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Divorced with children...

Starter: NaughtyGypsy Posted: 16 years ago Views: 4.6K
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Lvl 22
awesome insight Mr.Meat
very true!!
Lvl 16
Lvl 13
I really like how this thread is going. Thank you for participating. I appreciate your comments.
Lvl 6
Originally posted by MeatU2

To all of you who do not have children in your lives, or who do but are in a happy relationship:

I sincerely hope that you never have to experience the pain of watching a child of yours, or one in your care go through the emotional torment that is so frequently a part of parents living apart. It is (I believe) almost worse for the adult who is there and cares than it is for the child.

Children don't let shit get to them as much as adults do. It still hurts them, it's visible on their faces, but they shrug it off and get on with their day. It's YOU who will still be remembering what it felt like to see that hurt and disappointment on their faces. It's YOU who will have to fight the urge to choke the living shit out of that loser every time you see them.

I cannot even describe how it feels. I hope you never experience it.

This sounds all to familar. My son just turned four years old and lives in florida with his mother while I still live in texas. And I can still remember the day he left with his mom just like it was five minutes ago. Kills me everytime I go visit him or he comes back here for a visit watching him get upset when its time for me to leave. Any other time he is daddys little partner in crime. Till its time for us to go seperate ways. Really makes me question how much good im really doing being around in his life to put him through such emotional trama. For me and my ex our relationship was never what i would call great looking back on it. More often then not she has used my son as nothing more then a pawn to get money or attention. Then other times we are civil and get along even though we rarely see each other normally pick up my son from her parents house when i visit. Just wanted to add my two cents on this subject its a rough situation on all parties when mom and dads dont get along. I just hope the relationship I have with my son can stand up to the distance his mother and i put between us.
Lvl 27
Originally posted by jwalla21

This sounds all to familar. My son just turned four years old and lives in florida with his mother while I still live in texas. And I can still remember the day he left with his mom just like it was five minutes ago. Kills me everytime I go visit him or he comes back here for a visit watching him get upset when its time for me to leave. Any other time he is daddys little partner in crime. Till its time for us to go seperate ways. Really makes me question how much good im really doing being around in his life to put him through such emotional trama. For me and my ex our relationship was never what i would call great looking back on it. More often then not she has used my son as nothing more then a pawn to get money or attention. Then other times we are civil and get along even though we rarely see each other normally pick up my son from her parents house when i visit. Just wanted to add my two cents on this subject its a rough situation on all parties when mom and dads dont get along. I just hope the relationship I have with my son can stand up to the distance his mother and i put between us.

Believe me, its just as hard when they live across town, and the same thoughts still go through your head. Keep your chin up mate and just do the best you can, thats all any of us can do...
Lvl 6
update on my situ, recieved a package today, with a bottle of very nice rum from the states from grandparents, there back in the good books for now i know im cheep!
Lvl 13
Originally posted by jwalla21

This sounds all to familar. My son just turned four years old and lives in florida with his mother while I still live in texas. And I can still remember the day he left with his mom just like it was five minutes ago. Kills me everytime I go visit him or he comes back here for a visit watching him get upset when its time for me to leave. Any other time he is daddys little partner in crime. Till its time for us to go seperate ways. Really makes me question how much good im really doing being around in his life to put him through such emotional trama. For me and my ex our relationship was never what i would call great looking back on it. More often then not she has used my son as nothing more then a pawn to get money or attention. Then other times we are civil and get along even though we rarely see each other normally pick up my son from her parents house when i visit. Just wanted to add my two cents on this subject its a rough situation on all parties when mom and dads dont get along. I just hope the relationship I have with my son can stand up to the distance his mother and i put between us.

Please believe me when I tell you that every moment you CAN spend with him matters to him. It does right now (hence the heartbreak when he leaves) and it'll matter to him when he's older. "Daddy's little partner in crime" will remember who had his back, showed him love, taught him lessons, etc. Just that fact that you CARE if the relationship between your son and you can stand up, tells me that you'll make every effort to make it so. Treasure every moment you get and make the most of it. You'll do fine.

Originally posted by Demonicmale

Believe me, its just as hard when they live across town, and the same thoughts still go through your head. Keep your chin up mate and just do the best you can, thats all any of us can do...

Quoted for truth. The effort, in many cases, can matter more than the result. Keep that in mind when you start to question yourself.

