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I've been teasing on the interweb for almost 7 years and I aint stopping anytime soon! Pictures of me yipeee!

Starter: AngelicTease Posted: 14 years ago Views: 39.9K
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Lvl 5
Thank you for shairing! Hope for more!
Lvl 8
Still looking fantastic! Thanks and keep up the great work.
Lvl 6
Awwh thankies.
I have some other pictures but they were taken especially for someone, so I need to wait til he sees them first until I can post them, pfft!
Hopefully he should see them tomorrow night so I'll post them as soon as I can.
Lvl 6
You can slide down my pole any day.
Lvl 5
simply sure got my vote for the slide

You have a great body...keep up the superb work, beautiful
Lvl 6
If your too lazy to post, please at least give me stars! Even if it's just 1 star coz you hate my guts. 1 star is better than no stars right? And I like the pretty little yellow stars. Although they'd be better if they was pink obviously. :P

And sooo this post isn't useless, have a couple of webcam pictures I took last night.

Now hurry up and GIVE IT TO MEEE!
(The stars. :P)
Lvl 8
now your a x-mas box i would like to open...hotttt
Lvl 24
Great pics.Thanks.
Lvl 13
Awesome pics....cant wait for more.........
Lvl 6
Pictures I did for a very special friend. ;P

His fave colour is blue... I wasn't trying to look like a smurf lol!

There the last of the pictures I've done in December now, better get a wriggle on and take some more!
If anyone has any ideas that they want me to do/special things they want me to wear, let me know here NOT by PM and I'll see what I can do. Keep in mind I do all my pictures myself with a camera on a tripod and a remote control, so outside pictures, and bath/shower pictures arn't possible! Which is a pain in the arse really, I haven't done bath pictures for ages and I'm worried people think I'm smelly and don't wash haha.
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 12
glad your back baby
Lvl 16
You are a little fitty!
Lvl 21
you are still looking good girl. Oh and I've seen your face and I see nothing wrong with it,,In fact I've seen a lot worse on pay sites...
Pink...anything pink...or maybe black.

You look amazing hun.
Lvl 6
Chickupload hates me for some reason and wont work!
Anyway, look at these undiecrackers I got from asda, only 2 quid, lol! And they're sooooo me!

Lvl 7
Sharp looking
Lvl 26
WOW Angelic it is really great to see you are back.Thanks a lot for posting again.This thread is beautiful,of course Christmas pix are amazing!!!
Lvl 26
Originally posted by AngelicTease

Proof Pictures:

I very rarely show my face on free sites, if I do and people are rude, I'll delete the pictures. I hate my face and don't need people making me hate it any more!

You know I disagree!!!
Lvl 12
SP is right, pink and black ... how about more of those black boots maybe? with black "undiecrackers" and pink stockings, pink top ... and from behind, you have a great ass.
Lvl 6
I can't wear black often, coz I have a white flufffy dog, so it'll have to be standy upy pictures, but it's on my to do list.
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