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Homemade Booze..Hillbilly Tea, Banjo Brew...Moonshine.

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 12 years ago Views: 7.1K
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Lvl 59
Nope. None. Go for it.
Lvl 13
Originally posted by Honda_X

Alrighty. I'm going to siphon out the top layer into smaller bottles.

I'm going to run the mixture through a brita water filter.

Then my brother is going to try some.

Can anyone see any problems with this?

There is a 92.546% chance he won't die, and 77.32% chance he won't go blind. Those are decent odds*.

* Odds may be exaggerated for entertainment purposes.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by Honda_X

Alrighty. I'm going to siphon out the top layer into smaller bottles.

I'm going to run the mixture through a brita water filter.

Then my brother is going to try some.

Can anyone see any problems with this?

Just a thought, but this build-up calls for (dare I say deserves) a liveblog when the drinking goes down a la Dros' House liveblog.
Lvl 28
Well, I've filtered the first four liters. (1 gallon?)

So, I'll be trying it shortly. It smells extremely alcoholic.

I don't know if I'll rock a live blog..but I'll post my experiences up in this thread.
Originally posted by Honda_X

Well, I've filtered the first four liters. (1 gallon?)

So, I'll be trying it shortly. It smells extremely alcoholic.

I don't know if I'll rock a live blog..but I'll post my experiences up in this thread.

at best its 8% max. as u fucked up and didn't use the correct yeast.. i guess your only into cheep pop skull shit.. have fun Im done trying to learn novices.. oh yeah, your "airlock" thing= major fail... yeast is a living organism and needs oxygen.. Duh.. brah biology 101 LMFAO... ah im done following this thread
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