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Avatar Request Thread - New Edition Part Eight!

Starter: King_Daddy Posted: 14 years ago Views: 65.0K
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It was the all in one crayola font pack.
How do you like it F?

Lvl 3
Thank you.
Lvl 23
nice update
Lvl 7
can someone please turn these into avatars for us if not all of them at least one and could they say whitney&j on them please and thanks in advance
Will work on something for you guys over the weekend. Maximum avatar size is 100 pixels wide and 270 pixels tall, so if you have any tall skinny pics, like the 2nd one you posted; they work best for avy's.
Lvl 7
ok cool if the 2nd one would be easier to do , do u mind making it that one please

Here are two out of the three. The other pic just doesn't work well enough to get everything in.
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Lvl 23
great work sugarpie
Lvl 14
Need someone to WOW me with a new avy!

Lvl 15
Not really sure WHAT I can request, but any chance you can fake a nude of her? And put dacap30 somewhere in it? That would rock! Thanks
Lvl 13
Can ya'll do something with these for me? Thanks in advance for any help.
@ TheChosen - I'll see what I can do.

@dacap - I can't fake a nude, and even if I could I wouldn't.

@Whiteviper - Of the 3 pics, I think the 2nd one would work best...providing you don't mind if the car is cropped out. Avatar pics need to be taller than they are copping the car out would meet that criteria best...the 1st pic is ok, but the girls legs would be cropped at about the knees. I'll see what I can do.
Lvl 13
That is perfect Sugar. Thanks for any help.
Lvl 13
I"m attempting to play with this but i don't think i'll be anywhere as good as you all are right now.
Lvl 14
[reply=Sugarpie]@ TheChosen - I'll see what I can do.

Thank you xx
Lvl 13
Ok. That is a first attempt at the avatar. I need to figure out a better way to make one so that i can do all the cool colors and stuff that ya'll do. Still eagerly awaiting to see your work Sugar.

Whiteviper1985 finds this awesome.
Lvl 13
AMAZING Sugar. Simply GREAT. I'm gonna use them both. Thanks

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