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Why is it If a guy wants a FFM threesome, its cool, but if a girl wants a MFM threesome, she's a ****?

Starter: daynaxxx Posted: 13 years ago Views: 20.1K
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Lvl 59
I am a guy.

I'm just saying there are some things that a guy can't do that chicks can. That's how we're built, so I can ask her to do things that I can't, and vice versa.
Lvl 8
Just in case... I volunteer to be one M for you, Dayna.
Lvl 20
Originally posted by brownell

Yeah, but there is more acceptance for carpet munchers than sword fighters, so that helps even things out.

Brownell very succinctly made a point that I don't feel you're acknowledging, Carrie.

We live in a "male dominated" society - but the reality is that dominance has also mandated certain roles in our culture that women do not have to deal with. Women are, in essence, more free in our society - and about important things such as sexuality and personal choice.

A woman can wear:

A man can wear:

A woman can cry. It's normal and we pretty much all accept that. It's a "stress reliever" or a "normal reaction."

What happens to a guy that does that?

A woman can be a boss. She can be an employee. She can be the newbie. Her social status remains unchanged in each of those scenarios.

A boy has to have a career and be a good provider.

A girl can be tough - hard as nails. She's respected and admired for such traits.

A boy can be tough - hard as nails. He's respected and admired for such traits.

A girl can be sensitive, soft, tender, and sweet, and she is adored and revered for such traits.

A boy can be sensitive, soft, tender and sweet, and he'll get his ass beat for it.

A girl can sleep with a guy and it's all good.

A boy can sleep with a girl and it's all good.

A girl can sleep with a girl, and it's all good - if not encouraged.

A boy sleeping with a boy? Dude, don't tell anyone. Keep that shit private. You're not only in social danger, but you're often in actual physical danger.

Stay at home mom: No problem.

Stay at home dad: "What's wrong with that lazy slob? How can he possibly feel like a man?"

It's an overly simplistic and immature concept of our society to simply scream "Double standard!" at things of this nature.

It's true that the rules that apply to men are different than the rules that apply to women. In some cases that enables men - but in many cases - I would argue most cases, it actually constrains men far more than it does women.

It is not a similar circumstance to compare bisexuality among women with bisexuality among men.

Women can have many roles and forms of expression in our society, but a man had better be tough, better be a good provider, better be dominant, and better be strong. There really isn't much in the way of other options for men.

When a woman goes down on another woman it's "hot, sensual, and in some cases even romantic."

When a guy does it, he's a punk.

The same set of standards do not apply to both genders, and therefore any argument as simplistic as "misogyny!" is also overly simplistic.

It's not a double-standard.

It's a different standard. One that is very real, and that has enormous consequences in our culture. You're not comparing apples to apples when comparing sexuality among the genders, Carrie, and I feel that to portray it that way is short-sighted, naive, and unfair.
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 6
Its too bad I can't view all the pictures here on WBW...not a "sponsored member" But glad to share what I have with everyone
Glad to look at what you have in store
Lvl 6
I voted NO. I think its your life and if you want to do 2 guys then so be it. I am of the thought that if it makes you happy then do it. As long as all participants are legal age and consenting, then do 8 guys if you want.
Lvl 13
So glad I live in Europe, this conversation is a non starter.
Lvl 17
I wouldn't see her as a slut, but must guys are just really comfortable with crossing swords...
Lvl 15
Thanks for showing both sides of the coin.
Lvl 12
Originally posted by spaboy

So glad I live in Europe, this conversation is a non starter.

You're right ... us North Americans are just so uncivilized. Thanks for reminding us.
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 8
Originally posted by Darklight01

Glad to look at what you have in store

What he said.
Lvl 8
Tarquin's post was pretty long so I didn't quote it here but he made some great points about "double standards".

However...if some chick wants to do two guys at once then why not? Personally, it's not my thing an I'm not interested in sharing my GF or any girl with another dude. If all parties involved agree to it, then go for it.
Lvl 26
I voted yes but only because that's something I would never think of bringing up myself if I'm in a loving relationship.
But so what if a guy does call the girl a sl*t? Girls call guys sl*ts all the time. The only difference between the two is how we react to it.
Guys let stuff like that roll off their shoulder like nothing and most women take it to heart so you only have yourself to blame for this.

I've known plenty of girls that were called sl*ts, they embrassed it like men do and ended up getting plenty of enjoyment out of life, enjoyment that most women don't get because they're too worried about what other people think.
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 19
If you want it, go get it and forget about what others think. Like some of the others I just hope to be involved, and I don't mean holding the camera.
Lvl 6
I guess thats just it Thamuz...I'm not affraid of what people think...I do think that love and sex can be TOTALLY different, and unattached...Bringing another guy into the bedroom is basically the same as bringing a vibrator or dildo into the bedroom. Its just sex...and its just fun
Lvl 12
I'd call her a Good Time
Lvl 59
Originally posted by daynaxxx

...Bringing another guy into the bedroom is basically the same as bringing a vibrator or dildo into the bedroom.

Well, not exactly.
Lvl 4
Originally posted by brownell

Crossing streams could trigger total protonic reversal. ie. all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light. Isn't that enough?

Oh, you've had a protonic reversal too?!? (hang)
Lvl 6
Sure it long as people involved know its just sex, then there is no difference (except a guy moves and makes more noise )

Originally posted by EricLindros


Well, not exactly.
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