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Search For The Next WBW Moderator.

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 13 years ago Views: 6.9K
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Lvl 28
Sup friends.

Starting next Friday (August 5th) we're starting a competition, to see who will next the next WBW moderator. I'll assume you've already read the news item, but if you haven' it now:

We're looking for someone to write a few articles for us based on news, every day. This will be your only job. You will be a member of the WBWCREW and get all the benefits that go along with that. This will be the thread that holds the submissions.

Do not just copy/paste articles from other sites (we mentioned this in the news should probably have already read that).

Think of it like a late night talk show hosts monologue. They take current events..and make light of them. You always have to have a source article. I'm going to give you a quick example (not a very good one) since I don't want any obvious fuck ups or jackassery in this thread.

Speaking of which, all off topic shit will be deleted. This thread has one purpose, for you to post news, as often as you want..the more often you post, the better your chances. Read the news article carefully. If you have any questions PM myself:



Since we will be the mods deciding who wins.

I cannot stress this enough...we need people who will be able to post to a few news articles to the site the more you post in this thread, the more likely it is we'll realize you have what it takes to be a mod.

Read older news articles to get a feel for what we want. Read the news article...give it your best shot, it's a good deal, especially if you're already here on a regular basis.

If everyone decides to suck, we're not just going to take someone who half assed it. We're taking it seriously, and so should you. If nobody stands out, or there is little interest, nobody will win.

Give it a good shot..also, winner gets a custom "news guy" avatar. Fuck yeah amiright?

Lindros and SP...feel free to edit this if you want to include anything else, same goes with the news article.

Thanks for reading, and good luck.
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 28
...and go!

Any off topic/non news related stuff outside of a question or two will be deleted.

Good luck peoples.
Lvl 21
Beavis and Butthead to return

Really!? Why do I get all giddy inside for this?
After about 15 years, Beavis and Butthead are coming back to MTV (still miss the "M" in the MTV, but that's another issue).
The beloved show is set to return this fall with a new series, new jokes, but the same basic concept. Jacking with music, MTV shows, and even UFC fighting. And you can damn well bet the Great Cornholio will be a part of the party.
There's even a 4 minute preview of clips from the first episode available.
Go here to check it all out:

HELL YEA!! Now get your TP ready and crank up Metallica and AC/DC.
Lvl 21
Spider Man is dead.

Well, not really.
In the "Ultimate" line of Marvel Comics, the Green Goblin has killed Peter Parker.
The "ultimate" world can't go without Spidey, so a new, younger guy steps up to the plate.
Miles Morales, a half-black/half-hispanic young man gets inspired by the death of Parker.
Rumor has it Miles may be gay.
Imagine, a gay Spider Man slinging sticky gooey web-stuff at all the bad guys.
Read all about it:
Lvl 21
Hungry fence-hopper?

A homeless man was arrested Tuesday for jumping the fence at the White House.
He was carrying a backpack, so naturally that was cause for alarm.
It turns out being homeless makes it hard to find good food.
He jumped the fence to go look for Michelle Obama's organic garden for something to nibble on.
He was caught when he couldn't find the good stuff cause of the large bushes in the way.
Just kidding. Well, they DID arrest a guy for jumping the fence.
Check it out:
Lvl 21
Air-Conditioned, why didn't I think of this? I probably did in a drunken stupor one night ...

In light of a hot summer and power shortages thanks to some jacked up nuclear reactors, a Japanese man has come up with an idea for air-conditioned clothes.
Why wear a jacket in the hot summer? Well, because it's "cooler than being naked," Hiroshi Ichigaya, creater of the jacket, explained.
The jackets come equipped with battery powered fans creating a constant breeze helping evaporate sweat and keeping you cool and dry.
It started with just a jacket, but has expanded to shirts and pants.

Here's the story with a video explaining everything in much more detail:
Lvl 21
Lake turns blood red

NO, this isn't my ex wife on the rag....I live in EAST Texas, not west.
However, it is about the extreme drought here in Texas, and all around the southern United States.
The OC Fisher Reservoir in San Angelo State Park is all but gone ... dried up like a woman past menopause.
The water is depleted of oxygen, and there's a nasty looking bacteria that thrives in stagnant, no-oxygen water.
That bacteria is a dark red color, thus turning the water red.
Before you get too crazy about, it is NOT a sign of the apocalypse.

Read the full story with all the dirty details here:
Originally posted by Rage4Order

Hungry fence-hopper?

