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Jenna Jameson fucks her cousin. SPAM

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 10 years ago Views: 41.2K
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Originally posted by hydrahead
^That right there. That's how you chase everyone from the spam thread.

You sir have quite the power...or your testicle do.
hydrahead finds this awesome.
Lvl 27
Why would anyone deface their testicles like that?
Lvl 59
If you're putting a face on it, is it still "defacing" them?
Lvl 27
You see what I did there?
Lvl 27
Hydra... the Picasso of penis art.
Lvl 59
Only five more pages of Jenna sexing her "cousin"

Also, fuck you flat tire. Or, droopy tire that may be fixed with fix-a-flat?
Speaking of flat tires...I hate my car when it gets really cold out. Every single freaking time it drops below -20C my tires almost go flat. My car is super awesome in the snow, but trying to fill my tires with air when its -25 is zero fun.
jenngurl23 finds this awesome.
Lvl 27
Air gets thinner when cold, inflate accordingly...
Lvl 20
I was just watching Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown on CNN.

He was touring a seedy entertainment district in Tokyo and said this to his guide:

"I don't understand the porn here. Why is it not OK to fuck something with a penis but it's OK to fuck something with an octopus tentacle"
Originally posted by hydrahead
I was just watching Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown on CNN.

He was touring a seedy entertainment district in Tokyo and said this to his guide:

"I don't understand the porn here. Why is it not OK to fuck something with a penis but it's OK to fuck something with an octopus tentacle"

Kanzen asks himself this question everyday.
Lvl 59
I think I just pulled a muscle.

Watch this from here for the next couple minutes:

I'm not even a big Steve Harvey fan but whoo boy.
Lvl 27
Gimme the room service lol
Lvl 27
Good morning folks

It's a balmy -24C here in the Nation's Capital.
Originally posted by RiffRaff
Good morning folks

It's a balmy -24C here in the Nation's Capital.

Merry Christmas.

Its -9 on its way to 2 in the new economic capital. Just waiting for my family to wake up so the festivities can start.
Hope you all had a good christmas.
Lvl 59
I ate too much
Originally posted by EricLindros
I ate too much

I hear that. And I get to do it all over again tomorrow. On the plus side I'm going snowboarding for 4 days, leaving friday.
Lvl 8
Back at work after taking the last two days off for festivities. It's 74 and rainy. Grass is still growing, my shop is still pretty busy for December.
Lvl 27
It's still cold here, -11C so instead of going for groceries I ordered pizza. First time with the gluten free crust, I got red onions, hot peppers, green olives and chicken on it
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Sugarpie

I hear that. And I get to do it all over again tomorrow. On the plus side I'm going snowboarding for 4 days, leaving friday.

You're just after the Snow Bunnies.
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