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London bombings

Starter: gasolin Posted: 19 years ago Views: 8.2K
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Way too much reading to do here. My heart goes out to everyone. I hope people take note that it is now 3 of the top 5 targets for the terrorists (US, Spain, UK). This needs to be put to an end, and soon.

Also why is it that these terrorists make their attacks after something good. They did it in Spain and now with the G8 where nations are trying to fight famine and cure AIDs they feel the need to destruct. Senseless, outrageous me.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 17
no need to nuke if its a Jihad and we have a Jihad from the Judeo Christian point of view our munitions and ability to use them make losing an all out get rid of any muslim that isnt subservient extremely easy they dont look act or talk like us not hard to differentiate between friend or foe like that
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 14
Originally posted by Bigdaddydiesel

Have you noticed how all these acts are all in the name of God etc! In what holy book does it say blow up trains or fly a plane into a buliding? Religion has got alot to answer for, if you upset anybody or say there faith is floored they become very upset. In my opinion all religion is bull, people should get on with there lives and anyone that tries to push there beliefs onto any one else should be treated the same way as these plane crashing scumbags?

YING AND YANG life is a circle what you see as good, other see as evil.

Thankfully most of us live in countries where our opinion is tolerated, remember the only option open to these terrorists is to die for what they believe or get killed because they dont! Thank God for those who fight for us despite our beliefs
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 14
All of us in Autralasia know too well the strength and versatility that the UK has had upon shaping our country. Our prayers and resolve, joins with yours in refusing to bow to this evil. Let the British bulldog spirit arise to bring resolve.

Good on ya all
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 13
Originally posted by YahMan

once again the victims are to blame , not looking at the blood thirsty sub-humans that kill women and children.i for one will not blame anyone BUT the islamic fuckers who do this type of terror

Not officially confirmed yet! Watch your comments DocBrewskie!!


shit , if it sounds like a duck and it looks like a duck ....its a fucking duck.dont tell me to watch my comments im not your kid im a grown ass man.truth must bother u !
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 11
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum

dont worry Yahman, im watching them closely theyre not saying anything wrong.

I'm also watching those nice big tits of yours fe fe and wondering when there going pop out and say "hello!"
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 14
Hey we are all gutted by these events, but guys. for goodness sake THINK not react. Thank God for thinkers as well as reactionaries, but there is an old saying "The golden rule is - He who has gold, has the rule." To think that politics and money do not have equal power is naiave".

All militant groups need money to operate and the more money the more resources. Terrorism works inside out, there is no face to fight, it is an ideology that doesnt seek compromise. There can never be peace between opposing ideologies. The best we can hope for, is individuals that stand for their convictions (cause governements and Nations are increrasingly bank roled by such ideologies). It may be made more pallatable by calling it "free trade" or "negative tariffs", but when you get money, you get the ideology that goes with it.

How do you cook a live frog? - one degree at a time.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 13
act dont think , all we have done is think and act PC .its time we stand up and crush this enemy we face NOW!!how many dead is it going to take to wake this world up!!!eye for an eye NOW !!!!
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 18
While I can understand, doc, I suggest we think as well.
After all, D-Day wouldn't have been very sucessful if we'd just acted.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 13
bank i want blood for this, i have watcht my country go to hell becuz our govermentdont have the balls to help us.i do not want to see it happen to england.we need a leader , LEAD AND THE PPL WILL FOLLOW !!!!!!!!


im fucking heated
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 18
Doc, become batman.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 18
Originally posted by DocBrewskie

bank i want blood for this, i have watcht my country go to hell becuz our govermentdont have the balls to help us.i do not want to see it happen to england.we need a leader , LEAD AND THE PPL WILL FOLLOW !!!!!!!!


im fucking heated

i wouldn't worry too much about it . . . historically speaking, England comes out of of the box swinging . . .

don't get me wrong, I'd like to hunt down every one of those fuckers and hang 'em

* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 9
I just want to say that comparing hitler to bin laden is giving bin laden credit. enough said about that.
another thing is; the bible bin laden reads (im told) does tell him to blow up shit and kill his enemies. Some guy (I forgot who) wrote his thoughts on the sides of the bible trying to translate what he thought God was saying ultimatley creating the quaran. correct me if Im wrong but he translated Gods great words to this perverse dementia that bin laden has.

I forgot to say early:

Dear Lord, have mercy on our freinds and loved ones that suffered today,
and please don't let this or any other trajedy like it go un-punnished. Amen
I also pray that You take these souls Home as promised by You,
and also promised by You, let them know no more pain. Amen
All this I ask in the name of God the Father, his Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Amen
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 13
know who wants you dead
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 14
Originally posted by gothpunk

I just want to say that comparing hitler to bin laden is giving bin laden credit. enough said about that.
another thing is; the bible bin laden reads (im told) does tell him to blow up shit and kill his enemies. Some guy (I forgot who) wrote his thoughts on the sides of the bible trying to translate what he thought God was saying ultimatley creating the quaran. correct me if Im wrong but he translated Gods great words to this perverse dementia that bin laden has.

I forgot to say early:

Dear Lord, have mercy on our freinds and loved ones that suffered today,
and please don't let this or any other trajedy like it go un-punnished. Amen
I also pray that You take these souls Home as promised by You,
and also promised by You, let them know no more pain. Amen
All this I ask in the name of God the Father, his Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Great sentiments and heartfelt.