A homeless man was arrested Tuesday for jumping the fence at the White House.
He was carrying a backpack, so naturally that was cause for alarm.
It turns out being homeless makes it hard to find good food.
He jumped the fence to go look for Michelle Obama's organic garden for something to nibble on.
He was caught when he couldn't find the good stuff cause of the large bushes in the way.
Just kidding. Well, they DID arrest a guy for jumping the fence.
Check it out: [ Link ]

Lvl 28
Hard Times Hit the Palace, or Brit Bites the Bullet?

In a sign of the times, the ever so lovely Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, formerly known as Kate Middleton, has been seen recycling her clothes. Is the Duchess simply so much more practical than British Royalty before her, that she feels comfortable going to her closet to retrieve an item which has already graced her lovely body, or is the Royal Family feeling the pinch of the world economic problems?

K-Middy, the latest obsession of the British media has been spotted reusing items such as earrings, a broach, a clutch bag, shoes, a jacket, dresses and even a cowboy hat. Perhaps you, like me, ask yourself “Who really gives a shit?”, but I say it’s all the more reason the Duchess should do us a favor, and simply wear her birthday suit.

Story here

Now this Kate girl is one hot tamale’, for sure, but why do people actually obsess over Royalty to such a degree that they even notice this stuff? I just don’t understand. Can anyone from across the pond explain it to me?

* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 28
Playboy Mascot, or Tripping Through the Tulips?

While one neighbor describes William Falkingham, 34, as a harmless eccentric, police reports describe other nearby residents as “greatly disturbed” over the Salmon, Idaho resident’s habit of wearing a bunny suit in public. Occasionally with a tutu. One complaint even lists the man as peeking at a child from behind a tree and pointing his finger at the child like it was a gun.

Neighbor, Deborah Colson told Reuters that Falkingham also had a cowboy suit and a ballerina dress. “He's got a strange lifestyle at home but we all do weird things at home”, said Colson.

No word yet on whether Playboy is seeking his services.

Story here:;_ylt=ApXxCkt5OLVcQTAmhfsdJwDtiBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTM1ODhyajZ1BHBrZwNiNjgzNGEzNy0wNTg3LTNlZTYtODY1Yy01NzJjMDJlM2I4YjkEcG9zAzIEc2VjA3RvcF9zdG9yeQR2ZXIDOWI4ZDk5ZTAtYmRkZi0xMWUwLWEzN2UtYjgyOWZmYjZhNzkw;_ylg=X3oDMTFxcW12NnU4BGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lfG9kZG5ld3MEcHQDc2VjdGlvbnM-;_ylv=3

So what do you think, should this guy be crying over his loss of civil rights to dress like a rabbit while tip-toeing through the tulips of City Park, or do the residents of Salmon, ID have the right to force conformity on this Loony Toon? My memory can’t seem to recall an axe murderer or other violent sexual offender ever accused of bunny hopping in his formative years. What if your town suddenly outlawed your right to be weird?

* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 28
Woman “O’s” Over Food

Gabi Jones, 25, of Colorado, suffers from Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder, and has exploded to 490 pounds because eating junk food makes her orgasm.

This BBW had her first orgasm at an ice cream parlor, in her late teens. Said Jones, “…The pressure kept building until ¬suddenly it swept through my body. I felt light-headed and flushed... I was stunned, but in no doubt of what had happened… I went out and bought an ice-cream maker and soon I had knee-trembling ¬orgasms whenever I wanted.”

Gabi runs a website where peeps pay $20/month to watch her gorge herself to pleasure.

Story here:

One report on this gal said she can experience up to 300 orgasms in one day, which makes it a little hard to feel sorry for the girl, I mean can you actually get tired of orgasms? I’d sure like to find out. But WTF, there are people in this world so damn desperate for ….. for what I just can’t seem to come up with the word… that they will pay $20 to see a woman cum by eating ice cream? If you aren’t scared, you should be.

Feast (all pun intended) thine eyes.

* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 28
“Hookers” Fumbling Fingers Force Bra-chain Failure

A British group determined to break the record for the longest Bra-chain by connecting over 200,000 braziers, (currently held by an Aussie team at 160,000 bras), has called it quits for now. Apparently, they just couldn’t get it together. The “hookers” never reached the half-way mark, as "We underestimated the time it would take to get the bras out of their boxes and hooked together - there were bras all over the place," said Launa Walker at Bra Chain.

Done in an effort to support various UK breast cancer charities, they plan to try again at a later date and are accepting donations of used tit hangers.

