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WhatBoysWant v4 Features Request & Bugs Report topic

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 19 years ago Views: 10.2K
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Same here.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 10
when is v4 due?
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 22
Originally posted by Tyrannous


You don't get it?
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 25
Gonna read tru it tommorow and add good things to the list. Any idears.. please let me know.

About the new layout:
I have finished about 75% of the new layout. It's getting nice to work on, I have tested it on: WIN-IE6, WIN-FX, MAC-FX. Have to test it on MAC-Safari when I have finished it. Will do a test run on opera too.
Will ask some members with various platforms and browsers to test the new layout to find layout screw ups, and other kind of problems.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 6
okay, here's an idea...a reputation point system...i've seen it used on a few other non porn forums but...if someone makes a really good post, or a really good thread, people can judge that thread by giving them reputation points. that way people will know who is a real outstanding member of WBW. I know that the user titles do some of that, but it would add some more i think.

also with the rep. points when people post dumb shit, or underaged stuff, whatever, you can give them negative rep, so people can see that they have posted bad stuff before, and can stay away from it if they want.

just a thought of course
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 10
.... well thats a good idea..... but it all goes on what the voter likes.... like if someone posts goth porn and some ppl like it they will rate it high but the majority will probably rate it low because they find it weird or disgusting..... just my 2 cents
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 13
::waits impatiently::

Take your time, Diz-X. We can wait for it to be complete. Yes, the "excitement" is there for v4, but if there happens to be something wrong (not saying that there is).. it won't be worth the switch just yet.

n00b2000 -- Yes, that does actually sound like a pretty good idea. But then, there would be a problem of keeping the votes limited to the "true" votes; which would be pretty much impossible, considering no one may have the same taste as their neighbor. ( NLE mentioned.) However, I still think it is a pretty good idea, and could possibly work as long as certain Rules applied to using the feature. (Such as, don't give a low vote just because the user whom created the thread previously called you a n°ºb.)

..It's up to Diz-X. We'll see what he has to say about it later.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 25
I still demand the following.

- User stabbing function for mods.
- A credit system that can go both ways, more infractions violaters make the less and less credits they will have. So for example a dumbass keeps uploading pro stuff his credits can go into the negatives. Make them learn.
- Stealth Modding.
- Topic/post rating system. 1 to 5. ( Insightful, Troll, Spam, Funny, Informative, etc. )
- Forum mod ability to select multiple posts or attachments to delete or edit all at once.
- Forum mod ability to disable accounts completely.
- Forum mod ability to disable user posting.
- Forum mod ability to delete multiple threads at once.
- Forum mod ability to delete all of a user's posts at once.
- Forum mod ability to move multiple threads at once.
- /getnew/ featuring a "subforum" listing that shows exactly where those threads are.
- Fixed tag system that doesn't flip out if you use [url] more than once.
- Mod ability to private message users with their messaging turned off.
- Mod ability to send message warnings that cannot be ignored. As in it always takes you to the page regardless of where they click.
- Forum mod ability to see all reported topics from anywhere.
- Improved search that doesn't suck balls.
- A User Agreement that must be agreed to before any account is created. It would also require the user to accept the terms of the site, the moderators, and reading the rules/faq/stickies before making any comment, suggestion, or question.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 21
Are there going to be some new ranks?
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 17
Originally posted by Kanzen

I still demand the following.

- User stabbing function for mods.
- A credit system that can go both ways, more infractions violaters make the less and less credits they will have. So for example a dumbass keeps uploading pro stuff his credits can go into the negatives. Make them learn.
- Stealth Modding.
- Topic/post rating system. 1 to 5. ( Insightful, Troll, Spam, Funny, Informative, etc. )
- Forum mod ability to select multiple posts or attachments to delete or edit all at once.
- Forum mod ability to disable accounts completely.
- Forum mod ability to disable user posting.
- Forum mod ability to delete multiple threads at once.
- Forum mod ability to delete all of a user's posts at once.
- Forum mod ability to move multiple threads at once.
- /getnew/ featuring a "subforum" listing that shows exactly where those threads are.
- Fixed tag system that doesn't flip out if you use [url] more than once.
- Mod ability to private message users with their messaging turned off.
- Mod ability to send message warnings that cannot be ignored. As in it always takes you to the page regardless of where they click.
- Forum mod ability to see all reported topics from anywhere.
- Improved search that doesn't suck balls.
- A User Agreement that must be agreed to before any account is created. It would also require the user to accept the terms of the site, the moderators, and reading the rules/faq/stickies before making any comment, suggestion, or question.

would you also like wbw to be a police state?
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 14
What about a link under the user ID for chat room?. I realise the chat room is not an officila wbw one, but it is handy to see whose online, and how to get to the facility. just a thought. cheers
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 17
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 25

- Automated deletion of inactive and non-contributive accounts for both a speed increase, and clutter removal.
- RSS feed for the /getnew/
- OS X Tiger WBW /getnew/ widget. I'm still working on it when I get the time to.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 23
Glad to see the save all attatchments as zip file idea on the drawing board awesome..
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 6
oh, I have another idea. how about a queue...(sp?) for uploaded movies? wouldn't have to be such a complicated thing...just to know how many movies are ahead of know?
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 17
perhaps a quick link or something to show n00bs and others who the mods are and how they can be contacted
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 9
more emoticons would be cool
games would be awesome, like a very simple D&D game would rule
making WBW DVD's would kick ass
back ground music would be fucking spectacular
quick links to your fav threads
real time chat
WBW email boxes
contests with cash prizes for amateur photos
more flash content <<--j/k
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 13
Originally posted by gothpunk

more emoticons would be cool
games would be awesome, like a very simple D&D game would rule
making WBW DVD's would kick ass
back ground music would be fucking spectacular
quick links to your fav threads
real time chat
WBW email boxes
contests with cash prizes for amateur photos
more flash content <<--j/k

..That's what your Watchlist is for.

But, while you're at it, you can toss in the Mansion, Jaguar XJS V12 and a lovely lil' house-maid.

---- I was also thinking about that bug in the Hot or Not section, that doesn't stop pictures from loading that a user has already voted on. Has that been fixed, or is it going on the To Do: list now? --
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 13
- For Polls how about having the ability to but more than 10 choices in?....whenever we have a poll it seems that a bunch of people pop up and say "well why didnt you put so and so on?"...and it's usually due to the fact that we're limited to 10 selections.

- i think this was on here awhile ago(when i first signed up) but i could be wrong....How about a Literature/Poetry/Arts section? People could post their own own drawings/paintings/poems/short stories/etc. And have a what are you reading section(with the ability to rate what you are reading), i realize you could make a thread about it but i think having an actual ratings system could make it much easier to use and have some kind of format to it(i.e. you can rate based on: story, writing, creativity,dialogue, etc.)

- you could do the same(rating) for the Movies and Music Sections
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
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