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My GF - Another try

Starter: capn56 Posted: 17 years ago Views: 29.6K
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Lvl 12
We're going to post some of our pix again. She was upet by some of the comments when we posted in the past, and it took a while o convince her to try again. If you like her, we'll post more. Pictures will follow shortly...
Lvl 27
lovely!!! go on mate... she's real cute!
Lvl 25
Originally posted by capn56

We're going to post some of our pix again. She was upet by some of the comments when we posted in the past, and it took a while o convince her to try again. If you like her, we'll post more. Pictures will follow shortly...

To be honest, some people are just fools and don't respect others.
Lvl 28
Pretty nice. Wouldn't hurt with more ass shots though
Lvl 65
Good start, keep them coming.
Lvl 17
Great body, pretty hair, she looks very cute! Fantastic nipples, too!
Lvl 15
Lvl 21
shes nice can't see why someone dissed her
Lvl 12
nice tits. lovely ass. very spankable
Lvl 7
It can be fun to trash but she has nothing to be upset about. Sweet girl
Lvl 15
I like her alot. Great looking tits that I'd love to get hold of.
Lvl 4
She looks great! Some people are assholes!!! Great perky tits...nice round grabable ass!!!
Lvl 11
Some people just love to hate on others.. She has nothing to be upset about. Keep it up!
Lvl 6
Very cute keep them coming.
Lvl 14
Great pics! keep them coming!
Lvl 6
I've always been a huge fan of hers. I'm really glad to see some new ones!
Lvl 17
Gettin better all the time!
Lvl 7
Glad you guys are back!! She is SO HOT!!
Lvl 17
,I think shes got a nice body, hope you have more to share, and maybe a face pic 5*****
Lvl 31
very sexxy lady
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