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If a scumbag gropes your gf or wife

Starter: ChinoCochino Posted: 18 years ago Views: 5.3K
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Lvl 17
While I was in the army, my gf once told me on the phone that some dudes were straight out harrassing her on the market square when she was waiting for her bus to get home. First they were only asking her if she'd go out to a bar with them and stuff, and when she said she wouldn't, one of the guys tried to grope her ass and stuff and started to call her with few not so nice names.

You wouldn't believe how pissed I was when I heard that!

I can swear that if I had seen that, I would have gone there and slugged the fucker on the pawement on a blink of an eye without even thinking about it.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 12
so we've concluded 2 things from this... virtually none of you think your girlfriends can fend for themselves, and you are mostly insane guys with something to prove... a guy grabs your girl she files charges against him you act as a witness end of story... beating the hell out of people solves nothing you seriously might as well just beat your chest while stomping on the ground and yelling it has about the same level of civilization to it... worst case scenerio guy won't leave your girl alone you grab his hand put your thumb between his index and middle finger at the first knuckle push your thumb hard into his hand and twist his arm behind him use free hand to call police keep him disabled until police arrive problem solved
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 8
I think we've established that you and your buddies can have some real fun at Wal-Mart grabbin girls asses.....this thread actually makes me want to go to Wal-Mart and fuck with people
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
headbutt, that's all i'm going to say...
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 8
okay, seein as all this tetosterone is flyin in here, i should say that I was just kiddin, ya know, American sarcasm...Anyway, you really have to decide how badly you are going to beat the guy, cuz either way, believe me you are not gettin off...If the cops come, you are in trouble, and a judge is gonna say that you shoulda called the cops, not taken the law into your own hands, and you're gonna get charged with a felony...the guy might get a misdameanor harrassment charge and maybe, maybe, and I stress maybe get some probation out of the whole thing. You on the other hand will probably be payin his hospital bills and for a lawsuit, not to mention a fine and probabtion. If you beat him too bad, well, you could be lookin at attempted murder, now you're really in trouble. You might get lucky and find the lawyer that can get you off(there's one in every courthouse) but, believe me, it is going to cost you thousands upon thousands of dollars. By the way, I speak from alot of experience, and now I really try to avoid havin to fight, hard sometimes, but believe me, cheaper and way less stressful. Besides, I got tired of never bein challenged......weeee
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 11
Originally posted by Swiss407

hitting a guy is easy... making him look like a complete fool gets my vote everytime.

yeah, but grabbing a mans ass then pretending you want to make him a love slave doesn't make him look like the fool. That pretty much makes you look like the fool and a perverted fag. If I was the guy who grabbed your wife's ass and you ran that lil routine on me I'd walk away laughing in your face and then spend the rest of my day telling everyone I know about the queer I met in Wal-mart who wanted to fuck me. Now if you beat the shit out of me and left me bloody, I wouldn't tell anybody cause I'd actually be embarassed and possibly learn a lesson.

On another note I think it's funny how all these people keep talkin about their girls taking martial arts and that somehow this means they can kick a mans ass. Ya know that most black belts would still get their asses kicked by someone who's never taken martial arts and has just been in a lot of fights. Fighting comes with experience, not training, the only martial artists who can actually kick someone's ass are the ones who participate in full contact tournaments regularly which most don't. People who just took classes and became a black belt would get overpowered and beat down by damn near anyone who's actually been in fights. It's one thing to train in a controlled atmosphere where there are rules of engagement, in the street there's no rules except to win the fight by any means necessary. No refs to save you.

I'm one of the guys who is "100% sure" that his little 5th Dan black belt woman can handle her own when she needs to. I'm not saying that she can 'win' in every fight. No one can win them all. But I am sure that her intense learning while in the Chinese military, and from the many years she's spent instructing in places like London, Brazil, Nova Scotia, Montreal, and Florida will prove handy in a quick bitchslap episode should some punk grabs her ass. I'm not talking about someone who spent $50 to attend a self defense meeting with her girlfriends. It takes some serious dedication to achieve 5th Dan in Tai Kwon Do. Besides, most probably, the ass grabbing perv won't be expecting her immediate physical response (a surprise is a mutha-fucka). Some people talk the talk... and some people walk it. Street fighter should be respected. I don't just say that just because I grew up in the alleys of West Dallas, I say it because all ingrained fighting techniques can prove dangerous to the attacked. But it takes a certain discipline and mental awareness to recover from the surprise attack. Even still, some surprise attacks just can't be overcome...if done correctly.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 11
Originally posted by HighGuy

Silly Americans!

I felt a serious need to let you know just how Stupid your negative, Anti-America comments are.

Some one asked me if the Americans understood that one day they wouldn't be the best, most powerful nation on earth.

I told him to remember these words because when he was old and grey, he would be telling these words to his grandchildren so they could recite them to their grandchildren in turn. The words are:

"Yes, someday the United States of America will not be the Best, most woderful, and most powerful nation on earth. BUT ... That Day Ain't Today. So quit whining about it, shut up, and go fuck yourself."
~ Semper Fidelis ~

That's not an American-Protectionist sentiment. It's an Objective Reality. Deal with it!
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 12
I'd tell the guy to call mocpl1269... cause he keeps starting threads asking guys to grope his wife
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Originally posted by CopenXin


Silly Americans!

I felt a serious need to let you know just how Stupid your negative, Anti-America comments are.

Some one asked me if the Americans understood that one day they wouldn't be the best, most powerful nation on earth.

