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Is Rap Music To Blame?

Starter: JonM Posted: 17 years ago Views: 4.4K
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Lvl 27
Originally posted by JonM

All I can blame rap for is the stupid "wigger" fad. Which is pretty much dead anyway.

No it isnt!
Every Person who is into rap, talks like they should be black, walks like they wish they had a big black cock, and dresses like they are black, so Wigga is here with us unfortunately!

You think so? I listen to rap and in no way do I, or many people that I know who also listen to rap.

As for your question, no, I dont think so. It's music for god sake. A song can't make you go out and kill, but mearly put the idea into a persons head, and in all honesty, there are other factors which put are capable of putting the same ideas in a persons head...if youre going to blame rap, blame everything else that can put a violent thought into a persons head.

Rap is not the problem, stupidity and ignorance is.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 12
Originally posted by mikrø

the stuff you see on tv currently doesnt represent rap. thats complete bullshit to make lots of money. check out artists like gangstarr, grandmaster flash, jeru the damaja, q-tip etc., those people have something to say. sure, many of the hiphop artists grew up in fucked up neighbourhoods, they went through crime, violence and shit. its logical that they rap about it. but theres a difference between rapping about those issues and gloryfying them. check out nas' "one love", there you have it. he just tells how life in the ghetto is.
and artists like outkast and snoop dogg dont take themselves too serious when they come out with a gangster/pimp style. i mean, snoop dogg is happily married with children, he sure is no pimp... those fuckheads you see on tv right now are just plain stupid, but it works. kids buy it...
if you ask me, its not rap's fault (as it cant be blamed to videogames, movies blabla etc) that violence is rising. its the result of the way our society runs. kids have no rules and structures in their lifes, cuz parents cant handle their role. so the kids take the rolemodels they find on tv. just saying "rap is to blame" is bullshit. we are not living in the 1950's anymore...

All of those artists you mentioned are old skool, or have been around for ages, way before rap was glorifying shit, they rapped about what they saw day to day, but then people like snoop and outkast have sold out, jumped on the band wagon, and yes they may have made loads of money and rap about it. This directly influences those vunerable people who see a way to become like their idols and have their "bling" is to shoot shit and be anti social.
What those stupid people dont see is exactly what you said, that they have "normal" lives with family , 2.4 children, and actually have nothing to do with "pimping", gangsters etc etc
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 23
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 12
Originally posted by HighGuy

A bit of well needed humour!
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
I can't wait for Swiss reading this thread
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 12
Originally posted by alex80

I can't wait for Swiss reading this thread

Why, what do you reckon his take is gonna be?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 12
I don't blame it on rap..... it's a's an artform. When John Ashcroft became the U.S. attorney general he covered up nude statues. .... but inner city violence has been happening for MANY sociological reasons.... such as: Lack of sex ed, poor prenatal planning, poor early diets, low minimun wages, shitty jobs, drug abuse (a LOT of drug abuse is handed down.. generation to generation), poverty, the INCREDIBLE inverse incarceration of blacks to whites (black=crack... white=coke).

Just curious JonM have you ever been to a real ghetto? Have you ever been inside a real tenement house? I have... grew up a few blocks from the projects (as they were then called). Why do you choose to pick on the underclass and not get incited against the oil companies, the Walmarts, the McDonalds of the world. That always seems really cowardly to me. Personally I don't know a lot of rap. What I have heard is not particulally offensive to me. The ho thing.. is kind of weird, but there is a tendency in black culture to be a little more confrontive towards the sexes. It certainly isn't as if black women don't put down the guys. . So much of what I see is just a reflection of what is coming out of the black situation in America. Randal Robinson wrote an incredible book called "Leaving America" Check it out

OH... and the news media.... hey.. sex and violence sells!!!

Lastly: Parents don't like ALWAYS rebel.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
Originally posted by JonM

I can't wait for Swiss reading this thread

Why, what do you reckon his take is gonna be?

This thread is the swamp he likes to droll in...Where he can give his best
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 12
Originally posted by caribonz

Just curious JonM have you ever been to a real ghetto? Have you ever been inside a real tenement house?OH... and the news media.... hey.. sex and violence sells!!!

