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Why is it If a guy wants a FFM threesome, its cool, but if a girl wants a MFM threesome, she's a ****?

Starter: daynaxxx Posted: 14 years ago Views: 20.1K
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Lvl 7
lol Oh, you gotta love that blatant sexist based double standard... Seriously, WTF!!
Lvl 11
Yeah, but there is more acceptance for carpet munchers than sword fighters, so that helps even things out.
Lvl 7
Oh, yeah... It's the same sexist double standard. Guys want to see naked women and if there's more than one at a time it's icing on the cake.
Lvl 7
lol Well, I like to show off so I wouldn't exactly say that I'm complaining about being watched...
I think it's an insecurity issue with most guys for there to be two of them verses one girl. For me, it is. I would rather not share a date, if that makes any sense at all. However, I understand that it's a double standard for guys to enjoy the pleasure that comes with there being two females in on the action. The thing is...that I don't care if two girls are playing in the fun.

But I guess I digress.

I'm usually a one-woman kind of guy, anyway. Working on two girls at once can cause a bit of an issue....
Lvl 19
Reason ?

Boys don't play fair. I think all guys should take it up the ass a few times. With their woman present. It would change their perspective on many things and very likely earn some respect from their woman.

Guys ? Are you ready for a little fair play ?
888SPO, what did I ever do to you? lol

Certainly, I am NOT ready for a little fair play when it comes know, taking it up the ass. Hey, I'm a woman-pleaser. Believe me, if I don't play fair it's because I give way more than I receive.
Lvl 6
I guess I put up too many pictures in the first post...Here is the other side of the coin...

Lvl 6
Lvl 6
Lvl 6
Its good to see the poll at almost 80% no! I guess people on this site are more open minded than the general public
Lvl 59
I've moved the thread to the Famous Babes forum, because most of the pictures here are professional shots.

As for the topic, yeah, there is a double standard. Just like many things in life.

Here's a bit of an extreme example:

If I come and take your money from you by force, but tell you that I'm going to spend it on a good cause but you have no direct say in where I spend it, I'll go to jail for theft.
Meanwhile some guy from the IRS gets paid to do exactly that.

Or a boxer gets paid to beat up people and take their money (because the winner gets a bigger purse), but if you or I do that, well, that's frowned upon.

Yet, everyone is cool with that.

And there are probably biological and social reasons for the double standard as well. I'd argue that female bisexuality is much more accepted in mainstream society than is male bisexuality, and that carries over into how individual males see their relationships.

And, if you look at This news article, not every guy is cool with the female-male-female thing either.
Lvl 4
Originally posted by 888SPO

Reason ?

Boys don't play fair. I think all guys should take it up the ass a few times. With their woman present. It would change their perspective on many things and very likely earn some respect from their woman.

Guys ? Are you ready for a little fair play ?

I think u r right.... i am with ur words...
by the way i accept MFM with my GF........
Lvl 19
A little bit of hyperbole to catch your attention Darklight !

The rule that I always start with is never ask your lover to do something that you would not do yourself.

Simple, clean....easy to understand, no ?

Originally posted by Darklight01

888SPO, what did I ever do to you? lol

Certainly, I am NOT ready for a little fair play when it comes know, taking it up the ass. Hey, I'm a woman-pleaser. Believe me, if I don't play fair it's because I give way more than I receive.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by 888SPO

The rule that I always start with is never ask your lover to do something that you would not do yourself.

Am I being unfair if I ask her to become pregnant?
Originally posted by 888SPO

A little bit of hyperbole to catch your attention Darklight !

The rule that I always start with is never ask your lover to do something that you would not do yourself.

Simple, clean....easy to understand, no ?


I hear ya, 888SPO. I actually say that whenever the threesome subject comes up. So, we're, you and I , are on the same page
Originally posted by EricLindros


Am I being unfair if I ask her to become pregnant?

Don't worry, I'm sure some day you'll be able to get knocked up.
Lvl 10
Certainly not, some women prefer the company of more than one man at a time because let's face it most guys just can't deliver as big as they talk... I know i've had my share of MFM but that doesn't make me any less of a person for it. My hubby has had many FMF and when the situation arises i get MFM of my own, there is no jealousy or problems.
I think it depends on the people involved and the situation, there is always more then your way of looking at things.
Lvl 17
Whatever lights your fire I say
Lvl 19
I thought you were a guy ????? Please clarify.

( Are things different in Korea ?)

Originally posted by EricLindros

Am I being unfair if I ask her to become pregnant?
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