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Pictures of me. :)

Starter: AngelicTease Posted: 11 years ago Views: 73.8K
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I love every curve on your body, absolutely perfect. Any chance you have a mini skirt in tartan? Since I'm a Scot!
Lvl 6
Originally posted by gingerninja7
I love every curve on your body, absolutely perfect. Any chance you have a mini skirt in tartan? Since I'm a Scot!

I do actually! Somewhere! Are you on MGF by the way? Probably not, your name is probably common or something haha.
Lvl 6
Originally posted by NightCruiser

I haven't seen anyone criticize your face but when you post on the internet you have to realize there will be a certain % of people with no taste. I think you are beautiful and sexy

It's not other people, it's myself. I've always hated it, ever since I was old enough to realise everyone around me was prettier, and sexier, and cuter than me. Most people tell me it's not ugly, but I only believe the ones that agree with me, and think everyone else is lying. :P

My body is gross now too now I've put on weight, but I love teasing/posting pictures online(done it for over 10 years now!) but I can't exactly not show body as well as face and just show my hands or something haha. Although certain positions hide the flab, so yay. Need a kick up the arse to lose weight but I'm so lazy and bacon is too yummy. And I know you can make bacon healthier but the fatty bits are the best part haha.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by AngelicTease

Good! :P

Lvl 12
Great new pics, thanks for sharing your beautiful body with us yet again. You are too sexy not to show yourself off Tease.
Lvl 6
Huge thanks to Corkboy32 and RebelX For being the only two people to reply to the pictures that I've now deleted due to lack of interest :P
spaboy, bnlcoppa, crazy4porn, Goldseeker find this awesome.
Lvl 15
Damn, gotta love your curvy body
Lvl 12
Oh Tease thanks for the pics, wonderful. They'll go along nicely with the fan pics you did for me ages ago. Don't know is it lack of interest in your pics or is it the fact that the site doesn't seem to be as active anymore. Either way you are beautiful to me and I will always check in and see if you have ever added new pics.
Lvl 15
Love your pics, so jealous that its not my name written across your amazing body!!
Lvl 6
Originally posted by jjmclure
Love your pics, so jealous that its not my name written across your amazing body!!

You're on my to do list
Lvl 15
Originally posted by AngelicTease
You're on my to do list

I cant wait!!
Lvl 28
Great seeing some new pictures of you, lovely
Lvl 4
You must be a scosche crazy.. you look much sexier in the later/curvy pics.
Lvl 16
U R so sexy.
Great poses!
Lick, clap and fuck :-)
Lvl 6
Wow have I really not posted pictures for over a year, or is the dates backwards on here and the last time I posted pictures was 3rd September and not 9th March? :P
Anyway, I've just found a program that easily makes pictures from videos... before I used to pause my video and take a screenshot and it used to take me forever! So now I can post pictures here again, woo. Don't ask why I didn't know programs like that existed before, I'm obviously a idiot.
I rarely ever do picture sets anymore, so never had anything to post here... unless I spent ages getting screenshots from videos, haha.
Just need to remember my login to the picture uploady site thingymibob, hmm.
Lvl 6
A bird didn't shit on my tits, that's lotion. :P
Lvl 6
Red Lingerie
Lvl 6
Hairy Fairy.(This is a few years old... I know that coz I had that white sofa when I was married and I've been divorced for a couple of years now!)
Lvl 6
Haha these pictures are uploading backwards for some unknown reason, so look at them from the bottom up? :P
Purple Top. Another boobie one, yay for tits. :P
5467gvvgh finds this awesome.
Lvl 6
Pink Panties... or Knickers, but Pink Panties sounds better coz of the two Ps? :P Is there even many Kn words? Knowledgeable Knickers! Knickers and Knockers? Anywayyy, moving on haha, enough rambling. Pictures.
5467gvvgh finds this awesome.
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