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ATTN - WBW Memberbase.

Starter: Activities_Mod Posted: 12 years ago Views: 4.1K
  • Goto:
Lvl 6
I regret to inform you that it seems four of your moderators have gone missing.

We do not know of their whereabouts.





We are doing our best to locate them. We (the administrative staff) have hired in some fillers to use their accounts for the time being. No need to panic. Nothing unusual happened.
Lvl 3
Damnit, we both know know what happened. You just had to push them, didn't you?! TELL THESE PEOPLE WHAT HAPPENED!

You started it, you and your Dutch fanny-fun friends. Explain to them what happened, what happened to their beloved moderators...and Kanzen.
Lvl 6
Look, we all make mistakes. It was just something Diz thought would be a good idea, it was only three weeks.

We had no idea. Fine, WBW....something bad happened. I made a mistake. Diz made a mistake...There isn't really much point in hiding it. You're going to find out since the detective here, WBWs only little David Caruso has been sticking his face in company business.

It all started three weeks ago. Diz and I was sitting around the office smoking fine Mexican Cigars. Diz, looking long and hard at his computer screen spoke up "John, (my real name) we need more activity in the Lounge." I nodded in agreement since, he's the boss man. I've long considered those slackass Lounge mods to be the lamer side of the site. It's part of the reason, when approached with the idea from Diz, of being the Activities Improvement Moderator, assigned to boost posting around here, I jumped at the idea. "I agree Diz." I replied, and the rest was history.

My first thought was to call Honda. He answered, his stupid Canadian accent assaulted my ears through the phone line. "Hey there bro." he shouted, I still have no idea what the idiot calls me "bro" all the time..and "brah" I mean, I don't understand his shit sometimes. "Honda, we need you to boost your activity in the site a little bit." I groaned out, once he finally stopped talking about how awesome he is. "It's just, I've been going through a lot lately." he said, his tone slowly turning from cocky to depressing. The next forty five minutes of my life I'll never get back, the forty five minutes he went on and on about his girlfriend troubles. "Yeah, focus that energy..umm, bro. Turn it into gold." I muttered, shocked at how quiet the world became after he stopped whining on about some skank and his gay feelings. He tried to talk to me about more random bullshit before I interrupted him. "Honda, we need you into the office, bring clothes for three weeks." he started to reply but I just hung up. He'll make something up about how it was a bad connection or something, or try to text me fifty more times about how wacky looking his hair is in the morning. Idiot. He needs a diary or a sex change or something.

I decided after hearing how mentally unstable Honda was, I should see if Kanzen could be wrangled back into action. Just the idea of calling Michigan made it feel like I was more likely to get robbed or raped in my lifetime. But I no choice, Diz doesn't pay me eighty million dongs a year to half ass it. I wonder why I get paid it Vietnamese currency, and if that's a lot of money...I still need to google that. Anyway, Kanzen. The phone rang and rang, I assumed he had some wacky Japanese girl ringtone where she's having an orgasm while eating poop or something, and he was just stalling because he fond it interesting. "Hello." Kanzen finally answered. "Is this Kanzen?" I asked. "Yes." he replied. I'm always caught off guard when calling Kanzen because he sounds so much like an investment banker. His accent is no accent, if there were ever to be a human computer, it would sound like Kanzen, intelligent, and designed to make you feel comfortable. Perhaps one day he will terrorize the world as a Terminator, but that's neither here nor there, nor over there. Kanzen isn't much of a talker. I asked him to boost productivity around the site, he told me to go fuck myself so hard that "You weep blood and shit." I caught him at a bad time, he was playing a video game. They always make him edgy. "I need you to come in, bring three weeks worth of clothes." I ordered him. There was a long pause on the other end of the phone, I could tell he was waiting for me to say "hello" but, I didn't. Silence. About a minute passed before he finally choked back his rage long enough to say "Fine." then hung up. He ended the call before he even ended the word. I can only imagine him dramatically pushing the "end" button on his iPhone in a fit of rage.

Next on my list would be a nice change of pace, an actual moderator. "Hello?" asked Lindros. "This is John, the activities moderator. We're looking to improve posting in the non-porn parts of the site, we could use your help." Somehow I could tell just from the sound of his voice he was wearing sunglasses. "I think maybe it's time you guys start listening to us...the mods!" he demanded. Lindros went on for quite some time, about all the improvements he would to see implemented in the site. I doodled little sketches of him slowly eating a cock into a flip book while he rambled on and on. "Good suggestions Mr. The Dros...I've taken note of what you said *taps pen on flipbook* and I will most certainly let Diz know." I replied after what seemed like hours. "I need you to come in, bring in three weeks worth of clothes, also, your thinking cap." I joked, trying to lighten the mood. He then suggested I sit on the thinking cap, since I am a faggot. Stay Classy, Lindros. Good way to talk to your superiors. I finally hung up on him after he agreed to come in, despite his hectic schedule in which he managed to make time to convert porn DVDs.