Problem is, people that claim to have the only and ultimate insight into the mind of God always deviate into cultish acts. God then gets the blame for ungodly acts. I doubt he reads the bible (as the bible in totality,contradicts their viiew) and they never read the New Testament but only the first five books of the Old Testament (pentateuch).

We are all Gods creation (if you subscribe to creation), and God is no preferer of individuals or race, so terrorism fails on this premis as it is creating a preferencial people. Of course they dont want a debate....... they want rulership of the world
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 15
My heart goes out to those in London...Hopefully Tony Blair, master rhetoritician, will open his freakin' eyes...
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 13
It's all about money, resources, families and politics. Getting the poor wriled up using religion is a sure-shot way of getting them to argue, fight and cause trouble. Ever wonder why this stuff never really makes much sense regarding TWAT (The War Against Terrorism)? I mean seriously. Everyone is so desperate for simple answers that they seem to force themselves into believing it's some kindergarten-minded bumper-sticker-type reasoning and solution. Of course these pieces of shit are going to mutter religious yammering. It's a cost effective and easy motivator. Works in a lot of places and always has.

In the meantime, the people get fucked with things like WTC, Madrid and this latest bombing. Too much bullshit going through too many hands and too many channels with too many clusterfucks, all being carved up fine for the latest public relations jujitsu that more and more the people aren't buying. Why? Because when everything's looked at, it doesn't add up.

My hearts do go out to the families and I'd love nothing more than to see these bastards strung up and dipped in pig's blood right before the rope tightens and takes their lives.

But really, are the powers that be really going to do anything? Kind of hard to believe that they will when they're all kissy-kissy and lovey-dovey with people your average Joe wouldn't trust with a cup of coffee and a pint of piss. I really hope I'm wrong too, but the longer you look around and watch this shit from all angles, it really seems that the people who are paid to protect us have a bad habit of mingling - and sometimes supporting - the wrong damn people.

I did read a book recently written by some old school CIA guys from the Carter-Reagan-Bush-Clinton era and they all agree...we have a really shitty habit of making our own enemies through friendly relations and traditional battle. According to them, it's all about the money, who knows who, who's blood and who's not.

I'm no big tree hugger freak or big conspiracy theorist, but while my country and fellow folks are bleeding, I'm not going to sit around and be satisfied with some simplistic kindergarten-minded bumper-sticker solutions and slogans because my personal politics tells me that I should. Save that garbage for the partisan hacks.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 14
Originally posted by pman

My heart goes out to those in London...Hopefully Tony Blair, master rhetoritician, will open his freakin' eyes...

So whats the alternative????? Quite frankly with the PC politics that most westernised Nations have adapted, you'd be lucky to raise an army to fight jack squat! Club a seal or beach a whale and the whole bloody town turns up. Blow someone apart and everyone runs and hides or blames the politicians.

Politicians are in power because most people didnt bother to vote, not because they are the preferred leader. Or am I wrong?
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 13
Originally posted by wineanddine

My heart goes out to those in London...Hopefully Tony Blair, master rhetoritician, will open his freakin' eyes...

So whats the alternative????? Quite frankly with the PC politics that most westernised Nations have adapted, you'd be lucky to raise an army to fight jack squat! Club a seal or beach a whale and the whole bloody town turns up. Blow someone apart and everyone runs and hides or blames the politicians.

Politicians are in power because most people didnt bother to vote, not because they are the preferred leader. Or am I wrong?

very true , its time for a jihad against them Islamo- fascism in the world. we the ppl must do this bcuz it is clear our goverments will not!
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 13
On my way to work every morning, i like ti listen to AM talk radio, everything from Rush( too right wing for me sometimes) to Air America (Al Franken's pathetic liberal show).

I tuned into Air America to see what Al had to say and lo'and behold, I hear "London bridge is falling down, falling down,falling down" while the pinko-commie tries to tell its listeners (maybe 10) that the terrorists learned urban warfare from fighting the US in iraq's cities. I couldn't believe my ears. I even tried to call in to speak my mind, but couldn't get through.

Then I get to work and turn on the news. No surprise, the "experts" are already talking about an "understanding" and "wait and see" policy. Whatever, how many times have terrorists bombed a US Embassy and we just sat back and tried to "understand". Bill Clinton already had his chance with the "understanding" policy and it brought us 911 with his inactions and/or not following through with strikes towards terrorists. He backed down from revenging the USS Cole attacks no doubt because of his liberal advisors and the MINORITY of more outspoken hippies. At least Bush has the balls to say, "You don't like it, tough shit, it needs to be done for the better". Like Doc says, its fucking WAR.

Not only that, but its a different type of war with cowards that have no uniform, no morals, no laws and no Geneva convention code of ethics. People need to realize that for America, its a war that is new to us. Mistakes and accidents (Gitmo) will be made along the way, but that is hardly representive of us as a whole. And by having the ACLU and Amnesty International condem us only makes THEM stronger. I suspect that the terrorists are already learning from Vietnam, make us feel sorry for THEM, and they win.

Imagine for just one minute what the world would be like if the ACLU and other socialist groups were as powerful today as they would be during WWII, scary thought huh?
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
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