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Show us your pets!!!

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 16 years ago Views: 8.7K
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Lvl 17
Black dog.....Shipperke?, named fav
multi colored is a welsh corgi named scout
scout with my trick horse named Dog
all cats are sadly MIA

Lvl 27
DFP - someone stole scouts legs

Are those scouts puppy pics?
Lvl 17
lol.....yes her puppy pic, in the background was the rest of the litter, i think scout is the second one, I believe the first pic is her brother
yes, scout is a lowrider for sure!
Lvl 23
This is my beloved German Shepherd friend called ‘Mace’ he is 15 years old!

I can’t express to you all how much I love him. (whine)
Lvl 26
Well we were able to give away 7 of the 9 puppies, sadly one of them were hit by a car and died instantly about 2 weeks ago and we decided to keep one of them. His name is Diesel and this is what he looks like....
Lvl 24
thats a super cute pup jawz!
Lvl 26
Thanks, he was one of only three that came out that color

I just hate that we had to bury one of them
Lvl 13
Originally posted by J_A_W_Z

Thanks, he was one of only three that came out that color

I just hate that we had to bury one of them

That really sucks. I'm sorry.
Lvl 26
Yeah it does and thanks
Lvl 7
I think my dog was fathered by falcore, that flying white dragon/dog thing from the never ending story.
Lvl 24
youve got to be the biggest loser ever for knowing that movie fact :P

and what kind of dog is that

Lvl 21
Wow uglycasanova in the pic your dog kinda looks like a bat
Lvl 11
Originally posted by uglycasanova

I think my dog was fathered by falcore, that flying white dragon/dog thing from the never ending story.

I think your dog has the case of human munchies
Lvl 7
haha. thanks for the words of encouragement fefe. hes a pitbull/mastiff mix.
Lvl 13
if got lassy
Lvl 18
Originally posted by uglycasanova

I think my dog was fathered by falcore, that flying white dragon/dog thing from the never ending story.

Your dog looks more like the evil wolf creature from the movie then Falcore. Falcore's all white and happy lookin...

Anyway here's my pets.

First we have Sativa or Tiva for short, her name comes from the latin term for marijuana "Cannabis-Sativa". She's the only pet I have that I like, the other two belong to my wife...

Then we have the most psychotic cat I've ever met appropriately named "Skitz"...

And finally we have "Dash Nibbles" doing his best impression of Mr Burns from the Simpsons...

* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 24
Originally posted by uglycasanova

haha. thanks for the words of encouragement fefe. hes a pitbull/mastiff mix.

sweet! cool dog! those are always really active playful types of dogs
Lvl 43
Here's 5 of my 9 cats I have...





I like cats but am not against dogs, just think if you're gonna have should be able to let it run free not chained up and such...some nice pets in here
Lvl 21
This my Pit Bull taking a nap. If your smart you will not disturb!
Lvl 43
Originally posted by GR

This my Pit Bull taking a nap. If your smart you will not disturb!

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