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playstation3, xbox 360, nintendo wi

Starter: TSK Posted: 17 years ago Views: 2.3K
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Lvl 6
I haven't owned a console in a long time, but recently I have had a urge to the point where I'm killing my cell phone battery and abusing the mini flash games on numerous sites. I decided I want a console but can't choose which one since I have been out of the market so long, so I was just looking for some opinions.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 15
PS3 best in all
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
depends on what games you want to play , i own all three consoles and the 360 right now has the best games available...WII is fun to play when you have a bunch of friends around and some alcohol is involved... PS3 is good , but no real good games for it yet...
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 8
I'll put it to you this way. I'm on xbox 360 number 7 now. The first time mine crapped out on me, which I got on the release date, I got the three blinking red lights of death. They sent me a new one and 1 month later it crapped out on me. Wash, rinse and repeat. After the 5th time they said that it was out of waranty and that it was going to cost like $125 to fix. I informed them that it would indeed not cost me a cent seeing as how I've spend more time with it in the shop then acctually playing it. So they sent me a new one. Number 6 went out on me and I called them and jumped through all the hoops and what not and the one that they sent me the very first time I turned it on there was problems. I was so disgusted that I ignored it until it got worse. I've got it in the shop right now and am awaiting number 7 to be shipped in a couple of days. I asked the "elite team" guy who was overseeing my case what the hell was going on and he said "off the record, I don't know that they (microsoft) are that concerned about fixing the problem" and that he's "not sure if there will ever be an xbox 360 in the near future that works 100% how it is supposed to." and that's from the horses mouth. Now I know that my case is not typical and if it wasn't for bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all, but the bottom line is that I'm not the only one who's had this happen to me. Check around. I haven't heard anything bad about the PS3 except that it gets really damn hot. I hope this helps.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 28
*waits for kanzen*
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 9
Originally posted by cs_thepleasure

I'll put it to you this way. I'm on xbox 360 number 7 now. The first time mine crapped out on me, which I got on the release date, I got the three blinking red lights of death. They sent me a new one and 1 month later it crapped out on me. Wash, rinse and repeat. After the 5th time they said that it was out of waranty and that it was going to cost like $125 to fix. I informed them that it would indeed not cost me a cent seeing as how I've spend more time with it in the shop then acctually playing it. So they sent me a new one. Number 6 went out on me and I called them and jumped through all the hoops and what not and the one that they sent me the very first time I turned it on there was problems. I was so disgusted that I ignored it until it got worse. I've got it in the shop right now and am awaiting number 7 to be shipped in a couple of days. I asked the "elite team" guy who was overseeing my case what the hell was going on and he said "off the record, I don't know that they (microsoft) are that concerned about fixing the problem" and that he's "not sure if there will ever be an xbox 360 in the near future that works 100% how it is supposed to." and that's from the horses mouth. Now I know that my case is not typical and if it wasn't for bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all, but the bottom line is that I'm not the only one who's had this happen to me. Check around. I haven't heard anything bad about the PS3 except that it gets really damn hot. I hope this helps.

i think you should ebay yours New In Box when you get it back
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 18
it took me three 360's in a week before i got one that actually worked
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 16
Originally posted by Honda_X

*waits for kanzen*

- so true.

On Topic - I don't console - I play all mine on my laptop.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 7
I'll put it to you this way. I'm on xbox 360 number 7 now. The first time mine crapped out on me, which I got on the release date, I got the three blinking red lights of death. They sent me a new one and 1 month later it crapped out on me. Wash, rinse and repeat. After the 5th time they said that it was out of waranty and that it was going to cost like $125 to fix. I informed them that it would indeed not cost me a cent seeing as how I've spend more time with it in the shop then acctually playing it. So they sent me a new one. Number 6 went out on me and I called them and jumped through all the hoops and what not and the one that they sent me the very first time I turned it on there was problems. I was so disgusted that I ignored it until it got worse. I've got it in the shop right now and am awaiting number 7 to be shipped in a couple of days. I asked the "elite team" guy who was overseeing my case what the hell was going on and he said "off the record, I don't know that they (microsoft) are that concerned about fixing the problem" and that he's "not sure if there will ever be an xbox 360 in the near future that works 100% how it is supposed to." and that's from the horses mouth. Now I know that my case is not typical and if it wasn't for bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all, but the bottom line is that I'm not the only one who's had this happen to me. Check around. I haven't heard anything bad about the PS3 except that it gets really damn hot. I hope this helps.

