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** EL's Epic Famous Babe Slammy List ** - Completed

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 15 years ago Views: 183.2K
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Lvl 59

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Lvl 28
Well done update Mr. EL
Lvl 79
I agree with your placement of Angie Harmon near the top of the list for all the reasons you state in your intro. She's the classiest TV actress ever, and sexier being normal that most other actresses are when they try to show off.
Lvl 9
Excellent Thread
Lvl 59
Ok, I suck, but in my defense, these last ones take longer because I've been compiling many more pics for them than I did for the high end of the list.

So, without further ado:

3. Angelina Jolie – As recently as a year ago she would have made the top spot, but after 3 children, her body can’t be what it once was. Still, she turns straight chicks gay, gay dudes straight, and Jennifer Aniston into a weeping ball of emotion. That’s some hotness. Angie is sexy, a freak, bisexual, insanely hot, willing to get nekkid and fuck in flicks, a little fucked up, and, did I mention she’s disgustingly hot? The only drawback is that circus of a family she has, but I’m not slammying her family, I’m slammying her. Over and over and over again.

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