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How did you loose it?

Starter: smokinbandet Posted: 17 years ago Views: 6.5K
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Lvl 17
Originally posted by Glass_Dragon

threads like this make me feel very very old.

? how? Im old. O u mean remembering that long ago?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 4
It was to my gf at the time, like three months into the relationship, each or other first loves...blah blah blah, anyways, I was 18 and she was 2 yrs younger, and it was on a trampoline in her g-ma's backyard at night. there was oral for both and fingering for her before the actual sex and I finished pretty quick. WE did it again, like ten minutes after the first time. the trampoline got used a lot that summer....It was not planned by me, in fact I was really pissed off because my tranny in my truck had just went out, and I was taking her home in my sis car. She told me to pull over and get condoms, so I did, not thinking anything of it because I had done that before and she had backed out. We were both each other's first.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 24
Originally posted by mistral

i lost it with my best friend from high school in her house when i was 14...

are we talking about your first lesbian experience or is this a confession that youre actually a girl? :P

and if its not a confession, are you still a virgin medically speaking?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum

i lost it with my best friend from high school in her house when i was 14...

are we talking about your first lesbian experience or is this a confession that youre actually a girl? :P

and if its not a confession, are you still a virgin medically speaking?

Wouldn't it be a confession that Mistral was a man? Not really an either or situation where it's either lesbo or being a girl (note: girls who hook up with girls are lesbians)
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 13
Good topic.... I was 14 and at a B-day party. It was with a really close friend, their had been a lot of sexual tension building up between us for hours, so after the party we took a 4 wheeler ride and she told me to put out or walk back. So naturally I walk back to the house, when I get back im furious for having to walk that 75 yards or so. I find her and give her a good cussin and then I went and got it on with her best friend. She cried, and when we got back to school she passed me a note in science class and asked if I would go with her. Needless to say I said yes just so I could get some tail off her!
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 24
@ bigj - correct, mistake in typing.

actually a girl = actually a guy
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum

@ bigj - correct, mistake in typing.

actually a girl = actually a guy

Alright, you had me confused for a split second

So it's official now, Mistral = Man
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 3
I got really sick... we were both 13, I snuck in threw her window at 2am, we did it missionary style on the bed until her dad heard the bed hitting the wall. Apparently the living room where he slept on the couch was right on the other side of her wall. He knocked on the door and asked her to let him in. she hurried and got dressed while pushing me with my clothes in hand behind her dresser which was at a 45 in the corner. Think thats bad?... When her dad opened the door to ask her what the noise was their Boston terrier comes in and right to me. It starts sniffing and trying to play. Luckily her dad didn't notice and accepted whatever excuse she gave him. Sure enough we tried to go at it again on the floor to kill the noise but my body wasn't having it, I told her I had to go and puked the moment I got out the window. her dad was & still is one big ex marine. anyways since I walked/ran an hour for this opportunity I had her call my best friends mom, the only person I could think of that would pick me up at 4am on a school night without telling my parents. I would have never made it home in time for school in my present condition.

I would give my left arm to have another girl like her though. she was a nymph like no other. we did it everywhere including public pools with people swimming, cedar point (apparently the best theme park in the world), all my friends rooms, the woods, we even tried doing it while riding my bmx down the street. those were the good old days. I worry my sex life will never be better than when I was 13-16

but back to the point anyone have a worse first time?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 4
I lost my viginity when I was in the 8th grade to a girl that was in the 9th grade on the side of a Taco Bell.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 13
So did you go and have some cinnamon twists and a pepsi when you were done? Nothing better after sex....
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 4
No just continued walking home.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 9
Originally posted by mishxoxoxo

I was 14 in the backseat of a guys car who was 19.

If that shit happen nowadays he'd be listed as a child molester and do hard time..

Part of me agrees with it, but then I remember some of the 15 year old girls i've met in my life.. So it's kinda confusing.. lol

Oh btw, my first time.

Lets just say, 14 years old, chick wasn't that attractive, sports bra (confused my sorry ass lookin for the clasp) unlubricated condom..

