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If a scumbag gropes your gf or wife

Starter: ChinoCochino Posted: 18 years ago Views: 5.3K
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Lvl 12
and you see it while your out in public like shopping at a store,
what would you do???

Just yesterday me and my gf were shopping at Walmart and it was super crowded.
She says when she leaned over to pick up a ice cream bar from the freezer she felt a hand grope her ass.

I didn't see it but if I had I probably would have started a fight since I can get pretty pissed off and lose my head in the right situations and I think this would be one of them.

But is it worth it going to jail over(if you got in a physical altercation with them). Of course not in my opinion. But if the situation presents itself, and in the heat of the moment I'll probably not be thinking about what's best to do.

A side note. My GF also got hit on twice by two guys looking to get some action. I was in a different aisle looking at something else and my GF told me she got hit on by a old white guy and another time by a young latino guy. I guess that comes with the terrority with having a GF who isn't 300 pounds.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 18
you wouldn't go to jail. If someone grabbed your wife's ass that's sexual assault. So it would end up working out that if your wife didn't press charges for sexual assault then the guy wouldn't press charges for assault and battery. Jail is no reason not to defend your wife anyway. I would've fucked the guy up like I've done before. If you ended up going to jail he would've too and his charges would've been more serious. And as long as you didn't beat the guy with a baseball bat from the sporting section and you used your bare hands most judges would throw the case out saying you had a right to defend your wife anyway.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 7
I would've grabbed HIS ass and asked if he'd like to come back to our dungeon for some "slave games", then turned to my mife and say "I told you someone would be into it... go get some candles, duct tape and ky jelly" then I'd have turned back to the guy, smiled, winked and said... you dont know how long we've been looking for someone like you... how long can you hold you're breath?
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 7
Wish i was quick thinking enough to do what Eyepopper suggests, that's a top idea, someone groped my soon to be wifes arse in a club once, i saw it and was getting ready to do the macho guy thing when she punched him in the eye and got him thrown out. Years of aikido finally payed off!
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 5
open them up like a tin of beans! like my sig!
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 28
If I caught some random guy grabbing my girlfriends ass, I'd probably this is how it'd go down.

I'd push the guy into whatever obstruction was there(wall, shelving, display), and get right up in his face yelling at him, and threatening him.

At this point, he'd either think I was crazy, and willing to do what I had to do fuck him up and he'd run off, or he's hit me. If he hit me, I'd beat the living shit out of the guy, knocking him to the ground. I'd use one hand to hold him down, and the other to pucnch the shit out of him till someone pulled me off of him.

edit: I should mention that this would be with my current girlfriend. This wouldn't be the case with just any girl.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 18
Originally posted by fannyboy

Wish i was quick thinking enough to do what Eyepopper suggests, that's a top idea, someone groped my soon to be wifes arse in a club once, i saw it and was getting ready to do the macho guy thing when she punched him in the eye and got him thrown out. Years of aikido finally payed off!

that's kinda embarassing. You're the man it's your job to do the fighting even if your girl is capable. I would've left the club quickly with my face covered and told her next time let me handle my business. It's one thing if your not around, it's a whole other thing if you are. Forget what eyepopper said too, you end up lookin like a fag goin with that way. Plus he said he would grab the guys ass back and why traumatize yourself when you could just fuck the guy up? lol
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 11
well it sounds to me like the guy that started this thread should stay out of Wal-mart.

I would have to say, just so I don't lose manly respect in the eyes of my wife I would knock the guy out, no matter what size he was or what ever. Even more so if the guy knew the girl was married, and three times as much if he knew she was my wife.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 7
My other half would never talk to me again if I knocked a guy out in front of her

But I love all the macho bullshit... keep it up..
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 18
For real eyepopper? That's rare. I've gotten in fights over my girl quite a few times and everytime I was rewarded with mind blowing primal type sex for days after it happened not just once. I think most women (whether they admit it or not) are turned on by a guy fighting for their honor, I know my wife loves sex but she was like an animal those times after fights. It brings out the beast in both of you. I don't know if it works if you lose the fight though, lol, haven't had to find that out yet.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 7
hitting a guy is easy... making him look like a complete fool gets my vote everytime.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 2
I guess the place you were shopping just about says it all...