Not an American one, but yes a British one, i went to school in (project area, called Council estate here)and it was and is still a rough place.
No there wasnt guns (thanks to A sensible British law) but it was not worth going out at night unless you were running with the "crews" or carried a weapon (usually a knife)
That area was rough due to poor housing, low incomes and bad housing planning, and lack of care in the community, and a distinct lack of Policing.
Kids nowadays though come from priviliged backgrounds and still go out there and commit crimes, wishing they lived in these ghetto's as they are percieved to be cool places to live because the "rappers and Gangster" live/lived there.
Trust me, in Britian those sort of places are places you want to get out of fast or you get sucked into the same mentality as the rest of the unfortunates that either choose to live there or the people that cant afford to live anywhere else!
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 12
yeah.. poverty certainly can be correlated with crime.... and guns with deaths. When I was a kid.... guns weren't an issue.... knives certainly were though. Ya can't blame a guy for not wanting to get in close and get stabbed (this being ghetto logic).

I would be willing to bet that the rich kids hanging in the hood is a media thing... vs a real blip on a statistical curve. For years, though, a lot of whites would go to the hood to get snatch and drugs. That's not new.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 12
Originally posted by caribonz

knives certainly were though. Ya can't blame a guy for not wanting to get in close and get stabbed (this being ghetto logic).

I think this is your take on it (forgive me if im wrong)
People have a higher chance of surviving if they get stabbed compared to getting shot. it seems that kids have got sissified, and are too scared to have a real fight to solve problems, instead they try to prove that they are harder by shooting, that imo is the cowards way out, but if guns are being glorified by people in the media and limelight(and thats usually mostly by rappers - in this country anyway) then the kids aint going to see anything wrong with shooting up someone! "50cent did it, so can i!)
i bet if those rappers started saying that they had fist fights insted of "smoking" somebody, there would be significantly less gun deaths on the streets!
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 2
Rap Music isn't to blame for anything except being predictable, juvenile and worn out. Rap is for 14 year old boys that are not up to date.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 12
Here's a quick figure for you showing the problem, and that kids want to be like these guys.
The So Solid Crew, a British "rap" Group, betweem them 27 different arrests for various crimes, including Assault, drugs, gun crimes, and murder charges (although that guy has just had his 3rd appeal case given and is now free)
Great influences!!
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 12
Originally posted by devon79

Rap Music isn't to blame for anything except being predictable, juvenile and worn out. Rap is for 14 year old boys that are not up to date.

Rap as a genre can touch on some good issues, but it deosnt nowadays, and thats the problem, its getting repetetive, boring predictable, but that isnt what the thread is about!
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 2
Finland soundz like a place where I want 2 be......yes you can blame it all on rap. Its a motivational killer......the beat gets you all hyper and excited. The lyrics is a form of brainwash.....people will deny it until the day they die rap isn't the problem. Drugs with guns make bullshit. Rap = drugs and guns. Hoez are different..........I like hoes.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 25
JonM, great post you are absolutely correct, I have done extensive research on is a terrible influence on our kids.(not mine because they are not allowed to listen or watch that crap). The sad part is that some of it has a cool beat. The ignorant words ruin it though.Most of them are thugs, raised by thugs. They wonder why society is prejudice of them. well lets see, when is anything possitive said in the song.Then the majority of them make their first dollar and start getting real chesty. Walking around like they are bad asses. Just another Punk in a fir coat!! Why do they need to wear their dads pants at 12 years old? Why does mom let their punk asses outside dressed like that? Then they cry when the cops stop and shake them down.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 12
yes, and so is rock music, and c&w and dance, and dont get me started on that evil C*&T motzart
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
What's next? Bands that sings about killing are going to be blamed for murders now?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 25
Not blamed, but don't you think influential people on our children have a certain responsibility to society.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
Man they used to say the same shit about the beatles back in the day. Look at all these school shooting here in the US, it is always upper middle class suburban metal listeners. Violence doesn't have a music prefernce, it is born in the minds of charachter flawed youth who did't have positive upbringings
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
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