Originally posted by josh69

update on my situ, recieved a package today, with a bottle of very nice rum from the states from grandparents, there back in the good books for now i know im cheep!

You're cheap and easy.

Originally posted by NaughtyGypsy

I really like how this thread is going. Thank you for participating. I appreciate your comments.

Thx NG, It's my pleasure
Lvl 8
i got divorced too, but now i can wank myself without gettin busted.
Lvl 13
@ Cooper -

@ pluko - Ok...
Lvl 10
No kids and no husband - wish I had both - too late for the kids though..
Lvl 22
Originally posted by WindyM

No kids and no husband - wish I had both - too late for the kids though..

never too late for kids,If you adopt,you may bring great joy to some poor child!!
can't help on the husband thing tho'!
Lvl 13
@ Windy - Like notech said, although it may be too late for children of your own, there are SO many children that would be blessed to have a loving soul take them in. Even if that's not something you think you could handle, you can et involved in a child's life in a number of ways. Mentoring, runaway shelters, volunteering at a children's hospital. You don't have to have biological ties to child to make their life better. Think on it and what appeals to you. You may not be able to carry a child, but you may be able to carry a child through a storm if you reach out a hand. Just my two cents.
Lvl 4
In my case it is abit special, my ex-wife is mentally ill and that broke our marriage. She cant see what she done wrong so she started dating new guys some 1 month after breaking up.

We have a son, soon 11 months, and I have temporary full custody due to her illness but she is allowed to have supervised visits. Im currently on parental leave but I work as a sailor in merchant navy but will do my best to keep in contact with my son but I might have to change work so I can be home everyday if this temporary custody isn't lifted.

I prefer to have as little to do with her until they get her illness under control, but I do have fairly good contact with some parts of her family.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by Mundt

In my case it is abit special, my ex-wife is mentally ill and that broke our marriage. She cant see what she done wrong so she started dating new guys some 1 month after breaking up.

We have a son, soon 11 months, and I have temporary full custody due to her illness but she is allowed to have supervised visits. Im currently on parental leave but I work as a sailor in merchant navy but will do my best to keep in contact with my son but I might have to change work so I can be home everyday if this temporary custody isn't lifted.

I prefer to have as little to do with her until they get her illness under control, but I do have fairly good contact with some parts of her family.

that sounds like a terribly stressful and helpless kind of situation, im sorry to hear all that
Lvl 18
My opinion on this is far too much attention is placed on kids these days anyway. My parents divorced at 9 and since I'm not a pussy it didn't have any long lasting effects on me and I didn't become a basket case like many other kids. Kids are weak these days cause parents are weak. My dad raised me to be strong and deal with things like a man and so when they got divorced that's exactly what I did although I was only 9. We moved down to Florida from Philly and I saw my dad once a year. I assumed the position of the man of the house and if anything it made me stronger.
Lvl 8
Divorced - no kids category. My ex-wife is now a lesbian. . .seriously!
Lvl 13
Originally posted by Mundt

In my case it is abit special, my ex-wife is mentally ill and that broke our marriage. She cant see what she done wrong so she started dating new guys some 1 month after breaking up.

We have a son, soon 11 months, and I have temporary full custody due to her illness but she is allowed to have supervised visits. Im currently on parental leave but I work as a sailor in merchant navy but will do my best to keep in contact with my son but I might have to change work so I can be home everyday if this temporary custody isn't lifted.

I prefer to have as little to do with her until they get her illness under control, but I do have fairly good contact with some parts of her family.

I'm sorry. That really sucks.

I hope that things get worked out soon. Best of luck.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Swiss407

My opinion on this is far too much attention is placed on kids these days anyway. My parents divorced at 9 and since I'm not a pussy it didn't have any long lasting effects on me and I didn't become a basket case like many other kids. Kids are weak these days cause parents are weak. My dad raised me to be strong and deal with things like a man and so when they got divorced that's exactly what I did although I was only 9. We moved down to Florida from Philly and I saw my dad once a year. I assumed the position of the man of the house and if anything it made me stronger.

You're just a regular, gun-toting, drug dealing, porn site moderating.... run of the mill guy.

Jeez I do hope my kids turn out normal

Originally posted by itsindahole

Divorced - no kids category. My ex-wife is now a lesbian. . .seriously!

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