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Starter: Bank Posted: 15 years ago Views: 5.1K
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Lvl 18
So, I noticed that despite the T.V. and movie and car forums, there's no forum for books. That's a shame, as I assume that at least some of you are literate. Anyone else here read? And, if so, what?

As for myself, I read damn near everything, but have probably read Confederacy of Dunces and Bukowski's books continually. Those crack me up.
Lvl 18
Continually as in, I'm always reading one of them again.
Nope sorry not a book reader. Just the local newspaper and magazines like Hustler, High Society, Swank so on and so forth
Lvl 24
i actually just finished reading Their Eyes Were Watching God about a week and a half ago, kind of a girly book now that i think on it :P
Lvl 18
I remember reading that in school... I actually kind of hate that book. But it's one of those things that's good to read, like War and Peace or Ulysses. You hate reading it, but feel kind of satisfied when it's over.
Lvl 24
well i own the movie, its always kind of a crime when you see the movie before reading the book :P
Lvl 18
It is a crime... I had no idea they made a movie. I have a theory though that movies made from classics, or good books, usually end up being crap (To Kill A Mockingbird is an exception), while bad or less classy books always make for awesome movies. So, The Great Gatsby has never been made into a good movie, but Silence of the Lambs is fantastic.
Lvl 24
actually they did an AMAZING job with this movie, it has Halle Berry as the main character and the young hot guy is played by Michael Ealy who is sexy as FUCK

it has other big name actors in it like Terrence Howard and Ruben Santiago-Hudson

the scene that they do where Halle Berry and Michael Ealy finally have sex for the first time is so fucking hot. i look at porn all day long, i have for years (obviously), and its not usual for me to get turned on by some shit like that. but yeah... i was moist :P

plus the book (and movie, of course) takes place in a town very close to where i live. its very old Florida style, i love it. watching the movie with all of the huge old trees covered in spanish moss and super clear springs that she swims in the movie, feels like home watching it :P

so i decided i was just wrong if i didnt read the book but i do agree with you normally, sometimes its just a SHAME to see the movie made version of books... its normally so much cheaper than what you had in your mind.
Lvl 25
I'm currently reading this:

Lvl 24
kanzen's got a signed copy of that book :P

Lvl 18
Hope you got a good book deal... looks like an excellent read.

Movie sounds interesting, but yeah. I heard a while back they were going to make Confederacy of Dunces with Will Ferrel in it, which would be a shame (they originally cast John Belushi, but had obvious problems, what with him being dead suddenly and all). I fear the day they ruin one of my favorite books by casting one of the Night at the Roxbury guys as lead. I don't particularly care for Will Ferrel.
Lvl 16
Wow fefe.......that book is based on ur own experience.....or just a product of ur imagination?

....***i have to get that book****!
i read like a dirty fiend. well, not so much for pleasure while i'm in school, but i can on occasion.

just finished 'hells angels' by HST, i absolutely loved it. also, killed off 'the rum diary' by him shortly therafter, liked it, but you could tell he was younger when he wrote it.

anyway, if you like fiction try 'rant' by chuck palahniuk-this book tripped me the fuck out and i couldn't put it down.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by phlux

i read like a dirty fiend. well, not so much for pleasure while i'm in school, but i can on occasion.

just finished 'hells angels' by HST, i absolutely loved it. also, killed off 'the rum diary' by him shortly therafter, liked it, but you could tell he was younger when he wrote it.

anyway, if you like fiction try 'rant' by chuck palahniuk-this book tripped me the fuck out and i couldn't put it down.

Yeah HST is the man. The Great Shark Hunt is a good read as well... haven't read Rant, but might have to check it out. Palahniuk's pretty awesome at times, but a very strange person.
Originally posted by Bank


Yeah HST is the man. The Great Shark Hunt is a good read as well... haven't read Rant, but might have to check it out. Palahniuk's pretty awesome at times, but a very strange person.

haha yeah hunter is the fuckin' man. he's just so out there and basically dgaf, but still manages to retain some morality, somehow. i love it. i was looking at picking that (great shark hunt) up actually as i've never really heard anything about it. but you like? and yeah chuck can be times. kinda refreshing i find.
Lvl 14
fighting spirit Bruce lee biopic by bruce thomas (revised edition)
Lvl 16
by this not a fan of books...but theres a couple that called my attention and i recommend them to u....
"Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde"..and my favorite.... "the Psychoanalyst" by John Katzenbach .....
Lvl 2
I also have to admit to reading a lot, lately more non-fiction, most recently, "Talent Doesn't Matter". All of Steven Pinker...but those are getting pretty cerebral for a site devoted to the female body...not to be making any judgements now. Re: Dr Jekyll... and The Psycho... I read "The Alienist" some time ago, Caleb Carr, as I recall, pretty good novel and look at psychoanalytic profiling over a century ago.

and no, i dont read books.
I read plenty of articles in magazines related to my industry....but apart from that, no.
I just have got no time to read books at all
Lvl 18
Latino, it's good to see you... you look frightening in that picture. Like a polish freedom fighter from the future. I wouldn't want to fuck with those guys.

Never heard of Katzenbach, I'll have to check that out.

Too cerebral for a site with naked ladies? Foolishness, and insulting to the naked ladies.
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