It's all about money, resources, families and politics. Getting the poor wriled up using religion is a sure-shot way of getting them to argue, fight and cause trouble. Ever wonder why this stuff never really makes much sense regarding TWAT (The War Against Terrorism)? I mean seriously. Everyone is so desperate for simple answers that they seem to force themselves into believing it's some kindergarten-minded bumper-sticker-type reasoning and solution. Of course these pieces of shit are going to mutter religious yammering. It's a cost effective and easy motivator. Works in a lot of places and always has.
In the meantime, the people get fucked with things like WTC, Madrid and this latest bombing. Too much bullshit going through too many hands and too many channels with too many clusterfucks, all being carved up fine for the latest public relations jujitsu that more and more the people aren't buying. Why? Because when everything's looked at, it doesn't add up.
My hearts do go out to the families and I'd love nothing more than to see these bastards strung up and dipped in pig's blood right before the rope tightens and takes their lives.
But really, are the powers that be really going to do anything? Kind of hard to believe that they will when they're all kissy-kissy and lovey-dovey with people your average Joe wouldn't trust with a cup of coffee and a pint of piss. I really hope I'm wrong too, but the longer you look around and watch this shit from all angles, it really seems that the people who are paid to protect us have a bad habit of mingling - and sometimes supporting - the wrong damn people.
I did read a book recently written by some old school CIA guys from the Carter-Reagan-Bush-Clinton era and they all agree...we have a really shitty habit of making our own enemies through friendly relations and traditional battle. According to them, it's all about the money, who knows who, who's blood and who's not.
I'm no big tree hugger freak or big conspiracy theorist, but while my country and fellow folks are bleeding, I'm not going to sit around and be satisfied with some simplistic kindergarten-minded bumper-sticker solutions and slogans because my personal politics tells me that I should. Save that garbage for the partisan hacks.
* This post has been modified
: 19 years ago