Originally posted by mrdorkbutt
You are right, if you are hit by a car they stabilize your body and stop any bleeding.
And that is where it stops. Any corrective procedures or rehabilitation or anything that is needed, well you are shit out of luck. Same goes with shit like Chemotherapy or any experimental treatments or whatever.
Bare-assed minimum.
That's actually not true. The preform surgery if it is necessary, they fix broken bones, they hospitalize people and treat them until they're well enough to be responsibly medically released. Of course, bills will likely be sent for these services, but if they're not paid the hospital doesn't employ two guys named Vinnie and Sal to come to the person's house and pulverize them back into the shape they were in before.
Originally posted by dorkass
And fuck you on the other front. It would cost 150 billion to provide healthcare to all Americans. In the last 8 years, we gave away 600 billion to Iraq and 750 billion to wall street. Make sure to take some math classes next Spring. That isn't going to bankrupt us. Nor has it bankrupted any other country in the world which has done it.
First, I'm not a fan of the spending on either of the programs you mentioned. Second, we've only been in Iraq 5 1/2 years. And these expenditures in and of themselves aren't going to bankrupt the country, providing social benefits for all most certainly will erode both the fiscal health of the nation as a whole and individual freedoms on the personal level. When those social benefits continue to expand, as they are wont to do, and you seemingly agree with, they only further exacerbate the problem.
Originally posted by dickbutt
Again, the problem you have is one of perspective. You don't need to go to the doctor this week and you have to care for no one who might need to go to the doctor this week. And it would seem you come into contact with no human beings, so whatever germs and diseases they are rolling don't seem to scare you either.
You're so off base it's laughable. I have the latest in a series of recurring doctor appointments on Monday, as a matter of fact. I've suffered as much as the average person my age, and likely have had more out-of-pocket health-related costs than the average person my age.
I don't have a job and for the better part of the last year have been paying ~400 monthly for continued health insurance from my previous employer, as they're obligated to offer for 18 months after termination. Upon expiration of those benefits I've been entirely uncovered since. Not an ideal situation, yet I'm still able to distance myself from my individual situation to realize that what would benefit ME the most in the short term is horrible for the country in the long term.
Originally posted by gaysexbuttguy
And the government doesn't exist to provide for my peace of mind? Then what is 600 billion in defense spending for each year? What was the Patriot Act for? Why are they tracking and recording all of our phone conversations? for 1.4 trillion dollars in paid taxes, THEY SURE AS FUCK EXIST TO PROVIDE FOR MY PEACE OF MIND.
Your peace of mind, as provided by military might, is only a ancillary benefit of them performing one of the very few actual legitimate functions of a government, defense of its borders. The military doesn't exist to make the citizens of the country feel safe, it exists to protect the nation from foreign aggressors. Of course, we've expanded that role to one of international policeman, which is a massive waste, IMO, especially lacking any real centralized foreign enemy, but that's a topic for another thread.
The Patriot act is nothing more than a usurpation of individual freedom under the guise of "protection from terrorism" and is an abortion as a piece of legislation. It was ram-rodded through congress under the false premise instilled in the minds of the idiotic masses that any opposition to it was not only unpatriotic, but that they were a supporting terrorism.
Originally posted by dickypoopyass
Or I want a fucking refund.
Don't worry, you'll get one as soon as congress reconvenes. Because when the economy stagnates all these socialist governmental spenders, who find it fit to steal from the populace in the form of taxes, conclude the people back their money so that they can spend it is the best way to restart a stagnated economy.
Of course, that line of thinking is in itself a contradiction, but that's not much of a problem for the average politician.