Story here:;_ylt=Ak73CRMiqH9D2WWX1X8biFvtiBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTM1b3JvMzdsBHBrZwNlMWE1MTBjMC1kZGI1LTNmZGQtODI5NS1jYWQ3NTVjYTIzYjIEcG9zAzMEc2VjA3RvcF9zdG9yeQR2ZXIDODFhODU2NzAtYmRkZC0xMWUwLWJmYzYtZjNjMGEwZDZlMjZi;_ylg=X3oDMTFxcW12NnU4BGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lfG9kZG5ld3MEcHQDc2VjdGlvbnM-;_ylv=3

Ok, seriously, how much money and time is represented by this nonsense? If they really wanted to so something great for breast cancer, why don’t they spend their time doing something that pays, and donate the money to the cause? That is not a callous statement, like many, my family has been hit by breast cancer. Pink ribbons don't cure it, silly gimmicks don't cure it. Cash and research are the future of a cure. Some people will do anything for attention.

If my fingers are playing with a bra, it will be stuffed like this

As for “Bra-Chains”, I’ll stick to these, thank you very much.

* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 21
Let's stare at Kate Moss' boobs!

Not too much of a story, but it turns me on.
Maybe Europe has a good thing going?

AND, there's pictures to go with it!!

I got a stiffy...gotta run.
Lvl 21
The Five Different Types of Sluts

Now ... a slut is a slut, male or female. I'm a male slut. I love to fuck! Sometimes, I'm not at all picky (which can be embarassing to myself the next day). I look forward to it! If I can't get any of the real stuff, my hand is screwed.
But there's 5 different kinds?
There's the one that genuinely loves sex (me), the one looking for self-esteem, the rebllious one, the "like a virgin" slut, and the one who does it to get ahead (unlike me, who just wants to get some head...that didn't sound right). Regardless, what kind of slut are you?
Lvl 21
Sex ed for Chinese?

Really? With the huge population of'd think they would have figured it out by now.
However, many of the school and teachers don't feel sex education is necessary. (Apparently, they know the kids have figured out how to fuck.)
On the other hand, hospitals and hotlines are innundated with teen pregnancies, and many are calling for sex ed in schools. One hotline even reported this question, "Can I get pregnant if my boyfriend kisses me?"
Come on, with BILLIONS of people in the country, can't somebody figure out the common denominator in pregnancy?
Lvl 21
Is casual sex easy or hard?

For me, it's easy. But hopefully "it" is hard in the process.
BUT, for some people, they start to get attached. And getting attached sucks if it's just a casual relationship.
Apparently, love is a three-phase relationship....lust, attraction and attachement.
Come on, unless you want a longer "relationship" with somebody....let's turn off the attachment gene, and just fuck like rabbits.
Keep it safe, pull out, condoms, anal, blowjobs, whatever...but let's not over-populate.
Tap it if ya got it!
Lvl 21
WOW, even chickens can be picky in mating...Or chicken sperm isn't for everybody.

Ever heard of "sperm ejection?" Hens do it if they don't like the male they just gave it up to.
Really, it refers more to a forceful cock mating with a hen that ain't interested. The hen can eject the sperm injected into her by the cock. Sometimes, up to 80 percent of the cock's sperm can be ejected, thus effectively eliminating pregnancy chances.
Seems I've seen pictures of female HUMANS ejecting some goo.
But ... here's an interesting quote ... "Females don’t treat all males equally. The hens were more likely to dump sperm after a few matings, favoring their first partners over later ones. Socially inferior males also got the ejection criteria, as females gave dominant males the advantage."
So maybe there's still hope for humans NOT propagating total idiots.

A little off topic, but I can't help myself...CHICKEN FUCKER! (from the corny-ass movie Super Troopers)

Here's all the icky details of the story:
Lvl 22
I've got to say I'm impressed by the submissions so far. Good job people! (I'm not one of the judges)
Lvl 21
Sex really is good for you. The health benefits of banging!

Tell us something we don't know. It can protect against heart disease. It's a good cardio workout (if you do it right), it can test your eyes, it'll strengthen you boner ... I mean bones, helps prevent prostate cancer, can help you live longer ... hook me up!!
Anybody up for a healthy activity? Hit me up?
Oh's fun, too!
So let's all get healthy! Watch your diet, cut back on alcohol, and hop into bed with a hotty!!
Lvl 21
Sorry Pee Wee, you aren't fooling anybody

Pee Wee Herman made a surprise visit to the Dallas Cowboys training camp in San Antonio, Texas the other day.
He was very upset when he found out it wasn't a bunch of 10-year-old boys playing Cowboys and Indians....rather, a bunch of adult men playing a game where the point is to hit and hurt each other.
Needless to say, he tried to make the best out of the situation by posing with pictures. OK, I can see that, posing with sweaty men ... that might be somewhat up Pee Wee's alley as well.
Very few of the Dallas Cowboys even knew who he was. But a few stopped practicing to visit and say "Hi."
Another disturbing thing...he looks damn near identical now as he did all those years ago when he was actually popular.
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