While I was in the army, my gf once told me on the phone that some dudes were straight out harrassing her on the market square when she was waiting for her bus to get home. First they were only asking her if she'd go out to a bar with them and stuff, and when she said she wouldn't, one of the guys tried to grope her ass and stuff and started to call her with few not so nice names.
You wouldn't believe how pissed I was when I heard that!
I can swear that if I had seen that, I would have gone there and slugged the fucker on the pawement on a blink of an eye without even thinking about it.
You wouldn't believe how pissed I was when I heard that!
I can swear that if I had seen that, I would have gone there and slugged the fucker on the pawement on a blink of an eye without even thinking about it.
* This post has been modified
: 18 years ago