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Show us your pets!!!

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 17 years ago Views: 8.7K
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Ok, this has been done before....but it was done a while ago. We have many members who are new, and some like myself..who have new pets :P

This is our new 8 week old pup. He is a cross breed, his dad was a Maltese and his mum was a Shitzu.
came out a nice colour too

so post pics of your pets (if you have them)

Lvl 59
Latino, two things:

1. Cute dog...although it's never going to grow very big so you'll have a little girly dog after it grows out of the "cute puppy" stage. But whatever, that's cool too I guess.

2. You have the hands of a little little boy.
Originally posted by EricLindros

Latino, two things:

1. Cute dog...although it's never going to grow very big so you'll have a little girly dog after it grows out of the "cute puppy" stage. But whatever, that's cool too I guess.

2. You have the hands of a little little boy.

1. that is the point, we dont have the time for a large dog and think it cruel to have one and then not treat it the way it should be, plus my wife looks after the dog mostly, so it suits her not going to wash/groom the thing :P

2. those are not my hands...they are indeed of a little boy
Lvl 26
Cute little dog Latino

Heres my dog, shes Husky/Malamute and as you can see from the pictures she had puppies. These pictures were taken about 1-2 weeks after they were born. They are about a month old now.

cool dog man..
different coloured eyes?
Lvl 26
Originally posted by Latino

cool dog man..
different coloured eyes?

The blue eye is from the Husky side and the brown eye is from the Malamute side. I dunno why it sometimes does that with that particular mix breed.

Heres a small video of one of the puppies

Lvl 9
The first one is Capone as a kitten, second is Gambino, and the gorgeous German Shepherd mix is my late Macho.

I'm more of a dog person, but after me and the lady decided to have pets together, they've been able to fill the gap that Macho left.

I'm due for a dog though. They tend to be alot more attentive and cohesive to men. That's what I need. Maybe when this thread comes back around, I can show off a new addition to the family.
Lvl 9
Originally posted by J_A_W_Z

Cute little dog Latino

Heres my dog, shes Husky/Malamute and as you can see from the pictures she had puppies. These pictures were taken about 1-2 weeks after they were born. They are about a month old now.

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Beautiful dog.
Lvl 9
Originally posted by Latino

Ok, this has been done before....but it was done a while ago. We have many members who are new, and some like myself..who have new pets :P

This is our new 8 week old pup. He is a cross breed, his dad was a Maltese and his mum was a Shitzu.
came out a nice colour too

so post pics of your pets (if you have them)

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Good lookin pup! That's the kind of dog the little lady wants.
Lvl 8
First pic is my male Boxer Snoop. He is a Flashy Fawn

Second pic is my female Boxer Brandi. She is a Flashy Brindle

Third pic is Snoop with my son.
Lvl 59

Lvl 24
i love jawz dog!!!!!

i want one of those puppies, bring one down to me!!

love latino's new puppy, its a cute little fluffy thing

i like the male boxer you have capt, hes awesome

and also, im not normally a big fan of cats. i mean i like them but i wouldnt have one, but that little black kitten is totally cool looking
Lvl 26
Originally posted by wolfp4ck


Beautiful dog.

Thanks, shes a wonderful dog, very protective but very sweet at the same time.

Originally posted by FeFeHumHum

i love jawz dog!!!!!

i want one of those puppies, bring one down to me!!

Thanks but you can't have her

If I could I would, how bout I take a picture of each one of them and send them to you

I'm trying to get rid of all of them but one when they get to be 6 weeks old so if anyone here is wanting a new dog and you live close by let me know.
Lvl 24
ive been totally in love with lindros' dog for the longest

shes soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo adorable and a seriously beautiful dog

edit: wtf jawz youre in alabama, im in orlando.

you can drive one down!!
Lvl 26
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum

edit: wtf jawz youre in alabama, im in orlando.

you can drive one down!!

I don't think my car would make it, I drive a POS and it overheats very easily. I can barely get around town much less go to another state
Lvl 8
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum

i like the male boxer you have capt, hes awesome

Thanks FeFe, He is also my favorite.
@ capt - those are cool man, we were thinking of getting a boxer, a japanese spitz and a staffordshire bull terrier before we settled on the furball..
but my son picked it out...and he REALLY fell for the furball, i guess it reminded him of the dog we had till he passed away 2 weeks ago

@ EL - you got another 99 lying around somewhere?
Lvl 12
Lvl 29
Snoop Dog


I can't find the photo album, so I just used my mad Paint Shop Pro skilz to create a picture of our pets. We have one short hair cat, one long hair cat and a border collie.

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