lets stay on topic though
* This post has been modified
: 19 years ago
Originally posted by Motek18
I don't believe what I'm hearing from this group. Does anybody here ever read the news on Al-Arabiya or Al-Jazeera?? This is the voice of the Muslim world and many extremist use them as a venue to speak. Bin Laden doesn't talk of just defending his land from Infidels, he's talking about making the world more "Mulsim-friendly". He advocated attacks on those who banned the headscarf in school, some of his followers, right in the UK have called for an over-throw of the government for a more muslim-type government, under Sharia law. Look, France, Germany, and Holland, are already feeling the effects of heavy Muslim immgration, with racial attacks on those who criticize Islam on the rise.
The words you hear from Bin Laden and friends is for EU consumption, in order to push governments to "give in" for peace. This situation is EXACTLY like pre-Hitler.
Nah, let's not.Quote:
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum
yes theyre my breasts...
lets stay on topic though
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum
Psss....anyone else in this discussion feel like you're being watched? Creepy!
Nah, let's not.Quote:
Originally posted by theheadhoncho
yes theyre my breasts...
lets stay on topic though
Originally posted by Bank
Alright, comparison to Hitler, as many think it's not:
Hitler and Muslim extremists both took advantage of their deteriorated homelands by claiming that they could provide a solution/vengance for actions commited against them.
Originally posted by Bank
Hitler was much more effective in his rallying of his country, as he was elected to office and proceded with a full-scale war. Bin Ladin does not have the numbers, but I'm fairly confident that if he did the result would be much the same.
Originally posted by Bank
Hitler promoted the idea of racial purity--this included religious purity. Check out some books on the German churches situations durring WWII. Hatred was directed, ethnic and religious, toward the Jews. In nearly all of Bin Ladin's speaches, the Jews are cited as one of the main reasons for his attacks. The backing of Israel by GB, the support and population of the US--all are reasons for attacks.
Originally posted by Bank
As for saying Bin Ladin is not a threat outside of his own territory, forgive me, this is a ridiculous claim. If talking about politcal control, you're correct; we know, however, that he is responsible for the deaths of thousands outside of said territory.
Originally posted by BankOnce again, he seeks to destory the culture of the US and Western World.. which is why the World Trade Centers were attacked. What were Hitler's main targets when bombing Britian? Westminster Abby, St. Paul's Cathedral, and the British Museum.
The main differences between Bin Ladin and Hilter are Bin Ladin's lack of troops and power, and Hitler's desire for racial purity opposed to religious purity (though, Hitler strived for the latter--just not exclusivly).
Originally posted by Bank
The threat is real with an Islamic society strong in nearly all of Europe. Not all Muslims are extremists, but a divide in ideology and allegance does exist.
Proof? The first three Brits to die in Afganistan were muslims, fighting for the Taliban.