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Jenna Jameson fucks her cousin. SPAM

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 10 years ago Views: 41.2K
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Lvl 8
Is it me or is today like the fifth Friday the 13th this year?
Goldseeker finds this awesome.
Lvl 27
It just seems that way because the last one was in September.
Lvl 8
Possibly. I guess it makes sense.
Lvl 59
This annoys me:
Lvl 59
Ed Helms? Really? Fucking Ed Helms?
Lvl 8
Why must Hollywood insist on remaking every single semi-successful motion picture of the last thirty years. Just stop it already. Oh well, I never go to the movies anyway.
Lvl 27
I've only been to the theatre once a year in the last two years. If you wait until you pay next to nothing to see a movie you're not so disappointed.
Originally posted by Davey45
Is it me or is today like the fifth Friday the 13th this year?

Nope..just twice.
Lvl 8
I will go to the theater to see Anchorman II but otherwise, I wait until it's on TV.
[Deleted] finds this awesome.
Lvl 19
They do it for the obvious reason that it has a built in audience. And don't be trashing my kind of humor. Silly works just fine for me.
Lvl 8
I love silly humor. The original Naked Gun is one of my favorite movies. I just can't see how anybody thinks a new version of it won't be disappointing.
Lvl 19
Sure, remakes or sequels always have risk, but for such a small investment it's worth the risk. Not sure that I won't wait for this on cable though unless the buzz is really great.

Originally posted by Davey45
I love silly humor. The original Naked Gun is one of my favorite movies. I just can't see how anybody thinks a new version of it won't be disappointing.
Lvl 27
My track record for liking comedies is pretty bad, the last one I really liked was Horrible Bosses. I've watched at least a dozen others lately that just weren't funny.
Originally posted by Davey45
I love silly humor. The original Naked Gun is one of my favorite movies. I just can't see how anybody thinks a new version of it won't be disappointing.

From what I gather, it isn't a remake, its a continuing story with a new actor. Just like Batman, Spiderman, Superman, and James Bond have done. IDK...I think it could have potential.
So can we finally say now that there are way too many guns in the US?...and particularly Colorado?
Lvl 59
No, there's clearly not enough .If only all those high school kids had had guns then they could have protected themselves.
Goldseeker finds this awesome.
F1098, jenngurl23 find this awesome.
Lvl 59
Now you're getting it.
Lvl 70
F1098 finds this awesome.
Merry Christmas!
F1098 finds this awesome.
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