's remembered on a oldddddd super slow laptop so I could never be bothered to request it and login to check haha, until now when I had to anyway for another site.
I was 25 on saturday so I'm allowed a bad memory, I'm OLD now!

I'm still growing a bush and my pubes are growing really slowly, I hardly have anything there, need some miracle grow or something! Pfft.

Just one picture for now coz I'm meant to be getting ready to go out! I'll find more another time.

That was taken yesterday, or the day before, so super new. :P

How long is it meant to take to grow a proper big bush? I'm getting impatient!
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 6
Have I been forgotten about? Haha, sorry if the bush puts people off. I know it's scary to most people, but it's something I've not done before and wanted to do.

That better? I'll remember next time I post, to not only cover my face, but the bush too. Hopefully that will make people like me again. xx
Lvl 6
dont mind at all
Lvl 6
New pictures I took today. Still not much hair, pffffffffft.


And no, I'm not pregnant, living off mc donalds and coke(the drink) seems to give you a bit of a wobbly belly, ooops!
Lvl 12
Artwork that can really be enjoyed
Lvl 26
Finally you back.Happy birthday,and thanks a lot for new photos.I hope you won't be lazy,so we will enjoy in new ones very soon.
Lvl 6
Thankies, I feel right old now, 25!! I'm pretty much a old aged bloody pensioner, suprised I didn't get a crossword puzzle and walking stick for my birthday!
Haha I'll try not to be lazy, taken quite a few new pictures so far this month, and still got lots more planned!
Lvl 13
Nice to see you around again. Or maybe you've always been around. I'm the one who's not.
Originally posted by AngelicTease

Thankies, I feel right old now, 25!! I'm pretty much a old aged bloody pensioner, suprised I didn't get a crossword puzzle and walking stick for my birthday!

Happy belated birthday fellow Pisces. Mines on the 26th, and I'll be older than you. lol.
Lvl 29
Ok,hide your face,i understand that,but why you hide your pussy???We'r not so much fearful
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