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New look

Starter: Allen_Bradley Posted: 11 years ago Views: 31.3K
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Lvl 15
Originally posted by diggidoo
Lots of things not to like.

Cheap colors.
Background colors clash inevitably with the video clips.
We can't just click on an image to go to fullsize.
Titles of videoclips are cut short. If we need to see the end of the title to identify part one part two, etc. we're out of luck.
We can't choose how many images per page we prefer.
Main content almost an afterthought with all the other competing stuff on the page.
Full size videos are not full size.
Very slow. Obviously a work in progress.
This site has great content. You don't need tricks in the presentation. Simple and elegant would be best.
So far not an improvement at all. On the positive side at least the dreadful smilies are gone.

* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
What is the "wall post" feature on my profile?

It seems as if I can post something on my profile...but when I go to someone else's profile I can't.

So just wondering what this feature is for.

Also...I can't fast forward a movie in the gallery by clicking on the progress bar, like you could in the old version.
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Lvl 17
Need to have the quick veiw back for pictures
Lvl 14
The new look is good, but the user friendly-ness and simplicity is lacking.
The structure of the old site, you knew exactly what you were looking at. Movie babes, or pics, or top 5..... Nowthere's a lot more going on and navigating is more tedious.
Also, navigaing from a mobile phone now is very difficult. Actually ot worth doing anymore at this time. Hopefully the site improves as I found myself giving up on it already more than once and going to a different site.
Lvl 10
After all the hard work I think this is a failure. Before you lose a lot of users go back to the
old site and rethink the new site. The new site is a programmer's move forward; better resolution,
performance driven but all my favorite functions are gone. Navigation on the old site was logical
and intuitive but not the new site. My sense is you've added a credits system to earn revenue.
How about explaining to us to avoid surprises? Please rethink your approach.
Lvl 4
Back to the old site IMO. It just worked! Not liking the new site so far, very hard to navigate. Plus, all my uploaded pics have gone.

Edit, scratch that, my uploads are still there if i click on uploaded babes or uploaded cars, but it says '0'
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Lvl 6
Where forum LAST POST open message?????
Lvl 20
Originally posted by bobrob
Top babes, no already voted green line and no top 200 option. I like the yearly options.
Still like to have the pics searchable by "your rating"s.

Lvl 28
i tried to upload a car picture and there was no where to choose the make and model.. when i went to admin the pics i was having problems also...
Lvl 4
plus, I can't find the old watchlist stuff.
Lvl 8
i don't like this at all, no offense, it's way too busy, and just seems kiddish...the old site was good...i just don't see why bother switching...this new one isn't better in even one way than the old's just all around cheeper looking, with less features...frankly it's a hassle and ive already started to use other sites like 4chan rather than deal with this confusing and ugly new site...
When you upload something (pic or movie) it doesn't show you the progress of it or the time remaining.
Lvl 32
Its very nice...and with some more fixed issues it will be perfect
Lvl 25
Originally posted by nik79
Its very nice...and with some more fixed issues it will be perfect

Thanks, and I am working very hard on those fixes and tweaks to make it more then perfect!!
Lvl 16
I'm reluctant to be critical, as we need to adjust & I can't find my way around. I miss the row of thumbnails at the foot of a photo when you select it, I miss the smaller thumbnails on the front page - oh yes no front page, which was always first port of call where's that?- as they're an easy way to see what's available.

I really don't like the background. I've had 2 captions come up that were close to unreadable. One said "Not Found...." couldn't read the rest against the rainbow colours. Another said something about a system fault, but I couldn't read that either. Sorry

If it ain't broke, don't fix it comes to mind. For me anyway, it was fine as it was. oh and anther point. There used to be lists of options at the foot of each page ie; Front page, Watch list etc now they're gone. Where do I find them? Even when I know they won't be at the foot of each page just waiting to be clicked.
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Lvl 11
I was going to say how much a mess I thought it was and I hate it and blah blah blah... but I realise that it's a work in progress and I'm sure it will be fantastic once it's finished, so instead I'll tell you my 2 main issues in the hope that you can fix them.
I view this on a phone so I used the black theme to save battery, is this still an option?
There are some navigation issues, it's not so easy to find the nude public babes section and the likes.
Lvl 3
Looks like you cant skip in the videoes, sorry if this have been said already.
Dreadful...fix it or go back or I quit

This is awful
Lvl 26
hot do we tag pics now?
Lvl 27
What happened to all of my uploaded pictures?
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