Last but not least on my list was Sugarpie. I hated talking to Sugarpie. I work for the internet, I don't know how to talk to girls. I'm always pretty okay until I start thinking about their breasts..then I accidentally just blurt out breasts. It's pretty sad, but, even though I had been dreading this, saving it until last, Sugarpie was necessary. "Hello." she said in her attractive, upbeat Canadian accent. Somehow it didn't irritate me like Hondas did, it was sweet and cute, and it filled my heart with a little bit of joy. "Breasts" I replied. I pinched the bridge of my nose and closed my eyes in frustration. "I mean hello Sugarpie, how are you doing?" she started talking about modeling, and how cool her iPhone is....the usual girl stuff, I listened and nodded politely, since I'm pretty sure I can chalk his up as flirting, in my life book of girl interactions. It's not metaphorical, I keep a book. I show it to all my friends, I call it, "The Big Book Of Jelly". Anyway, I told her about the sites lacking in non-porn activity, and for some reason she took full responsibility, I assured her she was beautiful and interesting and that it was entirely Hondas fault. "I need you to come in to the offices, bring three weeks worth of clothes... breasts." I hung up immediately out of embarrassment. She tried calling back, but I played it cool by sliding my phone under my pillow and humming a little song. Chicks can't get enough of the big John.

Now, we decided the planning phase would be the hard part. The plan was simple, we put them (Honda, Kanzen, SP and Lindros) in a room together, and we push them to come up with plans, funny/interesting thread was a good plan, it sounded good anyway, on paper.

Then, day of..Diz called me up. He decided my plan wasn't going to yield results. He suggested it would be a paid vacation for a bunch of punks on the company dime. "The company can't afford that kinda of disregard for our dongs." he yelled into the phone. Diz went on to tell me that the only we he would green light the idea, is that if they were not given the option to simply "try to do something." but we're in fact....forced, to do something. I was intrigued. The plain Diz laid out was simple, we take them to the boardroom, and we lock them in. We leave them in there for three weeks until they fix our site. It was a desperate idea, but these were desperate measures.

That, is what happened.
Lvl 3
You fucked up, I've seen the god damn videos...I know what happened. Tell these people, tell them everything. This fucking plan of yours and Diz will probably end up bringing the site down.
Lvl 6
Yeah, Detective. I know we fucked up. This isn't a joke, I realize how bad it is. Fine.

So, we rigged up the boardroom with cameras and mics. Every glorious idea that spilled from their talented lips was going to be documented, and used to fix the site. These four are the key, the three Lounge mods and Kanzen, once one of the best posters the site had ever known. With Bangledesh working Black Ops for the CIA at just normal war, with normal soldiers, not doing anything that involves mind control or sex slaves, we needed these four to give the site a shot in the arm. We boarded up the windows, and stocked up the room with food and drinks.
Lvl 3
Detective Obvious.

For fucks sakes, these people don't care about the plan, they care about what happened to the moderators they love, so, so much...and Kanzen.
Lvl 6
Fuck. Look, the video files were mostly corrupted once they got a hold of that laptop and started freaking the fuck out. We still have the tech crew trying to recover files. We gave Honda, Sugarpie, Lindros and Kanzen notepads, or "ideapads" as we called them...They seemed shockingly excited when I mentioned they were getting iPads...then raged when they seen them, Lindros spit at the back of my head, and Honda was already doodling moose or whatever the hell it is that retard does in his spare time.

They walked in, we smiled and pointed out the food and the table. We left sleeping bags in the was a fucking glorified camping trip, we didn't fucking know.

Anyway, I'll be posting what remains of the notepads and adding in transcripts of their voice conversations. It's easier to let them tell you what happened, rather than I. Some of it will be censored.


Audio Transcript One - Day One. 12PM

Honda: Weird, they bolted the fucking door.

Lindros: Dutchies are weird like that, just listen for the click clack of their wooden shoes.

Honda: *giggles*

Kanzen: Yeah, I think if we work fast we can probably go home early. I've brought two weeks worth of clothes I don't plan on using.