Man that sucks. Mine works flawlessly. Never overheated, never froze and never had any problems at all.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 15
I have a Wii and 360 myself and the Wii comment was right. If your by yourself the wii gets old pretty quickly BUT!!! if you have friends around its a fucking riot for the guys 360 comment that really sux for him...but in my personal experience i've have my 360 for a few months now and no problems whatsoever and none of my friends with 360s have had that problem either so really I think you just taking a chance with 360. as for PS3 you might wanna get one quick if your gonna cause it looks like sony is having a shit load of trouble back home in Japan. Also if your gonna buy the PS3 for the exclusive rights to games think again cause PS3 is losing exclusive rights to 360 left and right. hope I helped a lil
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 51
i want a 360's
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 6
Put it simply.. There are talks about WoW coming to the 360.. and look at what GTA4 ported to (If that game ever comes out with all the new BS laws that are being put in place.)
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 7
If you want to play online the 360 is the only way to go.
If you are prepared to wait for a year for a half decent game ( not a game out on the 360 for 3-4 months ), then a PS3 will cover your needs.

I have both machines and as of today actually traded the last of my PS3 games in so I could get The Darkness on the 360. I have no doubt the PS3 is more powerful, but SONY have f**ked up so bad it may put a lot of people off buying a PS4?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 16
I'm very happy with my PS3, except for the lack of game selection. I'm hoping that that will get better in the near future.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 6
basically, like i said i dunno much about any of them so any and all information is helpful, im a sports game player mostly and ive never played with any system online. any more information is greatly appreciated.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
Nintendo wii rules !!!
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 28
Blockbuster is only going to stock BLU-RAY HD-DVD. (from what i've heard, im too lazy to google)

So you might as well get the cheapest BLU-RAY player around, and its plenty once some decent games come out..its going to be pretty sweet.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 25
Originally posted by TSK

I haven't owned a console in a long time, but recently I have had a urge to the point where I'm killing my cell phone battery and abusing the mini flash games on numerous sites. I decided I want a console but can't choose which one since I have been out of the market so long, so I was just looking for some opinions.

Long story short.

Wii or Xbox 360, depending on what you want to play.

Spending any money on a PS3 right now is an utter waste of money. It still has very little in terms of quality games and it'll be a dry run until the Holidays or Spring 2008.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 4
Originally posted by 11111111112

I'll put it to you this way. I'm on xbox 360 number 7 now. The first time mine crapped out on me, which I got on the release date, I got the three blinking red lights of death. They sent me a new one and 1 month later it crapped out on me. Wash, rinse and repeat. After the 5th time they said that it was out of waranty and that it was going to cost like $125 to fix. I informed them that it would indeed not cost me a cent seeing as how I've spend more time with it in the shop then acctually playing it. So they sent me a new one. Number 6 went out on me and I called them and jumped through all the hoops and what not and the one that they sent me the very first time I turned it on there was problems. I was so disgusted that I ignored it until it got worse. I've got it in the shop right now and am awaiting number 7 to be shipped in a couple of days. I asked the "elite team" guy who was overseeing my case what the hell was going on and he said "off the record, I don't know that they (microsoft) are that concerned about fixing the problem" and that he's "not sure if there will ever be an xbox 360 in the near future that works 100% how it is supposed to." and that's from the horses mouth. Now I know that my case is not typical and if it wasn't for bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all, but the bottom line is that I'm not the only one who's had this happen to me. Check around. I haven't heard anything bad about the PS3 except that it gets really damn hot. I hope this helps.

Man that sucks. Mine works flawlessly. Never overheated, never froze and never had any problems at all.

same, never had a problem really apart from very ocasioanly on oblivion but im not suprised by that. bought a fan though for it and its wored without fault ever since
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
had my 360 for 7 month now with no problems plenty of game choice and with it been out quite a while there is a lot more second hand games out there so u would save a fortune as well
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
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