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How did you loose it?

Starter: smokinbandet Posted: 17 years ago Views: 6.5K
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Lvl 7
Here, I'll give you guys a read...

Not ashamed to say, I was 19 about to turn 20 and she was 18. I met her at a county fair and she was my friend's god sister. They were trying to fix her up with this friend of ours who was 26 and just moved here from Florida. Apparently she wasn't interested and started to come on to me hard the next couple weeks. She had made a comment about no one ever called her so I asked her for her # and said that I would call her. We talked like every day, 3 times a day. She starts coming over a couple days a week to see me before I left for work. At the time, I was living at my parents. All we did was talk, suck face, and dry hump. I was a little shy but the whole time I was thinking... if she goes for my cock then its going to happen, but it never went that far. She knew that I was about to move in to an apartment with her god sister and b/f. She was telling me things in my ear like "If you move out then I could come over all the time and we can have sex anytime you want... but it wouldn't be sex with you, it would be making love” At the time that sounded weird but at the same time, sounded pretty damn good to me.

My friend had just moved into a house and was having a "house warming" party. She came with me and we both got sloppy drunk and I was so stoned that I couldn't see straight. The alcohol gave me the courage to ask her out and she said that I was a nice guy and that she couldn't go out with me. I was a little confused because this girl came on to me and was going out of her way to see me. Later that night I went out to put my CDs back in my car. I came back in and couldn't find her and a friend pointed me in the direction of where she went. I opened the door and there was this empty room with no furniture and I could see bodies in there was a few people passed out and she was in the middle of the room laying down so I laid next to her and put my arm over her. She immediately rolled over and started to kiss me. Now I'm twice as confused. It got hot and heavy and she was attempting to take my belt off. She got frustrated and told me "get the damn thing off". I took my belt off and her hand shot down my pants and grabbed my cock. The whole time I'm thinking, "Oh my god, it’s going to happen!" She made her way on top of me and got my pants down a little and then got her pants and panties down to her ankles. She started to ride me. I then realize that we're in a dark room and there's about 5 other people around us, including my future roommates who are just 2 feet away from us on the floor, but fuck it, I've got this sexy blonde riding my cock and I don't care about anything else. After about an hour and I never busted because I was a little numb from the alcohol and pot also a little nervous I guess.

When we woke up like 6 hours later early that morning we were the only ones in the room so everyone else was already up having breakfast or left. She was telling me that she didn't want to have any regrets and that we just really good friends. I was like yeah, sure, whatever. We fucked around a little bit over the next couple months but the whole time she kept reminding me that we were just friends. It eventually wore on my nerves when all she would do was date assholes and then when something bad happened and they broke up, she would come to me for support. I got tired of it and told her that I wasn't interested in her drama. Overall it was a confidence boost for me. I started seeing other girls and now I'm with the love of my life who I'm trying to talk into letting me take some pictures
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 14
Shit,this hard to remember but it was decades ago!
I was about 18 I think and she was 21 or 22 and it was the first for her too. In her parents basement while everybody was gone and had no condoms so we used a non-ziplock style baggie(don't think zip lock was made yet!)with plenty of vaseline and a rubberband to keep it on. That first time was the most action I ever got out of her from then on. Oh well, there have been plenty since then to make up for it!
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 8
props to the dude taking the ex-marines daughters virginity.

We were both 16, and everyone was out of the house except my grandma but she goes to bed at 10 so no biggee. My moms room was in the basement and we were in her bed making out around 1 or 2 am. I had this overwhelming exciting feeling which i confused for love and said "i love you" hahah i kno kno, I'm a fool!

She's says let's do it and I'm like fuck yeah! Those 7 minutes were amazing! I know it was 7 minutes because i was looking at the clock trying my hardest not to blow and I figured 7 minutes was more than long enough for my first time.

As we're laying there, i hear the dog walking around upstairs. I'm like fuck no, my grandma is going to wake up to let the dog out. We both jump out of bed, grab our underwear and get into the bathroom trying quickly to get dressed. My grandma sees our shoes are there, and comes looking for us. She peaks into the bathroom, my girl is in the shower, I'm behind the door. My dick is still hard and the door is literally a centimeter away. I think wholy shit I just lost my virginity and I'm going to get busted by my grandma. She turns around and goes back upstairs. And I'm so relieved until I hear her crying! She's leaving a message on my girlfriends answering machine at 2 in the morning sobbing " I don't know where they are!? their shoes are here but I can't find them" I come running up the stairs (clothed) and bust out the sexiest lie ever, "we fell asleep watching a movie, but we were afraid of getting in trouble so we hid in the basement when you woke up" to which she replies "this our no hour to have a lady out, you walk her home right now"

* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 16
Lost mine to my 9th grade social studies teacher,in the front seat of a 68 pontiac wagon-first time I got an A..
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 9
I was 19, and decided it was time. Moved out of my moms house into my own place. Two days later I took a girl that I worked with home, wham, bam, thank you ma'am. We must have went at it like 10 times, I had to drive up to the corner store for more rubbers. After that she pretty much lived with me for a couple months, turned me from a virgin to a fuckin sex addict. She was a pretty hot black girl and a damn freak, we still hang often.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 8
I was 16, she was 15. She chased me in high school. My buddies wanted to bone her. She scowled at them. She asked if I would tutor her. We had a lunch at her place one school day. Then a massage. Then naked and fucking for all of an eternity -or in her mind about 30 seconds...
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
I don't know who to call bullshit on louder:

Originally posted by robodick

I was 13 and she was 18 and a oh so hot cheer leader!...I was already a well known musician

Are you Charolette Church? Cause that's the only 13 year old well known musician I can think of.

