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ATTN - WBW Memberbase.

Starter: Activities_Mod Posted: 12 years ago Views: 4.1K
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Lvl 25

I can’t wait for the next part, so here are some spoilers.

1. Lindros uses a dull hacksaw to cut off his leg to get out of his chains.
2. Honda learns that there was no key implanted behind his eye—a little too late.
3. SugarPie is shot to death by Lindros after hearing that SP was the one who killed his family.
4. And of course that Kanzen was just pretending to be a corpse on the floor the entire time.
Lvl 28
@Kanzen: I look good in an eye patch.
Lvl 25
Yar. Now you can blunder as much booty as you walk off a plank.
I cannot reaf theis right nwo
Lvl 27
lol'ing all over!!!!!

Lvl 29
Originally posted by Sugarpie

I cannot reaf theis right nwo

Drunk or high, that`s the question..
Lvl 40
Originally posted by Sugarpie

I cannot reaf theis right nwo

2 nights in a row

Lvl 22
someone has WAY too much time on their hands!!

good stuff

Lvl 28
Lvl 59
Yeah, I think that's going to be a hurdle for a number of members. (waits for 1 votes from them)
Lvl 6



Diz isn't filling your hands with dongs so you can sit around here and pretend to be the missing crew. Get back to work.
Lvl 10
Originally posted by Activities_Mod

I regret to inform you that it seems four of your moderators have gone missing.

We do not know of their whereabouts.





We are doing our best to locate them. We (the administrative staff) have hired in some fillers to use their accounts for the time being. No need to panic. Nothing unusual happened.

Sugarpie is tied-up in my basement, adjusting the straps. The others? Who cares.
Lvl 13
80,000,000 VND = 3840.61 USD rake in that dough son!
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Keystoner


Sugarpie is tied-up in my basement, adjusting the straps. The others? Who cares.

My mother cares, you inconsiderate jackalope.
Lvl 6
We think Kanzen had a brief mental breakdown while in the broom closet..we found this in there.


Lvl 21
y'all just need to smoke a lot of that good dutchie hash ,mellow out and get back to work.
Lvl 28
I thought that many dongs would be worth way more.
Lvl 6
This was recently found under a garbage can.

Honda_X Journal - Date Unknown.

I miss you baby.

I miss you more than I thought I could. I always call to you in the night, forgetting you're not there. Since I lost censored, you've been my rock. I need you.

They don't understand me here. Lindros has Sugarpie...Kanzen has, himself. I have nobody. My thoughts are always of her, and of you. That sounds selfish, but I just can't let go of her, even though you're always there, laying next to me with your warm body and kind eyes. I miss your little wake up kisses, and when you grab my socks for me. I know I pretend I'm mad..but I always think it's cute.

I appreciate all you've done for me, and I'm sorry for all those times I yelled at you. I know you didn't mean to do all those things you did, you just get a little stir crazy when you miss me. I know what that is like.

I've also been shitting on the floor a lot lately too.

You're the best dog ever. I'll love you always, Jack Nicholson.


Lvl 28
Humm...interesting, Activities Mod.
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