I told him to remember these words because when he was old and grey, he would be telling these words to his grandchildren so they could recite them to their grandchildren in turn. The words are:

"Yes, someday the United States of America will not be the Best, most woderful, and most powerful nation on earth. BUT ... That Day Ain't Today. So quit whining about it, shut up, and go fuck yourself."
~ Semper Fidelis ~

That's not an American-Protectionist sentiment. It's an Objective Reality. Deal with it!

settle the fuck down, highguy is an american himself....he was most likely shitting with ya like he usually does
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 24

well it would either be a very light confrontation like "what the hell man?" and then letting him take it from there

or I'd grab his hand and break 3 fingers, his wrist, forearm, elbow, and dislocate his shoulder in the course of about 5 seconds.

yeah... but most probably just the light verbal confrontation. because i dont much expect that i'd loose control and do the breaking thing. unless he tried to hit her, then his ass would be hurting. in all sorts of creepy as hell broken and bleeding angles.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 12
Originally posted by Bangledesh


well it would either be a very light confrontation like "what the hell man?" and then letting him take it from there

or I'd grab his hand and break 3 fingers, his wrist, forearm, elbow, and dislocate his shoulder in the course of about 5 seconds.

yeah... but most probably just the light verbal confrontation. because i dont much expect that i'd loose control and do the breaking thing. unless he tried to hit her, then his ass would be hurting. in all sorts of creepy as hell broken and bleeding angles.

C.U. med school???
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 23
Originally posted by CopenXin


Silly Americans!

I felt a serious need to let you know just how Stupid your negative, Anti-America comments are.

Some one asked me if the Americans understood that one day they wouldn't be the best, most powerful nation on earth.

I told him to remember these words because when he was old and grey, he would be telling these words to his grandchildren so they could recite them to their grandchildren in turn. The words are:

"Yes, someday the United States of America will not be the Best, most woderful, and most powerful nation on earth. BUT ... That Day Ain't Today. So quit whining about it, shut up, and go fuck yourself."
~ Semper Fidelis ~

That's not an American-Protectionist sentiment. It's an Objective Reality. Deal with it!

It was nowhere close to being anti-American.

Lighten up you stupid human*!

*I apoligize to any humans out there that may be offended that I refered to this dumbess American as human.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 12
You guys who want to kill every guy that looks at your girlfriend or cops a feel must never have dated a hot girl. If I was like that I would have been in a fight 3 times a day with some of my old girlfriends. All you have to do is give the guy a look or tap him on the shoulder and say "Sorry dude, she's with me." There is no reason to kill a guy for crap like that. It's not like it matters that much.

I'm willing to bet that at least half the guys that said they would start a fight never actually would.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 12
If Saw who done it, depending on there size and build or if they were in a gang or not I would either :

Pretend to want a quiet word with them then bite f@ck out of their ear

or if they were in a gang

I would plant something on them and then shop them to staff so they get done for shoplifting

then when you see there name in the local paper for being assaulted or shoplifting find out where they live and then go round and do a proper job.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
I caught this kid looking at one on my ex's tits once, I looked at him and said "you likey?"

him and buddy just turned thier head and walked faster to get away from us.
* This post has been modified : 3 years ago
It's all well and good that some of you would fight the guy, but most guys are little and weaselly. What they hell would any of you do to a guy like me who is 6'3" 260 lbs, squats 400 lbs, benches 315 lbs, and has 8 years of Muay Thai under his belt? I assume you'd just let me keep feeling her ass, as would she lol.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 11
Originally posted by HighGuy


Silly Americans!

I felt a serious need to let you know just how Stupid your negative, Anti-America comments are.

Some one asked me if the Americans understood that one day they wouldn't be the best, most powerful nation on earth.

I told him to remember these words because when he was old and grey, he would be telling these words to his grandchildren so they could recite them to their grandchildren in turn. The words are:

"Yes, someday the United States of America will not be the Best, most woderful, and most powerful nation on earth. BUT ... That Day Ain't Today. So quit whining about it, shut up, and go fuck yourself."
~ Semper Fidelis ~

That's not an American-Protectionist sentiment. It's an Objective Reality. Deal with it!

It was nowhere close to being anti-American.

Lighten up you stupid human*!

*I apoligize to any humans out there that may be offended that I refered to this dumbess American as human.

God, so many things come to mind right now. But instead, I'll just say "I deserve it"

Especially since I quoted the wrong comment. So rale away. Besides, I can tolerate an insult of my personal behavior much better than your mindless, "let's-insult-the-Americans-because-they're-on-top" mantra.

I'll take it for another day or two.
That's the closest you'll get to an apology for my quick defense of my motherland. If that ain't good enough...Well then refer to >
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 9
just take hom outside, knock out a few teeth, and walk away, that way he gets hurt and looks like a jackass til he gets some dental work
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Originally posted by LAWNMOWERMAN41

i had a young man 15 kick in my front door and come at my wife. after ejecting him out of the house in a forcefull manner, 1. i was almost arrested, 2. i have had to go to court to fight a restraining order, pending a criminal case, 3. Civial case is expected to follow.

I am certain that i will beat this thing but it will cost me a ton of money......yes i can go after the other party for my legal fees....but they are on wellfare and i will never see a proceed at your own caution...........I would kick ass and take names

dude if that really happend, it's breaking and entering. your defending you home, the kid should be glad you didn't soot him.
* This post has been modified : 3 years ago
Lvl 8
Originally posted by SpazHairlip

It's all well and good that some of you would fight the guy, but most guys are little and weaselly. What they hell would any of you do to a guy like me who is 6'3" 260 lbs, squats 400 lbs, benches 315 lbs, and has 8 years of Muay Thai under his belt? I assume you'd just let me keep feeling her ass, as would she lol.

Yeah... but you're still a spaz hair lip
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
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