"Just yesterday me and my gf were shopping at Walmart and it was super crowded.
She says when she leaned over to pick up a ice cream bar from the freezer she felt a hand grope her ass. "
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 11
Originally posted by Swiss407

Wish i was quick thinking enough to do what Eyepopper suggests, that's a top idea, someone groped my soon to be wifes arse in a club once, i saw it and was getting ready to do the macho guy thing when she punched him in the eye and got him thrown out. Years of aikido finally payed off!

that's kinda embarassing. You're the man it's your job to do the fighting even if your girl is capable. I would've left the club quickly with my face covered and told her next time let me handle my business. It's one thing if your not around, it's a whole other thing if you are. Forget what eyepopper said too, you end up lookin like a fag goin with that way. Plus he said he would grab the guys ass back and why traumatize yourself when you could just fuck the guy up? lol

Dude .. chill! It's perfectly ok for your girl to be able to defend herself in some situations and "Not" have that as a threat to your "manhood". Shit, my machismo ain't so fucking fragile and insecure that I need to have a girl who is as dormant and docile as a dormat so the hairs on my chest will grow... wtf?

I am perfectly SURE that I am a man and I know that my little Chinese wife is fully capable of putting some serious hurt (North Korean Tai Kwon Do style) out when she needs to.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 9
Beat him senseless.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 21
I don't agree with violence, but if that happened I would've mashed him up!

A few months ago my gf was on a train without me and a man sat next to her. About 30mins into the journey she noticed that he'd popped his willy out, and was wanking himself slowly. She was slightly shocked, but managed to remember what I told her to do if anyhing like tht happened.

So, she leaned over to him saying 'Never mind not all men can have a big one'..all the time wiggling the end of her little finger at him....I had to laugh at his reaction...he jumped up and got off at the next stop.

My gf said she's sure that the loser was crying!
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 17
U any pics of her?????
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 14
Go ninja on the bastard! i would mess him up.. you don't start that kind of shit and not expect to get thumped!
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 12
That's pretty fucked up. Some dudes have actually think some shit like that would get them laid. It sucks to have to say "comes with the territory" when you have a hot girl. I took my girl to Puerto Vallarta a few weeks ago. These three dickheads at our hotel would stare her up and down everytime I saw them and then give me some "what's up?" look just before we would pass. Like I was going to fight them or something? Anyway, my girl and I were at the pool and salsa type music was playing, she was dancing for me really sexy like, swaying her hips, kissing me, she knew a lot of people were watching and it was cool as shit, of course I was turned on. Then I look over and see these three dumbasses watching and they had really sad looks on thier faces. They looked like they were going to cry. The looks on thier faces made not fucking them up SO worth it. But I probably would have fucked some shit up if some coward groped her. That really deserves a beating.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 18
Originally posted by Eyepopper

hitting a guy is easy... making him look like a complete fool gets my vote everytime.

yeah, but grabbing a mans ass then pretending you want to make him a love slave doesn't make him look like the fool. That pretty much makes you look like the fool and a perverted fag. If I was the guy who grabbed your wife's ass and you ran that lil routine on me I'd walk away laughing in your face and then spend the rest of my day telling everyone I know about the queer I met in Wal-mart who wanted to fuck me. Now if you beat the shit out of me and left me bloody, I wouldn't tell anybody cause I'd actually be embarassed and possibly learn a lesson.

On another note I think it's funny how all these people keep talkin about their girls taking martial arts and that somehow this means they can kick a mans ass. Ya know that most black belts would still get their asses kicked by someone who's never taken martial arts and has just been in a lot of fights. Fighting comes with experience, not training, the only martial artists who can actually kick someone's ass are the ones who participate in full contact tournaments regularly which most don't. People who just took classes and became a black belt would get overpowered and beat down by damn near anyone who's actually been in fights. It's one thing to train in a controlled atmosphere where there are rules of engagement, in the street there's no rules except to win the fight by any means necessary. No refs to save you.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 7
Originally posted by Swiss407

hitting a guy is easy... making him look like a complete fool gets my vote everytime.

yeah, but grabbing a mans ass then pretending you want to make him a love slave doesn't make him look like the fool. That pretty much makes you look like the fool and a sick pervert.

I also think it's funny how all these people keep talkin about martial arts. Ya know that most black belts would still get their asses kicked by someone who's never taken martial arts and has just been in a lot of fights. Fighting comes with experience, not training, the only martial artists who can actually kick someone's ass are the ones who participate in full contact tournaments regularly which most don't. People who just took classes and became a black belt would get overpowered and beat down by damn near anyone who's actually been in fights. It's one thing to train in a controlled atmosphere where there are rules of engagement, in the street there's no rules except to win the fight by any means necessary. No refs to save you.

I was kinda joking... sorry forgot a lot of americans dont get sarcasm..... but you seem really down with the street... like you could lick,, sorry I mean kick,,, a lot of ass... keep pumping the iron man.... (youre not gay youre not gay....ggrrrrrr)
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
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