My husband gave me to another man. Now unfortunately this whole site knows a man named Robert owns me, I call him Bobby, it's our special thing now. He uses me like a personal prostitute, and while drunk, and at gunpoint, I agreed to this.
There were no limits placed on it, Bobby passed the STD tests, so now he cums all over the fucking place, bareback in my vag, in my hair...this one time in my ear (awkward). All said and done though, I'm rather fond of the violent anal, I never let my husband have at it becuase he was too damn weak willed to just take it, and I would have felt like a bit of a trollop if I had just offered my ass up for pounding, but now where I am, being ridden in the anus like Ving Rhymes in Pulp Fiction, ballgag included. Bobby and I frequently hang around each other without my husband, he's a loser anyway, I married young, he's older..and he seemed wise and interesting, turns out he was just a 29 year old looking to score some 17yo ass...that was a long 4 years..
I can't believe he agreed to this, he pierced my nipple in his home bathroom using a hammer and a nail, I don't have to tell you gentlemen, that shit was unpleasant..the craziest thing was, he did it while fucking me in the ass, I told him the angles weren't going to work, or well..I screamed it into a ballgag, but, he proved me wrong. Pretty darn embarrassing, let me tell you.
He frequently has over his buddies for train sessions, after they're all drunk and bored they just start fisting me, I pretend like it's unpleasant, but it honestly rules like you wouldn't believe, stupid hicks. Oh, BTW, getting burned with cigars is not cool, if you guys are ever in a situation where someone is like "yo dawg, want me to burn you with this lit cigar" I suggest you turn it down immediately.
I didn't much like the man before Bobby, the one that tricked my husband...his "cunning plan" was to have me over, hand my husband a locked suitcase, brutally sodomize me...and then push me out of a moving car, wonderful. It ripped my panty hose and all sorts of shit, this whole being sold and used as an object thing is highly overrated. I don't know how Britney Spears puts up with it...she's my idol you see.
My husband claims he's sorry about the whole moving car thing, but I think he was just bummed out it didn't work, that penis enlargement surgery is important to nolonger matters to me becuase my vag looks like someone kicked some roast beef into an escalator...yeah, groove on that mental imagine, it's what I get to see every time I look down.
They're keeping me in a dogs cage, but, it's for like a Shepard or something, plus I got this cool pad to lay on, I don't mind it. I have a cheap laptop and that keeps me occupied. I play a lot of WoW, Bobby even pays for my subscription. Things could be better, but, it's not all bad in the world of sex slavery and brutal rape...Well, it's actually pretty much all bad. I would advise against a future career move into the field, since the pay is nothing, and like I said, the rape is especially brutal.
Take care all...Love you hubby, nice thread. 5*****