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** EL's Epic Famous Babe Slammy List ** - Completed

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 15 years ago Views: 183.1K
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Lvl 59

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And I’ll leave you with some Megan Fox quotes: On bisexuality: "I think people are born bisexual and then make subconscious choices based on the pressures of society. I have no question in my mind about being bisexual. But I'm also a hypocrite: I would never date a girl who was bisexual, because that means they also sleep with men, and men are so dirty that I'd never want to sleep with a girl who had slept with a man." - Esquire

On the beauty of Olivia Wilde: "I mean, I could see myself in a relationship with a girl - Olivia Wilde is so sexy she makes me want to strangle a mountain ox with my bare hands. She's mesmerizing." - GQ

On the difference between her and Scarlett Johansson: "I don't want to have to be like a Scarlett Johansson – who I have nothing against, but I don't want to have to go on talk shows and pull out every single SAT word I've ever learned to prove, like, 'Take me seriously, I am intelligent, I can speak.' I don't want to have to do that. I resent having to prove that I'm not a retard – but I do. And part of it is my own fault." - Esquire

On her sex drive: "I have the libido of a 15-year-old boy." - FHM

On her acting talents: "I'm terrible in [the first 'Transformers' movie]. It's my first real movie and it's not honest and not realistic. The movie wasn't bad, I just wasn't proud about what I did... If I really buckle down, I think one day I could be a very good actress. But so far, I haven't done anything yet." - Entertaiment Weekly

On the media's coverage of her life: "The other day I said I eat a lot of cake and that was the top story on Yahoo." - GQ

On modesty and vengeance: "Well, I wasn't topless. I had booby stickers on. They make these silicone stickers that go on over your nipple. If I'd been actually topless, I would have sued someone. But that's a really unfortunate thing that happened. I know who [alerted the paparazzi] and I never did anything about it. It's her karma to deal with, not mine." - Entertaiment Weekly

On digestive curiosities: "If you eat Chinese food, your farts come out like Chinese food. If you eat Mexican food, your farts come out like Mexican food. And milk, it's like—you can smell the warmth in the fart. My wardrobe on 'Transformers' always smells like farts, and I have no idea why." - GQ

On Angelina: "[Angelina Jolie] always seems otherworldly in her power and her confidence. I'm sure she has no idea who I am. But if I were her, I'd be like, 'Who the f--- is this little bulls--- brat who was in 'Transformers' that's going to be the next me?' I don't want to meet her; I'd be embarrassed." - Entertaiment Weekly

On her less attractive qualities: "I'm horrible to live with. I don't clean. My clothes end up wherever I take them off. I forget to flush the toilet. Friends will tell me, 'Megan, you totally pinched a loaf in my toilet and didn't flush.'" - FHM
adrianna lima is so pretttttty. uhhhhhh!
Lvl 28
Thanks for easing up on the fullsize links dude, I appreciate it.

Also, Megan Fox is pretty hot..but I would have Avril over her. But I get the feeling I'm probably the only one.

Great stuff dude.

Also, lol @ Every SAT word I know to prove I'm not a retard. The farting and shitting parts were teh anti-lulz though.
Lvl 16
you aren't alone honda I would take avril over megan in a second
Lvl 59
Damn you dudes. This is my slammy list. Not yours. RESPEKT MAH AUTHORITAAAA!
Lvl 20
*does not respect Lindros' authorita*
Lvl 59
Fine, then we'll just have to move on to the next one.
Lvl 59
5. Jessica Simpson Jessica Simpson used to occupy the 5th spot here. I mean, she had big terts, she’s been on my slammy list forever, and she’s used to be the cuter Simpson sister. But since I originally made the list, she gained weight, started singing country or some shit, broke up with Tony Romo, gained more weight, then lost some weight. But this kind of yo-yo action is too much for me to handle, and I’m starting to lose my slammy-love for her. And that’s something big, because she’s been on the slammy list since I was just a wee slammer. So, her longevity keeps her visible, and she gets some sort of ambiguous honorable top-5 mention here. So congrats, Jess. Sorta.

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