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100 Push-ups a day in a giant bowl of green spam

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 15 years ago Views: 21.0K
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Lvl 22
Should be plenty of sleep for someone as young as....
Lvl 24
This whole "95% to win, and losing" thing is getting really, really, really annoying.

Sure, let's let the guy who thought that pocket 3s would be a good hand 9-handed river trips.

Lvl 22
Some times you dump the truck, sometimes the truck dumps you!
Lvl 21
thats why I don't pay attention to stats or percentages
Lvl 22

Lvl 21
OK who's going to name the new spam

Lvl 22
Not ME I wouldn't know what to name the new spam

(Bill or Ted or Sam anything but SUE! )
Lvl 21
well when y'all figure it out let me know. I'll see ya tomorrow
Lvl 22
G'Nite and thanks again
Lvl 59
So, I was playing baseball the other day and this dude was pitching to me. I don't know what happened, but all these people got all pissed off because I was standing there trying to hit the ball and they were yelling, telling me to "sit the fuck down" and whatnot, but I just didn't get it. I mean, what the heck, they were screaming something about "strikes" and "outs" but I don't pay attention to any of that shit. I was just trying to hit the ball.
Lvl 22
Try this...
Lvl 24
Throw a few more here, so I can lock it.
Lvl 22
Baseball suks the last time I played I couldn't walk for a week
Lvl 59
Lvl 24

Lvl 59
Originally posted by notech

Baseball suks the last time I played I couldn't walk for a week

protip: Baseball doesn't involve shoving things up your ass.
Lvl 22
And,Then there was this one time in band camp...
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