Sugarpie: Did anyone bring in their duffel? Or well, Honda, did you bring in your Hannah Montana backpack?

-they all respond in the negative to the question-

Lindros: When we break for lunch we'll just grab them.

They had no idea, we left Diz in charge. I went home, since I was no longer needed. I felt bad though, since I knew what he had planned. Isolation.

EricLindros Journal. Day 1 5:00PM

I'm making very little progress here, everyone seems to have fucking iPhones. They're getting no cell reception, they're all just sitting here with their feet up playing Angry Birds. I'm not jelly. Just annoyed. We decided to put all the ideas on a central page, so far I've added seven. Honda added one, SP added one..and Kanzen mocked our grammar and spelling.

I'm guessing this is going to roll on until about 6:00PM ish, then they'll come get us for the day.

Also, they said we were getting fucking iPads. Why even say that? That's not funny. Assholes.

Honda_X Journal. Day 1 6:00PM (it's worth noting Mr.Xs journal was barely legible, he has the handwriting of a toddler.)

I don't know what they want from me. My ideas flow, from my heart...and my heart is broken. It feels like I had a glass of extremely cold water in my chest, and it smashed. Now, whenever I take a breath I feel cold..cold inside, not because I'm like, actually cold, but cold because my heart is cold, it's warm, like the rest of my body is warm, but it's cool feeling. You know?

Lindros keeps looking over at me..I think I'm better looking than he is, and I think he thinks he's better looking than I am. He could just be trying to work, but he keeps eyeing me up. I know he's not gay or anything. Right. He's just looking over, like when you're at a urinal and you glance over, just to compare size. It's not gay, it's like, science stuff. I took biology once, I can DRAW CONCLUSIONS ABOUT THE SIZE OF MY PENIS IN CONTRAST TO OTHER PENISES! I don't know. Whatever.


Audio Transcript Two - Day One. 6:04PM

Honda: I'm fucking better looking than you Lindros, don't even try to deny it.

Lindros: What? Obviously not but what the...where did that come from?

Honda: I dunno, I got lost in my thoughts.

Kanzen: You're both nowhere near as attractive as I am. Also, your clothes are like 40% less witty. Do you even get why my t-shirt is funny?

Sugarpie: I'm a lesbian, but I think your both handsome in your own way?

Honda: Bullshit, have you seen my eyes? I get lost in them daily!

Lindros: Honda, calm's about time we called it a day anyway.

Kanzen: Aperture Science is from Portal. See, it says I work for Aperture Science.

Honda: Yeah, the cake is a's just not funny.

Kanzen: Neophyte.

Honda: I don't even know what that means.

Kanzen: Neophyte.

Honda: Say "neophyte" one more time Kanzen.

Kanzen: Neophyte.

*a loud crash occurs*

Sugarpie: Hold him Lindros!!!

Lindros: Honda, jesus..he has a fucking knife...stop fucking struggling.

Sugarpie: Kanzen, put the knife down....Hondas calm.

Kanzen: Neophytes.

Lindros(exhaused): Lets calm it down guys, fuck.

Honda: I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me.

Kanzen: I know what came over your mom last night.

Sugarpie: Making it better Kanzen.

Kanzen Journal - Day One. 6:13pm

These people are retarded. My iPhone battery life is depleting quickly. The only idea I've had all day is everyone should kill themselves and we just wash the blood out the door and start fresh, possibly with a crew not made entirely of jackasses.

Sugarpie keeps looking across the table at me, she says she's a lesbian, but her eyes say she loves me. I mean, don't even beat around the bush...If you want some, just come get some..I've got what you need. Honda can't take a joke.

Which is ironic considering he looks like a joke.

I wonder when they're going to let us out of here for break.

Sugarpie Journal - Day One 9:33pm

I'm scared. I have no ideas for the site. I like boobs, I'm not a comedy writer or a philosopher, I just like vaginas. The door is locked, we thought it to be a joke at first, but they really aren't going to let us out of here. We found some sleeping bags in the closet. Lindros suggested I sleep on top of the boardroom table, and the rest of them sleep on the floor. Lindros is holding it together well, Honda is extremely emotional....and on the other end of the spectrum, Kanzen seems to lack feelings. He pulled out a keychain knife earlier after picking a fight with Honda. He was laughing and taunting Honda while brandishing it. Honda's a sweet kid, but he's kinda slow....I'm not sure he fully appreciated how hard you bleed when someone pokes metal in you. He's also slamming back the Pepsi Limes at a rate I can't even describe. He's like a machine...I wonder how he's not fat or dead.

