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What Apps Do You Use?

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 13 years ago Views: 4.3K
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Lvl 59
Oh, hey, what's up y'all?

I don't know if you guys heard, but some of us awesome people have iDevices. iPhones, iPads, iPod touches, whatever.

First, in case you didn't know, that means we're awesome and better than you in just about every way. Second, it means we can do all kinds of neat special things. And you can too if you have a similarly compatible device.

So the point of this thread is that we can all share in the awesomeness, sort of like a big gay orgy, or a party where you put a cinderblock on your head and a pickle in your mouth and then hold your friends up between you and a buddy. Just like that. Except with electronic devices.

So, tell us...

...what apps are you currently using?
...what device are they for?
...are they awesome and indispensable, or are they garbage and suck?

* This post has been modified : 12 years ago
Lvl 59
I'll start, because you guys seem shy.

About two weeks ago, I get this awesome text message from a good buddy of mine. Now, I'm not gonna say who, but their name rhymes with Bonda_Sex. What was in this text message you ask? I'll tell you. A big delicious penis. A jumble of letters and such. But what was special about those mixed up letters was that they were actually a secret code, known only to me, the sender of the secret code, and Apple Inc. I forwarded this secret code to Apple Inc, who compensated me for my spy-courier skills with $15.00 worth of merchandise from their company.

So I set out to spend this booty.

I started browsing their selection, and I didn't know what to get, and then I came across NBA Jam, a game which I hadn't played in like 10 years since I had Sega Genesis or something. It's been forever. And I remember that game being super awesome - because everything is super awesome when you're a kid playing video games (Except ET for Atari, because that game was the worst game in the history of games). I think that app was something like $1.99, so I picked it up and fired it up on the iPod thing.

Guys, it's awesome, and I don't even like basketball.

- It's awesome fun
- It's relatively cheap
- It's awesome fun

- It kinda eats up battery life pretty quickly
- It eats up hours of your day if you had planned on doing something productive. (Not that slamming in fools faces while doing 360 summersault dunks isn't productive, but you know...)

It gets a solid A rating from The 'Dross.
Lvl 28
If I'm being honest, as soon as I seen Spiderman slide down, I lol'd so hard.

My head tilted back a bit, it was full on stereotype.

I have an iPwn. (Phone)...the apps I use are dese:

Soundhound: I can identify kewl tunes on le radio. (fucking rules)...I was listening to "Don't Speak (acoustic)" it fucking knew it was the acoustic version. I love it super hard.

Cracked: It cost money, but worth in IMO. I'm a fan.

Cyanide & Happiness: I think it also cost money, but I do like myself some comics.

Camera+: It's free and neat.

Ibooks: Neat. Free.

Twitter: Neat. Free. Addicting.

360 Panorama: Allows you to take panoramic shots with your iPhone. If you have a steady hand and are careful, fucking rules.

iHandy Level: I've never used it.

Angry Birds: Fun as balls.


Call of Duty: Zombies...I've heard good things.

I photoed my thread up a bit because it looked bland next to the Dros awesomeness.
Lvl 59
Yeah, here's some more that I use:

Twitter - free and useful.

Angry Birds - they make me lol

WordsWithFriends - Free; Scrabble with bros and fembros.

HangingWithFriends - Free; Hangman with bros and fembros (usually the less smart group of friends )

Instapaper - $4.99 I think?; It's a VERY useful app for me. It allows you to go to any web page, click "Read Later" and it saves the article to your device for reading later - even offline. It's great for car or plane or piggyback rides, etc. I just got it the other day and have used it a lot. Seriously, one of the best apps out there IMO.
Lvl 28
I fucking love scrabble.


Also, instapaper sounds tight.
Lvl 29
is this discussion open to Android users as well, or is it simply a self serving iphone orgy?
Lvl 59
You can post your inferior device apps in here as well. Often they're available for both devices.

You just have to put up with the laughing and pointing from us elitists.

BTW, Honda, you seem to have a lot of Japanese books. I'm impressed with your language skills.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by the_kevin1

is this discussion open to Android users as well


Originally posted by the_kevin1

is it simply a self serving iphone orgy?


It's actually probably fine you post..I dunno.

I don't pay attention to the non-iPeople.

Lvl 29
based on the lower class living i obviously do (android, not iphone) i've got the great clips app. for those shitty, inferior haircuts that go so well with an android
Lvl 59
Is that a check-in type app, like 4square-ish?

If so, I think apple has a version for us sophisticates:

Lvl 59
Oh, I forgot, I have this one too:

Emoji++ - It's free and lets you put all kinds of emoticons/pictures/smiley-faces/dog poo/etc in your text messages.
Lvl 29
no, there's 4square app for the android but Great Clips has an individual app that allows you to check in for a haircut, avoiding waiting in line if you had just walked in
Lvl 59

I think android has some other location apps (SmartPlaces?) because when I go onto facebook I see my mother and her sister have checked into all kinds of random places, and they both have droids.

Personally, I'm not a big fan of the checking in things.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by EricLindros

I think android has some other location apps (SmartPlaces?) because when I go onto facebook I see my mother and her sister have checked into all kinds of random places, and they both have droids.

Your sister may have amazing jugs (or so I've been told by Bangles)...but I'm pretty unimpressed in her choice of phone.

*shakes head*
Lvl 37
Originally posted by the_kevin1

is this discussion open to Android users as well, or is it simply a self serving iphone orgy?

I'm with you, Kevin... Words with Friends, and Angry Birds are totally available to us Android users that know that we are superior.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by RogueLeader

Angry Birds are totally available to us Android users that know that we are superior.

I haven't tilted my head back and laughed that hard since the beginning of this thread.
Lvl 29
for those of you that appreciate smut, and i know i'm reaching out to the lowest common denominator here, droid has an app called "aphrodisiac" that's all erotica stories
Lvl 29
Originally posted by Honda_X

[ Image ]
Cyanide & Happiness: I think it also cost money, but I do like myself some comics.

those of us on droid have the option of getting the "comic strips" app (free)

as i too am a fan of the Cyanide & Happiness

but this also gives you access to all the other strips out there as well
Lvl 29
"groupme" is available to both iphone and droid

good group text message app that doesn't hit your text messages (sms), but rather goes over data
convenient when making plans with multiple people as you can see everyone's responses, not just single text message replies
Lvl 29
oh yeah, and google navigation with turn by turn directions has been a life saver
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