Originally posted by Bank
In regards to the last question posed... more than you'd imagine. Just think of what family Bin Ladin comes from...
And when was the last time Bin Ladin was a suicide bomber?
Bin Laden, in the Islamic world, is a political AND religious leader. Sort of like the pope is to a number of Westerners (it's a stretch, but we don't really have a figure like that to correspond).
All terrorism has to have sponsorship and leaders. They, however, are only the figure heads. The real strength lies in their ability to recruit believers, followers, volunteers to carry out their mission for them. They appeal to these people through a religious/political machine that is very impressive, from a political standpoint. The message they convey resonates with these underpriveliged, impoverished people that have nowhere else to turn. It is deemed acceptable, as their religion condones it, and thus Allah would pleased. They really have no real other viable options.
Originally posted by Bank
And you're right, their ideals and goals are different from ours. We promote individual rights and freedom of commerce, religion, etc. They do not.
I'm not brushing them off as stupid. They couldn't accomplish this if they were. However, I am passing judgement on that which they consider valuble; I have a hard time feeling sorry for their (fundamentalists) condition when they strive for the continuation of supressing rights.
I do feel sorry for them. I feel sorry for any people who are in such a poor position (socially, economically, religiously) themselves that they feel they can contribute to their cause the most by dying for it. I agree that as the products of developed nations we do disagree with what they value, which is fine and actually standard amongs people from different areas of the globe. However, I was responing previously to your post in which you said that they are incapable of reasoning. It was that which I took exception to.
* This post has been modified
: 19 years ago