The guys tried to kick in the door a few times, but it has been reinforced since the last crew meeting.

I can't even imagine how awkward the sleep is going to be. Great, Lindros and Honda just took their shirts off. I think Honda is trying to stay constantly flexing, it's bizarre. His moves are robotic, it's pretty hilarious.
Lvl 3
So, they basically fell to pieces instantly, and nobody did anything to stop them?
Lvl 6
Originally posted by Detective_Obvious

So, they basically fell to pieces instantly, and nobody did anything to stop them?

I showed up for work that morning, to find Diz had locked locked the whole back offices up. He had turned this into some crazy experiment. I knocked on his office door a bunch of times. It was no use, I spent my day sitting in the lobby on a couch. I couldn't even use my computer.
Lvl 3
Originally posted by Activities_Mod


I showed up for work that morning, to find Diz had locked locked the whole back offices up. He had turned this into some crazy experiment. I knocked on his office door a bunch of times. It was no use, I spent my day sitting in the lobby on a couch. I couldn't even use my computer.

Yeah, yeah, poor had no idea four of our mods were being held against their will. Tensions were high, food and Hondas IQ were at an all time could have done something.

Found this at the scene..

* This post has been modified : 12 years ago
Lvl 6
Well, I guess on day two, when they woke up they were under the impression if they banged out ideas, we would let them out. My heart went out for them, it really did...even Honda and Kanzen, but I didn't have a key...I could see they were sliding their idea sheets under the door.


Idea Sheet One.

-If you could be an animal, what kind of animal would you be.

-If you had to elect and all black congress.

-Farting in an elevator, a Honda story.

-Why Macs are better than PCs.

-Why are relationships so hard.

-Have you ever been gay, even just a little.

-Your favorite Helen Mirren Movie.

-Toes, the fingers of your feet.

-How stupid do you have to be to get married.

-A guide to using public washrooms, and why I don't touch anything.

They were clearly trying, but making very little progress, as their ideas are terrible....or well, they're as terrible as they usually are.


Audio Transcript Three - Day Two. 3:00pm.

Kanzen: Everyone loves fucking threads about video games, this isn't even a debate, it's a fact.

Lindros: It's not a fact just becuase you keep calling us "neophytes" and saying "it's a fact".

Honda: A scientific fact?

Sugarpie: Drink your Pepsi honey.

Kanzen: What's going to save the site is originality, interesting threads about tech and gaming.

Lindros: Guys like tits, they also like sports. We should add a gambling feature, and post harder in both The Panel, and The Sports Forums. If you yell stats at them, they will come.

Honda: I yell stats in bed...they never cum.

Sugarpie: Wow, Honda. Anyway, I think you're both wrong, I think people love avatar contests, we need to pump more action in the Webdesign and Graphics. Plus, I think giving a more welcome greeting in the Introduce Yourself forum would be a good idea as well, since it makes members feel part of the family.

Honda: I think you're all wrong, especially Kanzen. I think the site needs more me. I think Diz should clone me and just unleash me on the site, like I unleash my manhood on the unsuspecting.

Lindros: Sheep?

-giggles from everyone-

Honda: No, but like, no...but for serious. Like, my heart is fucking broken.

-loud sighs-

Sugarpie: For fucks sake Honda, get over it.

-laughter from Kanzen and Lindros-

Sugarpie: Seriously more avatar contests.

Lindros: Just keep banging out ideas people. Honda you just keep on banging out tears. You cry out all that heartache little buddy.

Honda: My penis is huge. *mumbled into something*

Honda_X Journal - Day Two. 5:35pm

I don't like it here anymore. People keep sighing at my ideas. I'm the Honda...I write stuff people don't read sometimes. I haven't fapped in what feels like weeks. It's hard to think of fapping when my heart hurts this bad..It's like sad horny. Sugarpie sure does have some cannons in that shirt of hers. I don't know how she's managed to keep her hands off me this long, she probably has Lindros and Honda gangbang fantasies..and Kanzen is there, just kinda, slapping butts. My clothes are starting to smell bad because we're all sweating so hard. It smells like the monkey house at the zoo in here, probably because I keep shitting everywhere. The air feels thick, like invisible cocks in my mouth. Delicious.

All that's left is Diet Pepsi Lime. I keep trying to drink it, but it's hard to keep down. Sugarpie seems to like it, maybe if I control the Diet Pepsi Lime supply, I can trade them for blowies.

