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Avatar Request Thread - New Edition Part Eight!

Starter: King_Daddy Posted: 14 years ago Views: 65.0K
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Originally posted by efresh

With the text it took me awhile to find the right gradient packs/fonts in photoshop.

Hey efresh, love your work. Is there any chance I can get the names of those gradient packs or are they just ones you've found that are already there?
Originally posted by scrog

Hey efresh, love your work. Is there any chance I can get the names of those gradient packs or are they just ones you've found that are already there?

I got them a long time ago I think 2yrs ago. You can easily find some nice ones at and even more if you google PS gradient packs. I'm sure they got some nicer ones now. I have 35 packs. There are hundreds all over the place for free.
Originally posted by efresh


I got them a long time ago I think 2yrs ago. You can easily find some nice ones at and even more if you google PS gradient packs. I'm sure they got some nicer ones now. I have 35 packs. There are hundreds all over the place for free.

Thanks mate, I've found some good ones. Was after the shiny metal type stuff. Cheers
So....someone should request some avatars or something.
Lvl 23
can you do this one for me sugarpie? greetings
Lvl 23
thanks sugarpie, great work btw
Glad you like it.
I would like a Sugarpie special, if I may have one. (or if it works..)

Thanks if you can, don't worry if you can't. haha
Not an ideal picture, but I'll see what I can do with it.
Originally posted by efresh


Here is some ass for you.

[ Image ]

[ Image ]
these are great! the ones i posted wouldnt work? It doesnt matter though I love these TY
Originally posted by Sugarpie

Not an ideal picture, but I'll see what I can do with it.

I thought that might be the case. If you can't work your magic on said picture, you can definitely pick one from my favorites. If you have time, of course. Thanks a bunch, SP!

How's this work for you?
Great! Thank you again, SP. I really appreciate this new avy.
Option #2

Lvl 23
of course i like it sugarpie :-)
Originally posted by Sugarpie

Option #2

[ Image ]

*approves* I'm all smiles now, SP. Much appreciated!
I made a few others, based on one of your favorites...who also happens to be in my favorites.

Ah, so this one was close to your heart, so to speak. Thank you x's three, SP!
Lvl 24
SP is apparently using some fonts made by crayola.

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