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Show us your pets!!!

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 17 years ago Views: 8.7K
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Lvl 6
Here's my fat cat Blotter
she got her name cause when i got I got her she fit in my hand and was I said "she's the tiniest tab!" - some of you will get it
Lvl 29
Originally posted by MAN_of_GROGG

Here's my fat cat Blotter
she got her name cause when i got I got her she fit in my hand and was I said "she's the tiniest tab!" - some of you will get it

A friend, back in the day, had a cat names Kilo. So, yes, I get it!!

Lvl 6
@ Bonzai-cow
Lvl 7
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum


i agree, i really like that dog

i think we need more pictures of Zues, i really like his ears. hes a cutiepie :P

I have a few more of Zeus. Hope you like.

The Reef tank in the other pic is only a 30 gallon. The other is a freshwater 180 Gallon. I am setting up a 120 gallon reef tank at the moment too. My wife thinks I am crazy.
Lvl 8
Originally posted by MAN_of_GROGG

Here's my fat cat Blotter
she got her name cause when i got I got her she fit in my hand and was I said "she's the tiniest tab!" - some of you will get it

Before I read your post I saw the poster in the back ground and my thoughts went right where your post did.
Lvl 21
Originally posted by MAN_of_GROGG

Here's my fat cat Blotter
she got her name cause when i got I got her she fit in my hand and was I said "she's the tiniest tab!" - some of you will get it
[ Image ]
I once had a guinea pig named orange sunshine so yea I know
Lvl 24
Originally posted by IST-Rigor

I have a few more of Zeus. Hope you like.

The Reef tank in the other pic is only a 30 gallon. The other is a freshwater 180 Gallon. I am setting up a 120 gallon reef tank at the moment too. My wife thinks I am crazy.

sweet! adorable pup you have!
Lvl 9
Lvl 9
this is my 4yr.old golden retriever, Sammy with the the world's best mailman (who lets her out at lunch too ! )
Lvl 27
Thats a beautiful Golden retriever oldguy...
Lvl 6
Fuck...I knew I should have not deleted my pictures of Honda.
Lvl 9
Thats a beautiful Golden retriever oldguy...
[ Thanks, I think so too, Demon
Lvl 27
My brother has a Golden, she's older about 13 or 14 I think, her coat and face have pretty much turned white, but still an excellent dog
Lvl 9
Sammy is my third golden, the first female.... she is sooooo spoiled
Lvl 5
The progression of Isabella

Lvl 24
@ narco - she was a really cute puppy
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum

@ narco - she was a really cute puppy

so youre saying shes not cute now?
Lvl 24
shes cute now, i just thing she was tooooooooooooooooooooooo cute as a puppy

more pics of Trixie:

do fishy's count as pets too? this one of my breeding couple of angelfish.

as you can see on the slate behind her she's breeding again, these fishies are very very protective and nurturing of their eggs/young,

Lvl 27
creepus, seems your Angel fish has a devilish side to her
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