Lindros Journal - Day Two. 7:50pm

I used to have a weird kinda respect for my fellow crew. The only person in this room I'm not thinking about killing is Sugarpie, that includes myself. The ideas are solid, I'm still genuinely trying here. I do not understand why they will not let us out. Honda is like retard strong, I think if he and I have another crack at the door, we can get out of here before conditions get worse. I haven't been paying as much attention to food and drink situation as I had been, but it looks like there is only a few more days worth of food in here, and fucking Honda is trying to stealthily hide Diet Pepsi Limes on the upper shelf of the broom closet. He tries to act all stealthy about it, casually walks over. Just inspecting the closet again? Idiot. Kanzen is now wearing his shirt over his face and keeps making karate noises at me. I don't think he's gone this long without playing a video game in awhile. Or maybe he is just trying to scare me...either way it's working, I am terrified of him.

Kanzen Journal - Day Two. 11:30pm

We all pushed back from the table at around eight. We are all sitting in different corners Lindros and Sugarpie are making conversation. Plotting. I can see it in their faces, they don't know that years of video games have given me superhuman powers, powers to perceive things others wouldn't. I am surrounded by the stench of feces. Everyone goes to the washroom in the closet, Honda is afraid of the dark. I think he isn't afraid of the dark and just likes shitting places. He stares directly at me as he shits. Right into my eyes. He will be first.

Sugarpie Journal - Day Three. 12:20am.

Honda is cracking up pretty bad. He just smells awful, his last fifteen ideas have all been "sad masturbation robots" what the fuck does that even mean? He keeps taking Diet Pepsi Limes and hides them in the closet, then gives me a weird look. I can only trust Lindros. He's a pretty handsome guy Lindros, it's been awhile since I needed a man for anything, when he holds me it's strangely comforting. God I wish he had a vagina, I would bury my face in that shit. Kanzen is still wearing his shirt over his face like a ninja. Earlier his inner monologue seemed to break down and he mumbled "murder the idiot" while Honda was pooing in the corner. Everyone is slowly removing clothing. The smell in here is awful, we can't open the windows, they're boarded up from the outside as well, I'm sick of being bathed in florescent light, it makes everyone in here look so, errie. The humming is also annoying. We were taking turns holding our faces to the bottom of the boardroom door for fresh air. I got afraid doing it, since my face was down and my ass was up...I felt too vulnerable. I need Lindros to hold on. I need Lindros. Oh god I feel awkward.
Lvl 3
Skip forward to the end, only leave in the most useful parts, I haven't got all night John. I can't believe you and the Dutches did this to our guys.

There will be time to post other shit later..just stick to the main points.
Lvl 6
Yeah, sorry..I guess we were more concerned with the site being profitable, and all of us making those sweet, sweet dongs. Somebody had to do something drastic, didn't they. Sorry we can't all be pointing fingers, sorry some of us are men of action.
Lvl 3
Just get the fuck on with it.
Lvl 6
Days passed. I wasn't granted access to the offices. I came in every day and nobody was there, the coders..nobody. I collected more of the idea sheets they banged out in vain. Upon reading the later ones began to beg for foor, water and air fresheners (vanilla). Also, several sheets of paper had "PEPSI LIME" in all capitals scribbled across them. There was still nothing I could do. On day five I heard all the glass inside being smashed. Here are the important transcripts. I'm sorry.

Ideas Sheet Two.

-Why knives are cool weapons.

-Why enclosed spaces make me want to kill everyone.

-How long before you turn gay.

-Bartering soda for oral sex, a Honda story.

-I'm a ninja, I'm a ninja...


-Everything tastes like sadness, and it feels like I'm wet...A Honda breakdown.

-Have you ever genuinely thought you were going to die?

-Tell us a scene from a movie using a different perspective.

-TV is stupid.

-If you were president for a day.

Sugarpie Journal - Day Four. 8:03pm

I can't take another day. I don't know what I'll do. Lindros is showing serious signs of mental wear...I think at night he stays away to make sure nobody fucks with me. I trust Honda, it's become apparent he may be a homosexual. Yesterday, for some reason he got the impression Kanzen tastes like Pepsi Lime. Honda waited until Kanzen got up to stretch his legs, and then jumped on him and started licking his back. Kanzen, threw him off and they locked eyes with one another, sheer insanity staring at each other. Eyes wide, fast and short breaths. I held Lindros close...operation "Lindros Human Shield" may be needed after all. Honda spends most of his time crying now, and offering me Diet Pepsi Limes. Honda has at least three cases in the closet, he is now actively guarding them. Tension is high. Also, sexual tension. Honda stares hard into Kanzens eyes when he poops. I'm certain he is gay. Also, he's wearing his t-shirt like Britney Spears in the "baby one more time" video, which is also extremely gay.