Damn it was horrible.. lol
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 8
i'll play...

i had just moved into a new neighborhood. i was 12. there was a girl named samantha who i met on the first day - pretty and funny. the type of girl who just had to be popular, you know? anyway a bunch of the kids in the neighborhood were hanging out - climbing the oak tree in my front yard, and jumping from the branches. samantha says that she'll kiss the person who jumps from the highest point.

i was pretty shy - awkward - an alpha geek before that was a good thing... and i was going to get that kiss!

i jumped - someone jumped from higher - i jumped again - someone went higher - i jumped again, and broke my arm when i landed BADLY... nobody else jumped...

6 months later i'm hanging out with samantha - we were playing monopoly and listening the casey kasems top 40 countdown. while we were playing there were occasions where a song would come on that she liked, and she would get up and dance. nothing dirty or sexual - just dancing (i should mention that at this time i was 13 and was a week away from turning 16). she said i should dance with her (the song was michael jackson's "PYT" if you care) and i declined - explaining that i could not dance. she grabbed my hand and started to show me... she brought up the fact that i never got my kiss - and she leaned in.

i gave her the worst kiss ever and she smiled. told me it was a bad kiss, and repeated the process. soon we left the family room and we were in my bedroom - the sex was slow and calculated. i didn't want to rush and seem pushy.

once it was over she and i just laid there on the bed. the song "Time after Time" came on (it was a long distance dedication on the countdown) and while she was singing along with the song she had her head on my sternum - staring into my eyes.

she then got up, got dressed, and left.

we never had anything else happen. she was out of my league. i found out years later that it had been her first time as well.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
OH WOW! I was 13 and she was 18 and a oh so hot cheer leader! I was already a well known musician and she took me to her prom. After the dance she took us parking in the woods.

She sucked my manliness til I exploded, then she stroked it til I was hard again. That's when she stripped and had me suck on her tittie's and play with her pussy as she got me really rock hard and ready!

Then she laid back and begged me to fuck her really good!!! Message delivered - Message Recieved! I pounded her pussy till she climaxed 5 times and was gasping for me to stop! That night she made me feel like a real man!

-Had the opportunity to bump into her recently (46 years later!) At 64 she is a very well known golf pro and she still has it going on! She graciously and sincerely thanked me for the most memorable night of her school and college years... we hugged and kissed and went our separate ways...

-Made me feel like a real man...
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 28
Originally posted by robodick

OH WOW! I was 13 and she was 18 and a oh so hot cheer leader!

im going to have to stop you there and call complete bull shit on this story
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 22
Damn!! I feel REALLY old. I didn't loose mine until I was 20. We were the same age. It wasn't really planned. Her cousin was out of town for the weekend & she was staying at her townhouse to keep an eye on things. Watched a movie, made out on the couch, and one thing led to another. She led me upstairs to the bedroom.

I wish sometimes I had continued dating her. She was always a horny little minx. Wanted to do it anywhere we could get a chance. I miss those days. I didn't realize just how lucky I was at the time.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
punly must be jealous...
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 16
Originally posted by robodick

.....I was 13 and she was 18........I was already a well known musician.....

I cant believe you didn't find a way to work your 14 year old Cameroonian wife into this post. Do you think if you post this stuff a billion fucking times in every thread created it's going to come true?

On Topic: I don't remember. When I was 14 I had a girlfriend that was two years older than me. For the longest time we did everything but the dirty deed. I can remember our first kiss, but I cant remember our first time fornicating because of all the sex that came before it.

Edit: As far as age goes I can only guess that I was probably 15 the first time we incorporated copulation into the repertoire.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 3
Originally posted by 1hunter1

I wish sometimes I had continued dating her. She was always a horny little minx. Wanted to do it anywhere we could get a chance. I miss those days. I didn't realize just how lucky I was at the time.

yeah I know your pain bro,scroll up to the end of my post.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
Dayam! This is what I get for "Spilling" as much of the truth as I could without compromising her privacy or damaging her professional reputation. My life is too perfect to waste my time bull-shitting anyone about anything. I am proud and grandly satisfied with my life. If I die tomorrow it was a wonderful ride!
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
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