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The Political Compass

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 15 years ago Views: 3.9K
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Lvl 20
Originally posted by EricLindros


Waiting for heathcare is not my idea of a "better system."

Better than getting none at all which many can't get with yours if they can't afford it. One always get urgent care here. If you have an illness that requires longer treatment and is not life threatening you might get to wait a few weeks but you will get it practically free. If you can't afford what little it costs you can get it paid for you by the county.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Vesuvius


Better than getting none at all which many can't get with yours if they can't afford it.

You do know that if you show up to an emergency room in the United States with an injury or illness they HAVE to treat you, right?

Government control of industry is never more efficient than a market based system, but that's a debate for another topic. (and forum, whenever that gets here )

Originally posted by Ves
If you have an illness that requires longer treatment and is not life threatening you might get to wait a few weeks but you will get it practically free. If you can't afford what little it costs you can get it paid for you by the county.

You aren't getting it for free. You, and every other tax paying citizen, are paying for it.
Lvl 16
Originally posted by EricLindros

You do know that if you show up to an emergency room in the United States with an injury or illness they HAVE to treat you, right?

You do realize that argument never sways anyone. They will always find the one person who didn't get the care they thought they deserved and prop them up as indicative of the entire system. Never mind the thousands I can find who got care at little or no cost and had their lives saved.
Lvl 21
Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -3.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.56

Lvl 17
I was somewhat shocked by mine...
Lvl 20
Originally posted by EricLindros


You do know that if you show up to an emergency room in the United States with an injury or illness they HAVE to treat you, right?

It would be very horrible if they didn't. But then what? If they need more and costly care and don't have insurance?

Originally posted by EricLindros


You aren't getting it for free. You, and every other tax paying citizen, are paying for it.

Those at the "bottom of society" doesn't always have income to pay taxes on and they get care anyway. That's what I mean, everyone get care no matter how poor they are.
Lvl 7
Originally posted by Vesuvius

Those at the "bottom of society" doesn't always have income to pay taxes on and they get care anyway. That's what I mean, everyone get care no matter how poor they are.

I was in the ER one time for an injury and overheard the buddy of the guy in the next curtained off exam area joke around with his injured buddy about sparking up a joint after they got out and how much better he would feel. With both checked out at the same time. I have insurance. He didn't. I paid. He walked out of there without spending a dime. As my girlfriend drove us out of there I watched him get into his pimped out pocket rocket.

Nothing like paying for freeloaders right Vesuvius.

A bag of dope averages around $180.00 nowadays. That buys some decent insurance to cover medical needs. And no telling how much that spoiler on the ass end of his car cost but I bet he could have paid for 4 to 6 months of medical insurance on his own.

Be responsible for yourself first and quit making the government pay for things that you can do on your own.
Lvl 8
I consider myself a Libertarian

Your political compass

Economic Left/Right: 6.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.90

Lvl 20
Originally posted by steelnail

Be responsible for yourself first and quit making the government pay for things that you can do on your own.

Everyone isn't freeloaders but people that perhaps cleans the floor of your work and doesn't make as much money as you do and can't afford an insurance that pays for cancer treatment. Maybe something happens that makes you out of a job and you loose the insurance, who's going to pay for your treatment then? Surely not your drug addicted friend?
Lvl 16
I have been with insurance and without it in my life and I can tell you that the biggest difference between the two is that with insurance (or cash to pay for care) you get to decide who you get your care from. Without it you don't. Other than that, not much difference.
why are people talking about health care in a thread about personal political sways?
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Latino

why are people talking about health care in a thread about personal political sways?

I dunno, but this thread could probably be moved to "The Panel"
Lvl 14
I don't even know if I want to find out where I am on that thing. L O L.
Lvl 13
Economic Left/Right: -6.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.08
Lvl 24
Anyone who didn't see this coming deserves to be slapped.

Or perhaps, spoken harshly to.

Also, thread moved.
Lvl 59
Pick a side, fence-rider!
Lvl 28

Lvl 24
Originally posted by Honda_X

[ Image ]

I disagree passionately with your self-serving facist ideals.

You disgust me.

You pig.
Lvl 28
Lvl 21
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