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Starter: Bank Posted: 15 years ago Views: 5.1K
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Lvl 10
"Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire"
Lvl 59
Originally posted by RogueLeader

I'll have to look into it...

@EL... Required Reading?? WTF are you doing that for? Actually, the only required reading that I dug was The Hobbit... I had to read Grapes of Wrath, Lord of the Flies, Macbeth, Great Expectations, Streetcar Named Desire, The Scarlet Letter, The Catcher in the Rye... you name it, I pretty much HAD to read it.... that nothing compared to what I WANT to read nowadays...

I'm currently in a American Literature of the Progressive Era class. So, we're reading a bunch of stuff. The Crane book wasn't bad...I dunno if I'd consider it a classic, but I suppose it was alright.

Just reread Adventures of Huck Finn for that class too.
Lvl 37
Personally, I never understood why teachers made us dissect and analyze all those "classic" books, especially when the author was already dead... I can just hear them screaming from their graves: "HAHAHA! That was not what I meant! Hell, I was just writing for the money!" It's like English teachers were pulling that symbolism crap outta their ass.
Lvl 59
Yeah, well that professor was a weird socialist or something, but a bunch of stuff I probably otherwise wouldn't have (or already read).

Ethan Frome, Mob Rule in New Orleans, Call of the Wild, etc....

Now that the class is over, I'm back onto reading on my own (for the next two weeks anyway) - Right now I'm reading The Black Swan by Taleb
At the time I hated them...but looking back, To Kill a Mockingbird, Lord of the Flies and The Scarlet Letter were awesome, RL.

I like Anne Rice books. Queen of the Damned and Memnoch the Devil were incredible books.
Lvl 29
Last book i read was Randy Zahn`s book "Snake Pilot - Flying the Cobra Attack Helicopter in Vietnam" I like it very much..
Lvl 24
I've got like 50 books I need to read.

But, my most recent acquisition is "Way of the Shadows" it's about an assassin's apprentice or something. (Thanks Jenn.)

Haven't started it though, so umm... I don't know how it is.
Lvl 18
I go through phases where I either read a lot or not at all. Currently I'm in my non reading phase but once I decide to read again this will be my next book...

I've heard it's good but can't say for sure because I haven't read it yet

I really like John Grisham's books although some of them end really badly or make you feel like there was no ending at all like The Associate, really great book right up until the end. The ending made me feel like I'm supposed to be waiting on a sequal to find out what happened. My favorite of his that I've read was probably "The Partner".
Lvl 37
Originally posted by J-Swiss

I go through phases where I either read a lot or not at all. Currently I'm in my non reading phase but once I decide to read again this will be my next book...

[ Image ]

I've heard it's good but can't say for sure because I haven't read it yet

I really like John Grisham's books although some of them end really badly or make you feel like there was no ending at all like The Associate, really great book right up until the end. The ending made me feel like I'm supposed to be waiting on a sequal to find out what happened. My favorite of his that I've read was probably "The Partner".

Does it have lotsa pictures

I started out with Sci -Fi still love it.

Historical fiction is my fav though. I read The Sourse back in the 1960's.

Yeah, TV sucked back then too.

Brisinger was the last book I read. It was supposed to be a trilogy but it looks like another book is needed in the Eragon series.
Lvl 29
I just finished the first 3 of the Horus Heresy. Dark, gothic, sci-fi set in the 41st Milennium!
Lvl 37
Originally posted by B_G

At the time I hated them...but looking back, To Kill a Mockingbird, Lord of the Flies and The Scarlet Letter were awesome, RL.

I like Anne Rice books. Queen of the Damned and Memnoch the Devil were incredible books.

meh... I never could get into the same books I was MADE to read, except for The Hobbit... I am into authors like Pier Anthony, RA Salvatore, Terry Brooks, Kim Harrison and Laurell Hamilton... And, of course the Harry Potter books.
Lvl 19
Originally posted by Bank

The Things They Carried is great, but joyce remains fucking awful. So is The Jungle. It's just people falling into meat grinders.

Tom Robbins is pretty cool, anyone read him?

Absolutely ! Jitterbug Perfume comes to mind. Great, great entertainment.
Lvl 7
Just finished One Second After , a novel about an EMP attack on the US..Supposed to be a work of fiction, but after reading into this a bit deeper, it looks like this could be a reality in the future..

I give it a 10 !!
Lvl 37
While I was on medical leave from work, I started the Twilight Series... Crazy, no?
Lvl 4
Originally posted by faulty6six6

I just finished the first 3 of the Horus Heresy. Dark, gothic, sci-fi set in the 41st Milennium!

Dark Library stuff is simply wicked.
Lvl 28
Reading Twilight.
Lvl 59

Reading Black Swan by Nasim Nicholas Taleb
Lvl 28
I'm actually writing a book. Before you all start begging for the title, it's "Faster Than The Speed Of Love".
Lvl 37
^^^ Not surprised by the title...

Seriously though, now that I am done with my degree, I decided to pick up my previously incomplete novel.
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