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Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 17 years ago Views: 49.2K
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[removed due to request by the girl]
* This post has been modified : 2 years ago
nice, i came to . through the mirror it looks like she has a great ass. post more of her
Lvl 14
This would be a good clip if the angle was better and there was more in the shot. There's potentioal here, ty for the share.
Lvl 4
decent post.
Lvl 8
o damn nice
It is amazing how often this happens now. 18 year old girls are pissed at thier BF and come over
to be fucked recorded and pictures taken while they fuck thier fuck buddy. I find this
story completely plausable and believe it 100%
Lvl 12
it happens

same as i have once fucked someone 15 minutes after talking to them for the first time we did know each other to look at but that was about it

then the next time we talked it was 20 minutes later strange things do happen in this world
Lvl 4
Pretty hot video, we command you to post more!
Lvl 11
I hope we get to see more. Tell her to stop by and say "Hi"
Lvl 12
ooh...much better views of her this time....looking very sexy! loved the bj and the ride! she has a great body
Tell her that her boyfriend is an asshole. if he really loved her he would record them having
sex and then post the videos here.
Lvl 24
Hot. We need the ending
nice vids , hot girl . I would like to see more of her . Thx for the share
Lvl 4
thanks MUCH for the share! give us more! ;-)
Lvl 7
Thanks - That seemed like fun - Kitty
Lvl 6
Very sexy! Looking forward to more of that sexy sex.
Lvl 12
oh man...this is some seriously hot action....thanks for the time just set the cam staionary so you can be "hands free"
she is made for fucking niiicee
Lvl 7
woww. hot stuff.. thanks for posting guys. she has an amazing body and nice lips... love to see more of her.
Lvl 8
You're a lucky guy, and by sharing, so are we!
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