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WTF!! Really America?!?!

Starter: RumDum Posted: 14 years ago Views: 7.1K
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Lvl 27
Some things in life make no sense such as, wearing a bike helmet going 10 miles an hour, or wearing a seat belt in a car surrounded by 2 tons of steel, yet you can ride a motorcycle without a helmet legally doing over 65 MPH...

Common sense which isn't so common, gotta love it
Lvl 6
Originally posted by americanbulldog64

Not trying to ruin anybodies fun her, but the President is supposed to set an example for all generations of Americas. I for one live in a state with laws that say minors will wear helmets while riding bikes & if you dig real deep I am sure you will find the Government recommends it. I have never sent my kids out without one for a bike ride. Shit when i was a kid, i cold have really used one like once or twice.... No tickets for me 'cause I to lazy to buy my kid a helmet

Why do we need the government to dictate how we live or what we wear.
Lvl 33
Obama does enough stupid shit anyway, why beat a dead horse!
Lvl 20
The problem much of America has with Obama is that he is Black. Political correctness stifles the urges to express that, therefor these racists try to undermine him at every level. Occasionally they slip,ie: great white hope,Barack the magic negro, etc. The large undereducated, religiously brainwashed segment of America is easily manipulated by corporate politicians who use their ignorance to form the base of the Republican party. I mean, look at the Palin phenomenon, they actually supported one of their own for office. That's why they loved her, she was just as ignorant as they were. Obama is no perfect president either, as the left would like him to attain the holy aura of JFK. Obama has debts to pay too, to his supporters and daily he shows himself to be just another politician. But in reality, for many White Americans, its all about race and perverse desire to find a time machine where they all can return to 1956, when Elvis was alive, communists were evil, gas was cheap, and Blacks sat in the back of the bus.
Lvl 16
Originally posted by Demonicmale

Some things in life make no sense such as, wearing a bike helmet going 10 miles an hour, or wearing a seat belt in a car surrounded by 2 tons of steel, yet you can ride a motorcycle without a helmet legally doing over 65 MPH...

Common sense which isn't so common, gotta love it

Yeah, that is one of my issues also.

Also, what I forgot to mention, is that they also said the he was portraying a "bad boy" image by doing this. He is riding with his daughter, not in the Tour De France or BMX circuit.

Thanks for the chatter guys and gals. I do understand everyone's point oddly enough. I thought this would make for good discussion. Things have just gotten way out of hand.

Im gona go do some push-ups or P90X right now... With out my helmet.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by wohali

The problem much of America has with Obama is that he is Black...

... yeah, I'm sure it's got nothing to do with his politics
Lvl 16
Originally posted by wohali

The problem much of America has with Obama is that he is Black.

Is he really black? I mean, his mother was white, he was raised mainly by his white grandparents. If anything he is about as white as me (albeit slightly more tan).
Lvl 18
This thread was about whether or not it should be a big deal Obama didn't wear his helmet. Instead you people made it just another Obama presidency conversation. There's a lot of threads on here you could've went to with this nonsense. You can't even say the word Obama without people starting the political crap.

Originally posted by brownell


... yeah, I'm sure it's got nothing to do with his politics

Doesn't have anything to do with him being black at the same time I don't think it has much to do with his politics either. People are in a rage because someone told them to be. Whether it was Glen Beck or Rush Limbaugh or whoever. The majority of people I speak to don't have a clue what's in the healthcare bill or any other bill but yet regurgitate information they heard from one talking head or another like they're an expert on the subject. The VAST majority in America isn't educated enough on the issues to hate any politician for the politics. First we'd have to have a country that gets their information somewhere other then forwarded e-mails and talking head political shows then maybe people would be capable of hating politicians for the right reasons
Lvl 16
Personally, I hate laws like the helmet laws. But it is only fair that Obama, who has supported a lot of "nanny state" stuff and believe government is the answer to everything, is getting his lumps over not wearing a helmet. Things like this are another reason to be against government control of health care. If the government has a financial stake in your health, then they can control more and more of your personal life. Seatbelt laws, etc are all responses to costs involved in caring for the injured. Think about it.
Lvl 18
Well when people go about making a big deal about stuff like this they only hurt themselves because they make their party look retarded in the eyes of the people who matter most in this country the swing voters. Any swing voters who read stories about something like this are automatically "swung" closer to Obama's side because the whole thing is just nit picky and stupid.

WHen I was a kid my psycologist told me "when you fight and complain about everything you are really fighting and complaining about nothing and just making yourself look silly". She was right.
Lvl 16
Originally posted by J-Swiss

Well when people go about making a big deal about stuff like this they only hurt themselves because they make their party look retarded in the eyes of the people who matter most in this country the swing voters. Any swing voters who read stories about something like this are automatically "swung" closer to Obama's side because the whole thing is just nit picky and stupid.

Maybe. But since many of these same people complaining are also people who would generally support the President's agenda, it might not have any effect. If it was Republicans or Republican groups doing the complaining your thought would be fairly accurate though.
Lvl 8
Dude, if I ever would have left my house on a bike wearing a helmet, I'd need it to protect me from the beating my friends would have given me. However, I know the law in Florida states that anyone under 16 has to wear a helmet on a bicycle. I'm sure Obama is over 16.

BTW, the 2 party system is the downfall of democracy in America anyone who thinks one is any better than the other is completely blind.

No more politics from me. Wearing a helmet on a bike is rediculous unless you are riding competetively (BMX, Tour de France, etc.)
in dutchie land its considered gay to wear a helmet whilst riding a bike, and we should fuckin' know there's more bikes here than ppl.

what i don't get is why is every one bashing Obama? the biggest idiot ever to rule the ami's has just left the white house....
Lvl 11
Originally posted by J-Swiss

People are in a rage because someone told them to be. Whether it was Glen Beck or Rush Limbaugh or whoever.