Originally posted by ofrancois

My grandma sees our shoes are there, and comes looking for us. She peaks into the bathroom, my girl is in the shower, I'm behind the door. My dick is still hard and the door is literally a centimeter away.

Your grandmother is looking for you and you remained hard???
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 3
I was 16 and was dating this "SUPER CHRISTIAN" Chick for about 6 months (longest relationship I had had up to then). She used to come over to my house and we used to fool around. I could finger her,feel her little 16 year old tits, strip her right down , but she wouldn't let me put my cock in her. She was intent on saving "IT" for marriage.
Well one day I was over at her house watching a movie with her and her folks. After the movie was over I thought a little drive in my VW van to the local park was the right thing to do. So we get to the park and start smooching and fucking around, and sure enough all our clothes come off. This had happened so many times before, with less than impressive results. This time I started pushing me "cack" in her a little and she says "do you have any condoms?" , I of course had bought some condoms a LOOOOONG time before from one of those bathroom vending machines. So I wrapped up and BUST that pussy. SHITT we both had no fucking idea how to do it. I just remember telling her to stop moving so I could finish. After that I took her home, and to my surprise my Mum had come over to visit her parents. BLAAHHHH I thought everyone knew what had just happened. About 1 week later I broke up with her. Now I knew how nice Pussy was I wanted to do it with LOTS of other sweet chicks. Looking back now, I feel a little bad, BUT NOT THAT BAD.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 8
It was all wet...
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 17
Originally posted by poorandugly76

Good topic.... I was 14 and at a B-day party. It was with a really close friend, their had been a lot of sexual tension building up between us for hours, so after the party we took a 4 wheeler ride and she told me to put out or walk back. So naturally I walk back to the house, when I get back im furious for having to walk that 75 yards or so. I find her and give her a good cussin and then I went and got it on with her best friend. She cried, and when we got back to school she passed me a note in science class and asked if I would go with her. Needless to say I said yes just so I could get some tail off her!

Im a southerner, so I dont mean this in a rude way but I take you were a southerner? Or you grew up in a rural area?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 17
Originally posted by bms85smb

I got really sick... we were both 13, I snuck in threw her window at 2am, we did it missionary style on the bed until her dad heard the bed hitting the wall. Apparently the living room where he slept on the couch was right on the other side of her wall. He knocked on the door and asked her to let him in. she hurried and got dressed while pushing me with my clothes in hand behind her dresser which was at a 45 in the corner. Think thats bad?... When her dad opened the door to ask her what the noise was their Boston terrier comes in and right to me. It starts sniffing and trying to play. Luckily her dad didn't notice and accepted whatever excuse she gave him. Sure enough we tried to go at it again on the floor to kill the noise but my body wasn't having it, I told her I had to go and puked the moment I got out the window. her dad was & still is one big ex marine. anyways since I walked/ran an hour for this opportunity I had her call my best friends mom, the only person I could think of that would pick me up at 4am on a school night without telling my parents. I would have never made it home in time for school in my present condition.

I would give my left arm to have another girl like her though. she was a nymph like no other. we did it everywhere including public pools with people swimming, cedar point (apparently the best theme park in the world), all my friends rooms, the woods, we even tried doing it while riding my bmx down the street. those were the good old days. I worry my sex life will never be better than when I was 13-16

but back to the point anyone have a worse first time?

dude you hit the nail on the head. I think of the tons and tons of girls who used to throw themselves at me. And some very very very hot ones.... sheesh. Course I wasnt as savvy as I am now so I didnt recognize it back then. o well cest la vie.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 17
Originally posted by Morel

I was 14 in the backseat of a guys car who was 19.

If that shit happen nowadays he'd be listed as a child molester and do hard time..

Part of me agrees with it, but then I remember some of the 15 year old girls i've met in my life.. So it's kinda confusing.. lol

Oh btw, my first time.

Lets just say, 14 years old, chick wasn't that attractive, sports bra (confused my sorry ass lookin for the clasp) unlubricated condom..

Damn it was horrible.. lol

How old were you? Who was she? How long did you know her? Where were yall? Did yall date after?

