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The Walking Dead.

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 12 years ago Views: 5.0K
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Lvl 28

The Walking Dead

  • Good Show

    85.19% (46)

  • Meh Show

    9.26% (5)

  • Bad Show

    5.56% (3)

Votes: 54
I'm going to come right out and say it. I just want to write. So I've decided to talk about TV.

I'm going to talk about The Walking Dead, which is based on a comic of the same name. Afterwords, if you have any TV shows you're a big fan of, feel free to make a thread, or discuss this show, in this thread.

Anyway. The Walking Dead is an awful, awful show that I love very, very much.

Here is the basic premise of the show. This small town Sheriff (Rick) gets shot, then eventually he wakes up in a hospital alone. He gets up, and starts wondering around, notices a buncha zombies.

Shit gets most definitely real. Eventually Rick meets up with a small group of survivors including his wife (Lori), child (Little Jackass Carl) and partner/BFF (best friend foreves Shane).

In his absence, his wife, Lori...opens up her whore hole and starts letting Shane put his douchecock in it. Then Rick finds them and it's all awkward because Shane (douchecock) told Whore (Lori) that Rick (Awesome Badass) was dead. Rick was not dead, and in fact at one point, rides a horse.

This is a new type of television show in my opinion, it's a bait and switch. "Hey bros, come chech this awesome show about zombies eating people" then every few episodes they throw in a zombie to break up the drama. Which was douchy in my opinion. So anyway, characters. Ones I like:

Rick: Awesome Sheriff guy, carries an awesome six shooter, is the leader of the group.

Glenn: Cool Asian bro, is kinda funny and interesting. Ends up boning some chick and driving a Dodge Charger. (Awesome)

Hershel: Introduced in the second season, kind of a jackass but also pretty awesome. Owns a farm, has a moderately attractive daughter.

Daryl: Stupid annoying hillbilly character I came to like. He somehow is a good guy kind, I don't really know how it comes to happen, but he ends up being decent.

Dale: Kindly old bro, wears a fedora...preaches about morals and is overall pretty cool.

The rest.

Shane: Ricks Partner. Total Assclown.

Lori: Annoying floozie

Carl: Dumbass kid everyone hates.

Uhh, there's an annoying blonde girl, and a black guy..and an old lady that looks like Jamie Lee Curtis.

So yeah, it's a pretty good show and a lot of people seem to like it...Do you watch it?

What do you think of it? Hit me with any discussion that is Walking Dead related.

Lvl 17
Surprisingly enough I've just dl'd it last night, a few people I know have said its pretty good.

Can't judge yet, but I'll watch some on thurs.
Lvl 28
Need another poll option

"Never Seen It"

Now I don't need to.

Now iffin youse tuh wanna talk 'bout "Justified", we be talkin' 'bout my kinda folk
Lvl 37
no Avril
Lvl 27
I've been told by a couple people also that I should watch it, but I have yet to check it out...
Lvl 28
Seems like a lot of you bros are missing out on a quality show.

Not every episode is amazing, but overall it's a damn good show you guys should check out. I was hoping more people will have seen it so we could discuss season 3.
Lvl 24
I've only seen Season 1. Been waiting for Season 2 on the Internets...

I like what I've seen though, so far.
And yeah, fuck the douche and the floozie.
Lvl 27
You guys are actually kinda making me want to watch this show, I mean douches and floozies are good stuff
i haven't seen it and i don't have the cable access to say so and i seen the video game and i am intrested in it but again i don't have what i want
Lvl 28
i have only seen the first season but i love it... i always liked zombie movies so a show is a no brainer for me... i'm waiting for the second season to come out on dvd so i can watch them all at once and not miss any...
Lvl 28
The second season is ummm.

I don't know how to break this to you baby...I really don't. It starts off pretty slow.

Like, Six episodes deep before anything interesting happens for the most part. A lot of wondering around and people yelling "Carl, get in the house." and then for whatever reason Carl isnt in the house.
Lvl 29
A guy at work keeps telling me this is pretty good. Going to have to check it out!!

Lvl 14
It's a badass show. I can't wait for season 3.

Can we talk about the show like err ummm.. spoilers?
Lvl 28
I wouldn't that would be kinda shitty....I was really going to, and was hoping for it..

But a lot of people haven't seen it, so that would be pretty uncool.

I guess if went all vague about shit like, "oh man, remember that crazy shiz with that person in the woods.....the one that had those swords..WHAAZUP with that?"

Then if you watch the show you're all "that was some crazy jazz" and if you haven't yet you're all "oohh...somebody gonna be in the woods at some point."

Kinda seems like more trouble than it's worth.
Lvl 14
yeah that wouldn't be cool. Isn't the show based on the comics?

Well, I'm going to say that two people on there should of been eaten by a walkers along time ago.

When they start season 3?
Lvl 28
I have no idea, probably not for at least six months.

I like how they teased at the next location at the end of season two.

I agree about the eating people thing, some people are fucking annoying on that show.
Lvl 25
I read the comic up to around 65 or so and just lost interest. Haven’t tried the show yet.
Lvl 14
I don't remember the tease for the next location. I do remember the person with the sword.
Lvl 8
I really enjoy The Walking Dead and I hardly ever get into television shows. The plot line can move a bit slowly from time to time but I compare it to The Sopranos. Somebody can't get whacked in every episode so they spend a lot of time building up to epic episodes.

I truly can't stand the wife/floozy character. I want her to die in every episode. I actually liked Shane even though he was a piece of shit. I haven't read any of the comic but I've researched some of the "spoilers" for next season. I'm excited to see what happens when they head to the prison (location tease at the end of season two). The mysterious helicopter they show every once in a while. The badass with ninja swords and two zombies on leashes. It all looks very cool.
Lvl 14
oh yeah, the prison that's what was at the end.
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