Baloney.... who told everyone to hate GWB?
Obama was rated as the most liberal senator at least one year (as was John Kerry) People aren't quite so stupid that they need to be told who isn't on their side. Obama is about as far away from me politically as any politician in this country, and he shares just about nothing with anyone that's remotely conservative.

But yeah, I could give a fuck if he wore a helmet or not. I can see a point in helmets for racing and jumping, but recreational bike riding doesn't need to be regulated.
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 18
Don't be offended Brownell I didn't mean you personally. I know there are informed people who hate him for political reasons I just meant the vast majority doesn't even know why they hate him and when asked they give an answer that generally has already been proven wrong.

Same with GWB. Most people don't know why they hate him. They say "oh he started the war in Iraq" but that's ignorant because he didn't start it alone. A lot of people just hate him just because he couldn't make it through a speech without flubbing the entire thing and makin us all look like dumb rednecks but know very little about him politically.

I'm talking about the average majority in this country, not anybody with any intelligence.
Lvl 18
I fully agree that he should be allowed to bike ride without a helmet. I also agree there are people who are enraged at him because he is black.

Bush wasn"t hated like this. Through things like the Patriot Act Bush pushed further into our personal lives than any President ever has. Through the Iraq war he has cost us well over a trillion dollars and 1000s of American lives. People scream socialism (I'm sure most of them don't know what it means), but Bush bailed out the banks, took over Fannie, Freddie and AIG. I don't think at any point he ever made us look good internationally.

That said, there was never the seething hatred there is Obama. The man has been in office for 7 months? He put through a stimulus package (Bush put through three -- two rounds of tax credits and the bank bailout), tried to right GM and is now talking health care (which regardless of the solution chosen is a problem in this country). That is it. And they treat him like he came in and suddenly ruined America. He has barely touched it. His desk chair has barely molded to his ass.

Whats more, Bush had a significantly lower approval rating and Obama won his election by substantially more than Bush won either of his. So when I compare the two situations, I see fewer people hating this man substantially more than any one hated Bush. Really, I don't know that anyone hated Bush. As a Dem, we hated Chaney. We hated Karl Rove. We thought Bush was a dumb ass, but personally, he'd probably have been ok to have a beer with. But for Obama, its ... on another level. The town hall meetings and McCain campaign stops sounded like Klan meetings. People show up to talk health care with guns on their hips. And why? I'm guessing cause he's black. I'm guessing its got the rednecks and the old white folks so agitated that people like Rush and crazy Palin (beware the death panels. They are coming to kill my downs baby!!!) barely have to flinch to set the mob off.

To be honest with you, I'm scared. The coverage of the heath care has died down a bit, but I live in a Republican neighborhood and I'm scared of these mother fuckers around me. It is gotten way out of hand and gone way to far and Dem control is going to be around for at least a few more years so its not going to get better. Its nuts.
Lvl 11
You guys are still over blowing the dislike for Obama. To suggest that Obama is currently hated more than GWB is to ignore logic, and poll numbers. The dislike doesn't appear any different to me than those who disliked Reagan, Clinton or GWB. It's a political ideology that scares the hell out of people that have strong opposing views. The difference with Obama is that he has a better chance of making big changes because he has much more support from Congress than the other three had. If you didn't like Hillary's push for universal heathcare during the Clinton years, you don't like Obama's plan either (or anybody's plan for that matter), it's got nothing to do with race.

Exactly how did the Patriot Act push further into our personal lives than anything any other President has ever done? The ONLY thing that's any different in my life is the extra security in airports. Government involvement in a persons healthcare is a going to be pretty damn big push into personal lives however.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by brownell

Exactly how did the Patriot Act push further into our personal lives than anything any other President has ever done? The ONLY thing that's any different in my life is the extra security in airports. Government involvement in a persons healthcare is a going to be pretty damn big push into personal lives however.

Well, it was the Patriot Act and the illegal wiretapping program through NSA. Monitoring phone calls and emails...recordings who to who and for how long in databases...then all of the relaxed rules on searches, etc, in the Patriot Act. For example, Section 215 modified the rules on records searches. Post-Patriot Act, third-party holders of your financial, library, travel, video rental, phone, medical, church, synagogue, and mosque records can be searched without your knowledge or consent, providing the government says it's trying to protect against terrorism. Before the Patriot Act acquiring this sort of info required at least a warrant and probable cause. After the Patriot Act, they could just claim it was in the interests of National Security.

Obama hasn't done anything with healthcare yet. Did Bush Sr. or Clinton or Reagan even allow warrantless searches and wiretaps? Not that I know of.

And if healthcare ends up being an insurance mandate like they have in Massachusetts, I don't see it getting too much into your personal business.

The point of my whole rant was, Bush has done to some degree or another everything Obama has done and more. But folks are ape shit at Obama. There is definitely a difference from where I can see.
Lvl 16
Yeah, this did kinda take a wrong turn somewhere.

I guess I should have known that if I was gona bring up Obama.

I guess I should have added some tittehs and chics in helmets then posted it in the Nude thread.
Lvl 18
You are so smart RumDum. Bike helmets are silly. That said, when my brother was like 8 or something he feel off his bike and fractured his skull. Spent a few days in the hospital.

8 isn't 47. I do see where putting on a helmet would have been a good, subtle PSA. But had he worn a helmet no one would have commented in any way shape or form. He doesn't wear one and it get attention. Damned if you do and don't I guess.
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