The more I think about those days the more im sure I dont agree with your legal analysis. I mean I was totally seduced my first time by a 14 year old girl. I had no idea wtf and she did. So a 14 yo and a 19 yo is not really far off emotionally/mentally. I mean I didnt know how to "seduce" until I was at least 19. ....who knows...
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 17
Originally posted by cannibal

i'll play...

i had just moved into a new neighborhood. i was 12. there was a girl named samantha who i met on the first day - pretty and funny. the type of girl who just had to be popular, you know? anyway a bunch of the kids in the neighborhood were hanging out - climbing the oak tree in my front yard, and jumping from the branches. samantha says that she'll kiss the person who jumps from the highest point.

i was pretty shy - awkward - an alpha geek before that was a good thing... and i was going to get that kiss!

i jumped - someone jumped from higher - i jumped again - someone went higher - i jumped again, and broke my arm when i landed BADLY... nobody else jumped...

6 months later i'm hanging out with samantha - we were playing monopoly and listening the casey kasems top 40 countdown. while we were playing there were occasions where a song would come on that she liked, and she would get up and dance. nothing dirty or sexual - just dancing (i should mention that at this time i was 13 and was a week away from turning 16). she said i should dance with her (the song was michael jackson's "PYT" if you care) and i declined - explaining that i could not dance. she grabbed my hand and started to show me... she brought up the fact that i never got my kiss - and she leaned in.

i gave her the worst kiss ever and she smiled. told me it was a bad kiss, and repeated the process. soon we left the family room and we were in my bedroom - the sex was slow and calculated. i didn't want to rush and seem pushy.

once it was over she and i just laid there on the bed. the song "Time after Time" came on (it was a long distance dedication on the countdown) and while she was singing along with the song she had her head on my sternum - staring into my eyes.

she then got up, got dressed, and left.

we never had anything else happen. she was out of my league. i found out years later that it had been her first time as well.

Wow well told story. Good story too. Seriously, you should flesh it out and make it into a short story or make a youtube short movie indie style. Lol your my age cuz of the songs.

O yea I think you left out "she" was a week from 16.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 7
Ah, probably my favorite story. Late into my senior year in high school, a teacher started flirting a bit with me, bit I dismissed it as harmless flirting and just being friendly. Mind you, I had fantasies about this woman, for she was a fine and fit black woman, even for a 39-year old. So what if I was 17 at the time? She didn't want to get into trouble, so she held off. We DID fool around a few times, groping, kissing and whatnot. But it wasn't until my freshman year in college that she drove up and paid me a visit and popped my cherry. Good God that woman can squirt buckets. Probably when I started my female ejaculation fetish too. Oh, she was married too for kickers.

Somehow, school found out and there was a brouhaha as you can imagine. School lawyers contacted me, I gave them the story of ONLY what happened in high school. Obviously losing my virginity shortly after I turned 18 was nobody's fucking business. Unfortunately, she went nuts on me. She wrote me a letter professing her love for me and wanted to divorce her husband and be with me. I severed all ties, obviously. Too bad, we only did it twice, but those were among the best sex I've had, and that's saying something since I slept with...shit, I think around 60 women? Anyway, I guess it's true that the first always makes the biggest impression.

I do remember thinking "that's it???" while I was doing her doggystyle. Guess I expected sensations resembling fireworks going off. Wasn't until THE fireworks of the orgasm that I appreciated it far more than the standard Susie Palm and her five sisters.

So, that was my first time. A 39-year old beautiful African-American teacher from my high school. Hot for teacher, indeed!
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 17
Originally posted by Twenty5sense

Here, I'll give you guys a read...

I met her at a county fair and she was my friend's god sister.

This is gonna be good....

and it was. great story. welcome to women right. good initiation. "were just friends here let me ..."
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 17
Originally posted by krw891005

Lost mine to my 9th grade social studies teacher,in the front seat of a 68 pontiac wagon-first time I got an A..

get the fuck out. are you serious? and if you are um details who where when how why.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 17
Wow some cool stories.

You guys/gals notice something? In the majority of these stories, including mine, the girl was the seducer. It was the girl who got you to loser your virginity.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 4
I was 12 he was a neighbor his basement one afternoon after getting high on herb
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 16
Ok I know I pop in and out occassionally, but I was checking up on the site and couldn't pass this topic up. I was with this smoking hot girl and we were going to run some errands get something to eat and go see a movie. You know, the ideal first date. Well I forget some papers at my house and so I had to stop by. Well I get out of the car, she gets out of the car. I go in the house, she goes in the house. Well we start kissing, then making out, then her hand goes on my crotch, my hand goes up her shirt. Next thing you know she's naked on my bed. Well about an hour later after it was all said and done we left and had a good afternoon and evening. I will say this though, she gets dressed faster than I do.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 12
ahhhhhh my first time- Vickie. I first did it with her at mom and dad's house...I was 18....she was 16.... she was pretty cool. AND a gymnist too ....kind of from a knarly background though. We dated for about a year. Some of the best sex was sneaking up into her second story room at night. Her mom had an asshole boyfriend that would of killed me . Her brother was an abusive jerk ... Years later I heard she was working at at strip joint.
I passed her a few years ago going into a store.....her voice was very distinct. She didn't see me....Seeing her kind of caught me off guard. I didn't say anything. She had gained a few pounds but still actually looked OK....She looked happy. I hope she's OK though..............
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
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