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100 Push-ups a day in a giant bowl of green spam

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 15 years ago Views: 21.0K
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Originally posted by notech

ANDWhen I can see again,if ever,Look Out Nerph

Lvl 24
I haven't made a single straight or flush... And I've had like 14 shots at it.

It's kinda of amazing how that worked out.

Also, kinda has cost me a fair bit of tha' monies...
Lvl 24
good morning to all, im tired as fuck all :P
Lvl 29
I should be doing something other than looking at naked chicks...

...whatdafuck am I talking about?

Looking at naked honeys is so ieet.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum

good morning to all, im tired as fuck all :P

Stop partying all night?


I hate my local news, they are such epic fail.

They start their segment on 'What you need to know about HDTV and the conversion…' and say they have an expert. Then they interview a very ignorant female Best Buy worker. Yeah, that is like asking a hobo on the street for medical advice. Such EPIC FAIL.
Lvl 24
i almost never drink, kind of makes the idea that im partying all night hard
Lvl 25
I still have that pic you uploaded in the fridge thread.

Lvl 13
The title of this thread sounds like the warm-ups of the Super Bowl.
Lvl 24
FeFe has gay drinks...
Lvl 16
I have missed a whole lot of stuff round here. But I'm finally moved in here in Toledo.. From Florida.. Inoright.

I'll be around a lil more but not a ton yet.

I'll have a new fun pic in a lil while.
Lvl 24
@ kanzen - thats just the bottom right section of my fridge :P

@ bangles - well i am half gay...
Lvl 21
hey rummy welcome back
Lvl 29
So I am thinking of making a banana split...
Lvl 29
Oh and I still hate Tooker...

*Shakes fist at screen*

Lvl 29

Now that's a Faulty sundae!
Lvl 25
Lvl 24
I really want ...brownies and ice cream.
Lvl 21
I'm having chinese. Cashew chicken to be exact.
Lvl 29
Originally posted by Kanzen


Lvl 24

That guy has to hate me and think that I'm the biggest donk ever.

Heads Up match, he seems like he'll be difficult, so I call off 1100 of my chips to figure out how he plays and also teach him how I play (Read: "How I want him to think I play." )

So he has a 2600 to 400 chip lead by like the 20th hand, and I end up winning on the 54th hand when my turned straight holds up against his turned two pair.
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
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