Audio Transcript Nine - Day Five. 11:00am.

Lindros: Honda, stop crying.

Honda: I'm not crying, I got some sweat in my eyes.

Sugarpie: You've clearly been crying for days Honda. Just, get over it.

Honda: Yeah, crying about how sexy I am.

Sugarpie: Also, you've been flexing for like, days...don't you hurt.

Honda: It's why there is sweat in my eyes.


Lindros: Still crazy Kanzen?

Kanzen: That's how I'll get out of here, give me a pen!

Sugarpie: You're holding a pen.

Kanzen: Nice try, tits.

Honda: I'm sorry I lost my shit there for a second everyone, I'm cool now.


Lindros: Honda, stop trying to eat that chair. STOP IT HONDA! It's just going to make your poops more awkward for everyone.

Sugarpie: If I get out of here I'm going to literally eat someones face.

Lindros Journal - Day Six. 9:00pm

I can only pray now, when Honda snaps he kills Kanzen, as I believe I am too weak from giving Sugarpie what is left of my rationed food to fight Honda off. Kanzen maybe, but I believe as soon as Honda goes at Kanzen, I will have no choice to, at the very least, break Hondas legs. Sugarpie is acting weird towards me. She cuddles with me in the night. I can tell everyone is jelly. I get the impression she's going to crack and we're going to have awkward, terrible sex. I know someone is going to put a finger in my butt, all I can hope for at this point is that it's just a finger. It might even feel good, like that one time....I've said too much.

Honda Journal - Day ????

He come at me bro! I stiright LULZED in his face. I threw the poop, I'M A BAD ENOUGH DUDE!

He cut me back. I thought he was dead, bachelor frog, boiled slowly...he didn't even jump out of the pot. I wish I had some pot, I would trade it to SP for blowies. I was cut. Kanzen cut me. I aint even mad. I got poop in his eye. I'm bleeding. Kanzen locked in closet. Sugarpie screams. They hurt my hears...i mights have to stop her scream. Sociall awkward, penguin. I CAN NOT FLY. People don't like me. They took my pespi..RATIONAALING THEY SAID! Ration..more like irration...AL BITCHES.


Lindros Journal - I don't know what day there is no natural light, I don't know if its day or night. The phones are long dead. I rationed mine for as long as I could.

Honda threw shit at Kanzen, then screamed "come at me, bro" Kanzen pulled his pocket knife and went at Honda. Honda grabbed said knife and bent it with his teeth. Kanzen backed up and grabbed some of the shattered glass off the floor and lunged at Honda, cut his chest pretty bad. Honda fights like a drunken bear, and kept screaming "I'm going to be inside you with gay sex!" I was going to break up the fight, but I was too weak. I had to sit here, against the door just breathing. Honda won. Barely, he's lost a lot of blood. Kanzen was knocked out and we locked him in the closet. Honda cries in the poo corner. I no longer consider him a threat.

Today may be the last day. Sugarpie will live after we die. Sugarpie will live.

Shortly after this, judging by the audio logs (censored) Kanzen was released from the closet, after claiming he had "seen the future, and knows how he escapes, all he needed was a pen." The only two that seemed to still be conscious were Sugarpie and Kanzen, we assume she let him out due to extreme mental stress. Kanzen said "cleaning supplies" and there was silence for a few moments. Then a loud explosion occurred. That's how we believe they escaped.
Lvl 3
Jesus Christ.

What do you think they have planned? Any ideas where they could have gone?
Lvl 6
Originally posted by Detective_Obvious

What do you think they have planned? Any ideas where they could have gone?

One of them wrote "REVENGE" in human feces across the office window.
Lvl 3
You've left out a lot of the audio logs, and journal entries....POST THEM.
Lvl 6
I haven't the time now, Diz has summoned me. Over the next few days I'll post what's left of the audio logs and journal entries, once they're cleared by our lawyers.
Lvl 3
There's still quite a bit more story to be told. You know I'm going to keep pushing. The truth will be told.

Get your shit together, and give us the whole story...I'll check back tomorrow. There had better be more god damn posts from you.
  • Goto: