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What Apps Do You Use?

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 13 years ago Views: 4.3K
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Lvl 3
Android User.Screw a Iphone,I got the Galaxy Prevail from Boost.$175+$50 a month for unlimited everything.They disable the * hot spot * feature but through a easy rooting process and free app (WiFi tether) you can re-enable it allowing unlimited internet for any WiFi enabled device.I use mine for my PS3.It's not blazing fast but it's good enough to play multiplayer games.
I only get free apps.

WAZE GPS Navigation
Turn by turn navigation but....It has the ability to log location and post reports for other drivers.Can broadcast a ton of different warnings.Accidents,construction,road hazards,bad traffic(it can also detect a slowdown,ask if your in traffic and if you select yes will track you on the map until you speed up.It then reports it to everyone in the area.)
One of the most handy reports is Cop location and if they're hidden or visible.
All reports have the option to take a pic and share it.

Also has a speedometer so if you don't know how fast your going due to broken speedo cable or something,this will give you a reading.Not 100% accurate but good enough to keep you near the speed limits.

Bunny Shooter
Kinda reverse of Angry Birds,instead of launching bunnies you shoot at them with a bow and arrow.Starts out easy, just aim and kill but as you progress the levels add some creative shots.Drop bowling balls,tilt see-saws,ricochet shots etc.
Has 2 worlds with 50 or 60 levels.3rd level you have to pay for.
Ton of fun but game don't take long to beat.Fortunately it has pretty decent replay value.

I have other apps but it's late so I'll post more after I get some sleep.
Lvl 8
HTC and motorola xoom user never would use apple, had chance to get i pad 2 or xoom read reviews and got xoom. Love my htc
i can understand calling iPhone users fanboys...and 'hipsters' or whatever other word the 15 year olds are saying these days....but Android users, not all....but so many of them are just frustrated retards, full of rage and negativtiy....whenever they post on any forum (and i frequent about 5 daily) they are soooooo full of anger and hatred of all things apple its hilarious to see ..
buy your shit, and let others buy their shit....stop insulting and spewing out your hatred at people, not everyone laughs with you....alot laugh at you
Lvl 3
**Update to my previous looooong listed post above ^**

Games that DO work (for me):
- WordFeud Version 1.2.9 (Full)/ Very similar to the board game Scrabble.
- 9mm HD Version 1.0.1 (Full)/ Sort of similar to Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
- Zombieville USA 1.0.4 (Full)/ Bash and shoot zombies while collecting money, health, and weapons to get through each level.

Games that do NOT work (for me):
- Reckless Getaway Version 1.0.4 (Full)/ You've robbed a bank and now it's your chance to get away any way possible.
- Trial Xtreme 2 HD (Full)/ ..... as in update to Trial Xtreme 1; jump-over-obstacles motocross game.
- Real Steel HD Version 1.0.18 (Full)/ ..... as in the new robot boxing movie with Hugh Jackman.
- Backstab HD Version 1.2.4 (Full)/ You play as a broken-down man in his quest for justice and revenge on an 18th century Caribbean island.
Lvl 28
Sup brolios....I need some new apps for my phone.

Keep em coming.
Originally posted by Honda_X

Sup brolios....I need some new apps for my phone.

Keep em coming.

What kind of apps you want?
most of my apps are more for work etc...and all my games are on the iPad..iphone is too small and i get frustrated playing games on it (except solitaire and wordsearch games lol)
Lvl 27
I have a whoopee cushion app
Lvl 17
'Draw Something'

I'm addicted!

Infinity Blade 2, bit pricey, but I've jail broken, so no payment needed.
DO NOT TRACK - blocks all tracking (blocking Google Analytics here)
Lvl 28
Hondude and Dros, you two are a treat when you're on your game together. Almost Jack quality, but it appears age took Jack's edge, so if you can keep it up for another couple years, I'll move ya to the top of the only list that really matters. MINE!!

I'm starting to believe you guys get shit-dicked together when no one is watching. You play off each other so well.

SHEEE - IT !!!, I just brillianted my way to the knowledge that the front page is almost a year old.

Jack's ahead by a couple lengths now.. But I stand by the shit-dicked comment
Lvl 24
Originally posted by Honda_X


Your sister may have amazing jugs (or so I've been told by Bangles)...but I'm pretty unimpressed in her choice of phone.

*shakes head*

Lvl 6
I have:
Words with Friends
Hanging with Friends
Draw Something
Angry Birds
Amazon Kindle
iHeartRadio (haven't used it)
Skype (don't use)
and Twitter

And apps for my banks
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